Shipium Address Validation Error Codes

A listing of error codes and descriptions for the address validation service


When a call to the Shipium Address Validation API returns an error with the validation, the field errorCode is populated for each element in the details[] array as described in the response body details for that API response. The table below details the set of common return values and an overview of the meaning for each.

errorCode valueDefinition
MISSING_STREET1The street1 value was not provided or is null. This is a required element.
MISSING_REGIONThe region or state value was not provided or is null. This is a required element.
MISSING_CITYThe city value was not provided or is null. This is a required element.
MISSING_POSTALCODEThe postalCode value was not provided or is null. This is a required element.
MALFORMED_ADDRESSTYPEThe addressType must be either "commercial" or "residential" if it is passed.
MALFORMED_POSTALCODEThe postalCode value provided was in an incorrect format for the passed countryCode.
For US addresses, the postalCode value must be of the format: 12345 or 12345-7890.
MALFORMED_REGIONThe region or state value provided was in an incorrect format for the passed countryCode.
For US addresses, state or region must a valid ISO 3166-2 code.
MISMATCH_ADDRESSTYPEThe addressType that was specified did not match the addressType from our datasource(s). The expected addressType will be specified in the response text.
MISMATCH_POSTALCODE The postalCode value passed did not match the address, state or other information that was passed.
MISMATCH_REGIONThe region or state value passed did not match other information that was passed.
MISMATCH_REGION_AND_POSTALThe region or state value passed did not match the postalCode value that was passed.
MISMATCH_STREETLINESThe street1 and/or street2 (depending on what arguments you have passed) do not reesolve to a valid address given other passed information.