Return Labels

Provide shipment labels for your customers to return products.

About return labels

Many retail companies enable their customers to send back products due to issues with a product or as part of their business model. Most shipping carriers have a different return method that enables you, the shipper, to:

  • not get charged for shipping the package until the label is scanned (some carriers do charge a fee per requested return label, however);
  • print a label with a tentative weight or no weight at all; and
  • specify your fulfillment center as the destination and a customer location as the origin.

The Shipium system supports return label generation and offers three ways for you to retrieve a return shipment label:

  • Generate a return label at the same time as shipment label generation. This method involves including additional data fields when calling the Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API. Instructions are included in this document.
  • Generate a return label independent of shipment label generation. This method involves calling the Return Label API. Instructions are included in the Return Label API document.
  • Print ad-hoc return labels from the Shipium Console. This method satisfies the need to create ad-hoc return labels for customers. Guidance is included in the Print Labels document.

You also can retrieve previously created return labels via an API call.


Test mode

Want to run some examples and not charge any real money against your account?

You can add testMode: "true" to the data passed to any label call to retrieve labels without charging money in a carrier-specific manner. Most carriers will mark their labels in a way to make clear that they are void, such as inserting "VOID" throughout the label or using a predefined ID.

Examples below all contain the testMode flag to err on the side of caution – remove it to make production calls.

Generate a return label at the same time as shipment label generation

With this option, you can make a single call to Shipium's Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API and receive both an outbound shipping label and a return label rate shopped across three national carriers: FedEx, United Parcel Service (UPS), and United States Postal Service (USPS).


Authentication for API calls

In the cURL examples on this page, the environment variable AUTHSTRING is used to handle authorization. The recipe below shows how to set it correctly for both API key and OAuth users.

The Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API document provides an overview of special cases that can be handled when calling the API, such as hazardous material. Those same cases are supported for return labels as well.

The following table provides required and optional field descriptions for calling to retrieve a return label and shipment label simultaneously. You can find additional support in Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API Reference.

Request fieldRequired/OptionalField propertiesDescription
inlineReturnsLabel .partnerShipmentIdOptionalString
Ex.: myCustomPartnerShipmentId123
An optional unique identifier that your organization may use for this shipment
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress .countryCodeRequiredString
Ex.: US
The ISO 3166-1 country code for the address of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress .postalCodeRequiredString
Ex.: 87121
A country-code-appropriate postal code for the address of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress .addressTypeRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- commercial
- residential
The type of location for this return-to address (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress.cityOptionalStringThe name of the city for the address of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress .companyOptionalStringThe company name for the address of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress .emailAddressOptionalStringThe email address for the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress.nameOptionalStringThe name associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress .phoneNumberOptionalStringThe phone number for the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress.stateOptionalStringThe 2-letter abbreviation of the state for the address of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress .street1OptionalStringThe first address line of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToAddress .street2OptionalStringThe second address line of the location where the package is being returned (for the return label)
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToContactInfo .contactNameOptionalStringThe name of the contact for the return-to address
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToContactInfo .phoneNumberOptionalStringThe phone number of the contact for the return-to address
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToContactInfo .phoneNumberCountryCodeOptionalStringThe phone number country code of the contact for the return-to address
inlineReturnsLabel .returnToContactInfo .emailOptionalStringThe email address of the contact for the return-to address
inlineReturnsLabel .fulfillmentContextOptional, but required for multiple returns in the shipmentStringWhen present, this is used to limit carrier selection to carrier accounts that contain a matching fulfillment context for the returns. It must be a Returns type fulfillment context, and if it is included, the returnToAddress information is optional. You can find guidance on setting up a returns fulfillment context in Fulfillment Contexts.
currencyCodeRequiredStringCurrency in which all the rates for shipping carrier selection costs will be calculated
true or false
When true, a request to the selected carrier will be sent to generate a label for the shipment based on the information provided in the labelParameters field of this object. When false, this step is skipped and the system will record what carrier service method would have generated a label for. The default value is true.
labelParameters .currencyCodeOptionalStringCurrency in which all the rates for shipping carrier selection costs will be calculated
labelParameters .customLabelEntriesOptionalStringList of formats to generate the package label in
labelParameters .includeLabelImagesIn ResponseOptionalBoolean
true or false
If true, the response will include the raw image data of the labels that were requested to be generated by the carrier.
labelParameters .labelFormatsOptionalString enumeration
Supported formats are:

- pdf
- png
- zpl
List of formats to generate the package label in
labelParameters .manifestOptionalBoolean
true or false
If true, a manifest for the label is generated.
labelParameters .contentDescriptionRequired, for returnsStringA brief description of the contents being returned that is passed to the carrier; must be 1-35 characters
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .countryCodeRequiredString The ISO 3166-1 country code for the destination address
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .postalCodeRequiredStringA country-code-appropriate postal code for the destination address
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .addressTypeRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- commercial
- residential
The type of location for the destination address
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .cityOptionalStringThe name of the city for the destination address
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .companyOptionalStringThe company name for the destination address
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .emailAddressOptionalStringThe email address of the contact for the destination address
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .nameOptionalStringThe name of the contact for the destination address
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .phoneNumberOptionalStringThe phone number of the contact for the destination address
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .stateOptionalStringThe 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state for the destination address
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .street1OptionalStringThe first destination address line
shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .street2OptionalStringThe second destination address line
shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .productDetailsOptional, but required for international shipments and shipments containing hazardous materialsString

- limited_quantity (or lq)
- ormd (or orm-d)
- perishable
- bound_printed_matter (or bpm)
A list of properties that may affect the shipping of the product
shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .productIdOptional, but required for international shipments and shipments containing hazardous materialsStringA product ID for the product being checked (ISBN, UPC, etc.)
shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .quantityOptional, but required for international shipments and shipments containing hazardous materialsInteger ($int32)The number of units of the product
shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .deliveryEstimateIdOptionalStringThe Delivery Estimate ID associated with the product
shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatOptionalBoolean
true or false
If true, this indicates that the item is hazardous material (hazmat). The default value is false.
shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .shipiumOrderIdOptionalStringIdentification use to represent the group of delivery estimates purchased
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .countryCodeRequiredStringThe ISO 3166-1 country code for the origin address
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .postalCodeRequiredStringA country-code-appropriate postal code for the origin address
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .addressTypeOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- commercial
- residential
The type of location for the origin address
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .cityOptionalStringThe name of the city for the origin address
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .companyOptionalStringThe company name for the origin address
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .emailAddressOptionalStringThe email address of the contact for the origin address
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .nameOptionalStringThe name of the contact for the origin address
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .phoneNumberOptionalStringThe phone number of the contact for the origin address
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .stateOptionalStringThe 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state for the origin address
shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .street1OptionalStringThe first origin address line
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress.nameOptionalStringThe name associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .phoneNumberOptionalStringThe phone number of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .phoneNumber CountryCodeOptionalStringThe phone number country code of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .emailAddressOptionalStringThe email address of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .companyOptionalStringThe company of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .street1OptionalStringThe first address line of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .street2OptionalStringThe second address line of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .cityOptionalStringThe city of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .stateOptionalStringThe 2-letter abbreviation of the location's state where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .countryCodeOptional, but required if including a returnToAddress in shipmentParametersStringThe ISO 3166-1 country code for the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .postalCodeOptional, but required if including a returnToAddress in shipmentParametersStringA country code appropriate postal code for the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .returnToAddress .addressTypeOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- commercial
- residential
The type of location for the return-to address; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account.
shipmentParameters .deliveredDateTimeOptionalString ($date-time)The timestamp for when the package was delivered to the customer; the timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp.
shipmentParameters .desiredDeliveryDateOptionalStringThe string representation of either an ISO-8601 date or a LocalDate: yyyy-mm-dd. The date or datetime the package is intended to arrive to the customer. This is used to determine the most appropriate service method when generating a label.
shipmentParameters .fulfillmentContextOptional, but required if your organization has more than one returns type fulfillment contextStringThis is used to limit carrier selection to carrier accounts that contain a matching fulfillment context.
shipmentParameters .orderedDateTimeOptionalString ($date-time)The timestamp for when the customer placed the order for this product; the timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp.
shipmentParameters .testModeOptionalBoolean
true or false
If true, a test mode shipment will be created. Carrier selection will consider carriers and service methods in test mode, and label generation will generate a test label.
shipmentParameters .packagingType .linearDimensions .heightOptional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not includedNumber ($float)The least long linear dimension (i.e., the shortest side of a box or envelope). Note on envelopes: This height should represent the highest product you would reasonably put in this envelope before losing more than 10% of the length of the envelope in other dimensions.
shipmentParameters .packagingType .linearDimensions .lengthOptional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not includedNumber ($float)The longest linear dimension (i.e., the longest side of a box or envelope).
shipmentParameters .packagingType .linearDimensions .linearUnitOptional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not includedString enumeration
Values are:

- cm (centimeter)
- in (inch)
The unit in which linear dimensions are provided
shipmentParameters .packagingType .linearDimensions .widthOptional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not includedNumber ($float)The second longest linear dimension (i.e., the second longest side of a box or envelope)
shipmentParameters .packagingType .packagingMaterialOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- box
- envelope
- flat_pack
The type of packaging used to create the package for the shipment
shipmentParameters .packagingType .packagingSizeNameOptionalString
Ex.: 13x12x10 box
A custom name for the packaging
shipmentParameters .packagingType .packagingWeight .weightOptionalNumber ($float)The value of the weight
shipmentParameters .packagingType .packagingWeight .weightUnitOptionalString
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- lb (pound)
- oz (ounce)
The unit in which weight values are provided
shipmentParameters .referenceIdentifierOptionalStringString passed to carriers as a reference
shipmentParameters .saturdayDeliveryOptionalBoolean
true or false
If true, this indicates that the shipment is marked for Saturday delivery. It does not guarantee delivery on Saturday.
shipmentParameters .shipOptionOptionalString
Ex.: standard
A high-level shipping option shown to or selected by a customer
shipmentParameters .shipmentTagsOptionalStringA collection of free-form tags that may be added to the shipment
shipmentParameters .shippedDateTimeOptionalString ($date-time)The timestamp for when a partner will ship the product from their warehouse; the timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp.
shipmentParameters .totalWeight.weightOptionalNumber ($float)The value of the weight
shipmentParameters .totalWeight .weightUnitOptionalString
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- lb (pound)
- oz (ounce)
The unit in which weight values are provided

Example cURL request

curl --request POST   
  --header 'accept: application/json' 
  --header $AUTHSTRING  
  --header 'content-type: application/json'  

Example request body

When requesting a return label at the same time as the original shipment label generation, you'll add the inlineReturnsLabel object to your call, as shown in the following example. The returnToAddress and returnToContact fields for the inlineReturnsLabel are optional when providing fulfillment context values; you can provide values for these fields if you wish to override an address or contact information (for the return label) associated with an existing fulfillment context in the Shipium platform. A fulfillment context value can be provided in the call to associate the return to a Returns type fulfillment context that your organization has set up for returns. You can find more information about setting up a fulfillment context in Fulfillment Contexts.

In addition to the override for the return-to address and contact information for the return label, you can include an override for any configured values for the outbound label's return-to address. To provide this override, you would add the returnToAddress fields to shipmentParameters, as shown in the following example.

    "inlineReturnsLabel": {
        "partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
        "returnToAddress": {
            "countryCode": "US",
            "postalCode": "17901",
            "addressType": "commercial",
            "city": "Pottsville",
            "company": "Sell It",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "name": "Ro Drunner",
            "phoneNumber": "5555555555",
            "state": "PA",
            "street1": "401 Centre St."
        "returnToContactInfo": {
            "contactName": "Ro Drunner",
            "phoneNumber": "5555555555",
            "phoneNumberCountryCode": "1",
            "email": ""
        "fulfillmentContext": "b4a3e646-4a10-4c7b-b974-1f115c9890c5"
    "currencyCode": "usd",
    "generateLabel": true,
    "labelParameters": {
        "currencyCode": "usd",
        "customLabelEntries": {},
        "includeLabelImagesInResponse": true,
        "labelFormats": [
        "manifest": true,
        "contentDescription": "general merchandise"
    "shipmentParameters": {
        "destinationAddress": {
            "countryCode": "US",
            "postalCode": "87121",
            "addressType": "commercial",
            "city": "Albuquerque",
            "company": "Buy It",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
            "phoneNumber": "888-555-1234",
            "state": "NM",
            "street1": "123 Main St.",
            "street2": "Suite 42"
        "orderItemQuantities": [
                "productDetails": [
                "productId": "RN03947--Z43121",
                "quantity": 3,
                "deliveryEstimateId": "feea39ed-20c6-4b3b-98dd-34bf1d89a933",
                "hazmat": false,
                "shipiumOrderId": "b0f7037a-2f37-4df8-b350-8ee1fb6eadec"
        "shipFromAddress": {
            "countryCode": "US",
            "postalCode": "17901",
            "addressType": "commercial",
            "city": "Pottsville",
            "company": "Sell It",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "name": "Ro Drunner",
            "phoneNumber": "6612475319",
            "state": "PA",
            "street1": "401 N. Centre St."
        "returnToAddress": {
            "name": "Rod Runner",
            "phoneNumber": "865-433-9999",
            "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+2",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "company": "ACME",
            "street1": "456 Main St.",
            "street2": "Suite 8",
            "city": "Albuquerque",
            "state": "NM",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "postalCode": "87121",
            "addressType": "commercial"
        "deliveredDateTime": "2019-10-31T10:50:11.123456Z",
        "desiredDeliveryDate": "2019-10-31T20:00:00Z",
        "fulfillmentContext": "47e5608b-b606-426c-b3e2-b13acb1af22d",
        "orderedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
        "testMode": true,
        "packagingType": {
            "linearDimensions": {
                "height": 5,
                "length": 5,
                "linearUnit": "in",
                "width": 5
            "packagingMaterial": "box",
            "packagingSizeName": "5x5x5 box",
            "packagingWeight": {
                "weight": 2,
                "weightUnit": "lb"
        "referenceIdentifier": "PSFC-2478",
        "saturdayDelivery": false,
        "shipOption": "standard",
        "shipmentTags": [
        "shippedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
        "totalWeight": {
            "weight": 10,
            "weightUnit": "lb"

Example response body

    "shipiumShipmentId": "ba1919a1-1c9a-4f53-93a7-8af49213be7c",
    "orderedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
    "shippedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
    "returnsLabel": {
        "shipiumShipmentId": "490b4ee3-147e-455b-aca7-a70456a58104",
        "carrierSelectionId": "c7ca006a-7c45-42df-a863-ffdca2225a93",
        "shipiumLabelId": "fdb3fa70-ddc7-4c27-abf0-29b8bb1e55eb",
        "documents": [
                "labelExpiration": "2024-05-02T17:23:29.903Z",
                "labelFormat": "zpl",
                "labelProperties": {
                    "height": 6.0,
                    "width": 4.0,
                    "linearUnits": "in",
                    "dpi": 203,
                    "labelOrientation": "rotate_0"
                "labelImage": {
                    "imageEncoding": "base64",
                "labelUrl": ""
        "internationalDocuments": []
    "ignoreUpgradeSpendLimits": false,
    "deliveredDateTime": "2019-10-31T10:50:11.123456Z",
    "fulfillmentType": "customer",
    "packages": [
            "orderItemQuantities": [
                    "productId": "RN03947--Z43121",
                    "quantity": 3,
                    "productDetails": [],
                    "shipiumOrderId": "b0f7037a-2f37-4df8-b350-8ee1fb6eadec",
                    "hazmat": false
            "packagingType": {
                "packagingMaterial": "box",
                "packagingSizeName": "5x5x5 box",
                "linearDimensions": {
                    "linearUnit": "in",
                    "length": 5,
                    "width": 5,
                    "height": 5
                "packagingWeight": {
                    "weightUnit": "lb",
                    "weight": 2.0
            "totalWeight": {
                "weightUnit": "lb",
                "weight": 10.0
            "deliveredDateTime": "2019-10-31T10:50:11.123456Z",
    "orderItemQuantities": [
            "productId": "RN03947--Z43121",
            "quantity": 3,
            "productDetails": [],
            "shipiumOrderId": "b0f7037a-2f37-4df8-b350-8ee1fb6eadec",
            "hazmat": false
    "destinationAddress": {
        "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
        "phoneNumber": "888-555-1234",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "company": "Buy It",
        "street1": "123 Main St.",
        "street2": "Suite 42",
        "city": "Albuquerque",
        "state": "NM",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "postalCode": "87121",
        "addressType": "commercial"
    "shipOption": "standard",
    "shipFromAddress": {
        "name": "Ro Drunner",
        "phoneNumber": "5555555555",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "company": "Sell It",
        "street1": "401 Centre St.",
        "city": "Pottsville",
        "state": "PA",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "postalCode": "17901",
        "addressType": "commercial"
    "returnToAddress": {
        "name": "Rod Runner",
        "phoneNumber": "865-433-9999",
        "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+2",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "company": "ACME",
        "street1": "456 Main St.",
        "street2": "Suite 8",
        "city": "Albuquerque",
        "state": "NM",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "postalCode": "87121",
        "addressType": "commercial"
    "fulfillmentContextId": "b4a3e646-4a10-4c7b-b974-1f115c9890c5",
    "requestFulfillmentContextIds": [
    "originId": "e8b5552c-7119-4f72-a611-e1fb42645a86",
    "packagingType": {
        "packagingMaterial": "box",
        "packagingSizeName": "5x5x5 box",
        "linearDimensions": {
            "linearUnit": "in",
            "length": 5,
            "width": 5,
            "height": 5
        "packagingWeight": {
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "weight": 2.0
    "totalWeight": {
        "weightUnit": "lb",
        "weight": 10.0
    "shipmentTags": ["PSFC", "Returns"],
    "carrierSelection": {
        "status": "success",
        "statusDetails": "success",
        "carrierSelectionId": "843ad336-3ca3-4b76-9bfa-06d99d9dd519",
        "shipiumShipmentId": "ba1919a1-1c9a-4f53-93a7-8af49213be7c",
        "partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
        "partnerId": "76abb3d4-8990-4f80-aa13-4c2007cb852a",
        "carrierAccountId": "625db658-e091-4e1b-888a-321270c8e6af",
        "serviceMethodIdentifier": "15daa625-aab7-4829-b224-3273bc89706d:ZmVkZXgtaG9tZS1kZWxpdmVyeS1zZXJ2aWNlLW1ldGhvZDo6N2JiYjY5NzMtYWVkYi00YTcwLWFjMDctMjIwY2JiMzdjYjIwOjYyNWRiNjU4LWUwOTEtNGUxYi04ODhhLTMyMTI3MGM4ZTZhZjphOGVjYTRlYS1kMDcwLTRkZWMtOGZiMC0xNGNjMTQxMzJmNWQ6ZmVkZXg6ZThiNTU1MmMtNzExOS00ZjcyLWE2MTEtZTFmYjQyNjQ1YTg2Ojo",
        "carrier": "fedex",
        "carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-home-delivery-service-method",
        "serviceMethodName": "FedEx Home Delivery",
        "totalCost": 4.2,
        "carrierCompareCost": 4.2,
        "carrierInvoiceCost": 4.2,
        "operationalCost": 4.2,
        "thirdPartyBilling": false,
        "carrierSelectionDateTime": "2019-10-30T17:23:28.722Z",
        "carrierZoneId": "fedex-zone-5"
    "carrierLabel": {
        "shipiumShipmentId": "ba1919a1-1c9a-4f53-93a7-8af49213be7c",
        "carrierSelectionId": "843ad336-3ca3-4b76-9bfa-06d99d9dd519",
        "shipiumLabelId": "c20e715e-4b42-4e9a-8621-33a97ed89516",
        "status": "success",
        "statusDetails": "success",
        "effectiveShipDateTime": "2019-10-31T17:23:28.68Z",
        "labelCreationDateTime": "2019-10-30T17:23:31.207Z",
        "serviceMethodIdentifier": "15daa625-aab7-4829-b224-3273bc89706d:ZmVkZXgtaG9tZS1kZWxpdmVyeS1zZXJ2aWNlLW1ldGhvZDo6N2JiYjY5NzMtYWVkYi00YTcwLWFjMDctMjIwY2JiMzdjYjIwOjYyNWRiNjU4LWUwOTEtNGUxYi04ODhhLTMyMTI3MGM4ZTZhZjphOGVjYTRlYS1kMDcwLTRkZWMtOGZiMC0xNGNjMTQxMzJmNWQ6ZmVkZXg6ZThiNTU1MmMtNzExOS00ZjcyLWE2MTEtZTFmYjQyNjQ1YTg2Ojo",
        "carrier": "fedex",
        "carrierServiceName": "FedEx Corporation Account - 2",
        "serviceMethodName": "FedEx Home Delivery",
        "carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-home-delivery-service-method",
        "carrierShipmentId": "794624551550",
        "carrierTrackingId": "794624551550",
        "shipiumTrackingId": "52483a58-0788-4cf5-a2b4-b06610097158",
        "carrierTrackingLink": "",
        "carrierLabelCurrencyCode": "usd",
        "carrierLabelPrice": 26.7,
        "billableWeight": {
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "weight": 14.0
        "documents": [
                "labelExpiration": "2019-11-02T17:23:31.197106615Z",
                "labelFormat": "zpl",
                "labelProperties": {
                    "height": 6.0,
                    "width": 4.0,
                    "linearUnits": "in",
                    "dpi": 203,
                    "labelOrientation": "rotate_180"
                "labelImage": {
                    "imageEncoding": "base64",
                "labelUrl": ""
        "labelCreateParams": {
                "currencyCode": "usd",
                "labelFormats": [
                "manifest": true,
                "includeLabelImagesInResponse": true,
                "customLabelEntries": {},
                "testMode": true,
                "contentDescription": "general merchandise"
                "labelCostLineItems": [
                    "name": "Residential delivery surcharge",
                    "currencyCode": "usd",
                    "cost": 5.55
                    "name": "FedEx Ground Fuel",
                    "currencyCode": "usd",
                    "cost": 1.4
                    "name": "Base Charge",
                    "currencyCode": "usd",
                    "cost": 19.75
            "carrierLabelAugmentations": [],
            "manifestDetails": {
                "success": true,
                "interactionType": "manifest",
                "retryable": false
            "originalLabelImageFromTheCarrier": {
                "imageEncoding": "base64",
    "saturdayDelivery": false,
    "deliverySignatureOption": "None",
    "forceThirdPartyBilling": false,
    "referenceIdentifier": "PSFC-2478",
    "createdWithVersion": "v2",
    "details": {
        "fulfillmentContextDetailsSearch": {
            "country": "US",
            "fulfillmentType": "customer",
            "postalCode": "17901",
            "partnerId": "76abb3d4-8990-4f80-aa13-4c2007cb852a",
            "includeSimulation": false,
            "fulfillmentContextIds": [
            "generateLabel": true,
            "includeEvaluatedServiceMethodsInResponse": false,
            "labelParameters": {
                "currencyCode": "usd",
                "labelFormats": [
                "manifest": true,
                "includeLabelImagesInResponse": true,
                "customLabelEntries": {},
                "testMode": true,
                "contentDescription": "general merchandise"
            "carrierServiceMethodAllowList": [],
            "includeInjectionProfiles": false,
            "injectionParameters": [],
            "simulation": false,
            "inlineReturnsLabel": {
                "partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
                "returnToAddress": {
                    "countryCode": "US",
                    "postalCode": "17901",
                    "addressType": "commercial",
                    "city": "Pottsville",
                    "company": "Sell It",
                    "emailAddress": "",
                    "name": "Ro Drunner",
                    "phoneNumber": "5555555555",
                    "state": "PA",
                    "street1": "401 Centre St."
                "returnToContactInfo": {
                    "contactName": "Ro Drunner",
                    "phoneNumber": "5555555555",
                    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "1",
                    "email": ""
                "fulfillmentContextId": "b4a3e646-4a10-4c7b-b974-1f115c9890c5"
            "returnsContentDescription": "general merchandise"

Generate a return label independent of shipment label generation

The Return Label API documentation includes required and optional fields for generating a return label independently. The sample call request and response are included below.

Example cURL request

The request looks very similar to a carrier shipment label request. You pass information about the origin address and destination address, as shown in the cURL request below:

curl --request POST \
     --url <<api_url>>/api/v1/deliveryexperience/customerreturn/label
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header $AUTHSTRING \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \

Example request body

The following example includes partnerReturnRequestId, customLabelEntries, and orderItemQuantities. All these are optional and can be omitted. You can find more details about custom label entries in Label Customization. The Return Label API documentation and the Return Label API Reference provide details about information to include in the API request.

    "currencyCode": "usd",
    "generateLabel": true,
    "labelParameters": {
        "testMode": true,
        "currencyCode": "usd",
        "labelFormats": [
        "manifest": true,
        "includeLabelImagesInResponse": true,
        "contentDescription": "General Merchandise",
        "customLabelEntries": {
            "order-number": "CUSTOM_ORDER_NUMBER"
    "destinationAddress": {
        "addressType": "commercial",
        "company": "Shipium Warehouse",
        "name": "Attn: RETURNS",
        "street1": "1234 Warehouse Way",
        "street2": "Suite 101",
        "city": "Reno",
        "state": "NV",
        "postalCode": "89521",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "originAddress": {
        "addressType": "residential",
        "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
        "company": "ACME",
        "street1": "123 Warehouse St.",
        "street2": "Suite 42",
        "city": "Albuquerque",
        "state": "NM",
        "postalCode": "87121",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "packagingType": {
        "packagingMaterial": "box",
        "packagingSizeName": "5x5x5 box",
        "linearDimensions": {
            "linearUnit": "in",
            "length": 5,
            "width": 5,
            "height": 5
        "packagingWeight": {
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "weight": 2
    "totalWeight": {
      "weight": 50,
      "weightUnit": "lb"
    "orderItemQuantities": [
            "productId": "MM-01-001",
            "quantity": 1
            "productId": "GR-08-001",
            "quantity": 1,
            "productDetails": [
    "customerReturnParams": {
        "partnerReturnRequestId": "customReturnRequestId",
        "fulfillmentContext": "8ad8e1a8-0656-4d18-afe8-d24fe3fc5f94",
        "returnRequestDateTime": "2021-01-11T00:00:00+00:00",
        "contentDescription": "General Merchandise"

Example response body

The return label response is almost identical to the response returned by carrier shipment label, though with some differences as carrier costing does not occur for return labels.

    "carrier": "ups",
    "carrierServiceName": "UPS Returns Service",
    "carrierShipmentId": "1Z204E380338943508",
    "carrierTrackingId": "1Z204E380338943508",
    "documents": [
            "labelExpiration": "2020-11-19T21:11:42.628Z",
            "labelFormat": "ZPL",
            "labelImage": {
                "imageEncoding": "base64",
                "imageContents": "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"
            "labelProperties": {
              "dpi": 203,
              "height": 6,
              "labelOrientation": "rotate_0",
              "linearUnits": "in",
              "width": 4
            "labelUrl": ""
    "params": {
        "partnerReturnRequestId": "customReturnRequestId",
        "fulfillmentContext": "8ad8e1a8-0656-4d18-afe8-d24fe3fc5f94",
        "returnRequestDateTime": "2021-01-11T00:00:00+00:00",
        "contentDescription": "General Merchandise"
   "packagingType": {
        "packagingMaterial": "box",
        "packagingSizeName": "5x5x5 box",
        "linearDimensions": {
            "linearUnit": "in",
            "length": 5,
            "width": 5,
            "height": 5
        "packagingWeight": {
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "weight": 2.0
     "totalWeight": {
        "weight": 50,
        "weightUnit": "lb"
    "serviceMethodName": "UPS Returns Service",
    "shipiumCustomerReturnLabelId": "4c6af31c-6f1d-4b20-a16f-a9110135e442",
    "status": "success",
    "statusDetails": "success"

Retrieve previously created labels

You can retrieve previously created labels by calling the same API endpoint you used to generate the label, using the GET request type and passing the returnLabelId you previously received in your response body.

Here's the cURL example call for retrieving a return label. You'll replace the returnLabelId value with the one you received during label generation.

curl --request GET \
     --url  <<api_url>/api/v1/deliveryexperience/customerreturn/label/{returnLabelId}
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header $AUTHSTRING \
     --header 'content-type: application/json'


More information on the API responses

As with all Shipium API responses, this API follows the API Response Codes standards unless otherwise specified.


Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful: