Multi-Parcel Shipments
Select the best carrier service method for your multi-parcel shipment, with or without generating a label, and link the packages together with one tracking number.
About multi-parcel shipments
Grouping packages together into one shipment with one tracking number for the same delivery destination might be of benefit to your organization. You might be shipping multiple items for which you wish to have separate packages to the same recipient, or you might have a large order of multiple items filling more than one package to ship to the same recipient. For either case, one tracking number can allow you to track all packages in the shipment.
This document instructs you on how to call Shipium's Carrier and Method Selection with Label Single Call API to rate shop the best carrier service method for a multi-parcel shipment for these carriers. The Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API document provides an overview of special cases that can be handled when calling the API. Those same cases are supported for multi-parcel shipments as well.
Test Mode
Want to run some examples and not charge any real money against your account?
You can add "testMode": "true" to the data passed to any label call to retrieve labels without charging money in a carrier-specific manner. Most carriers will mark their labels in a way to make clear that they are void, such as inserting "VOID" throughout the label or using a predefined ID.
The examples below all contain the
flag to err on the side of caution – remove this to make production calls.
Select a carrier service method (with or without generating a label) for a multi-parcel shipment
To determine the least expensive carrier and ship method for a multi-parcel shipment, and generate a shipment label, you'll use the example request body below. To run carrier selection without retrieving a label, however, you will need to change the generateLabel
value from "true" to "false".
The example request body follows that of the typical Carrier and Method Selection with Label Single Call, with the addition of the multiParcelShipmentParameters
The following table provides required and optional field descriptions for calling to rate shop and retrieve a label for a multi-parcel shipment. Some optional fields are represented in the international example. You can find additional support in the Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API Reference.
Request field | Required/Optional | Field properties | Description |
currencyCode | Optional | String | Currency in which all the rates for shipping carrier selection costs will be calculated |
generateLabel | Optional | Booleantrue or false | When true , a request to the selected carrier will be sent to generate a label for the shipment based on the information provided in the labelParameters field of this object. When false , this step is skipped and the system will record what carrier service method would have generated a label for. |
labelParameters.currencyCode | Optional | String | Currency in which all the rates for shipping carrier selection costs will be calculated |
labelParameters .includeLabelImages InResponse | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , the response will include the raw image data of the labels that were requested to be generated by the carrier. |
labelParameters.labelFormats | Optional | String Supported formats are: - pdf - png - zpl | List of formats to generate the package label in |
labelParameters.manifest | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , a manifest for the label is generated. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .fulfillmentContext | Optional | String | The name of the fulfillment context; this is used to limit carrier selection to carrier accounts that contain a matching fulfillment context. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .shippedDateTime | Optional | String ($date-time) | The timestamp for when a partner shipped the product from their warehouse; the timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .orderedDateTime | Optional | String ($date-time) | The timestamp for when the customer placed the order for this product; the timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .desiredDeliveryDate | Optional | String Ex.: 2019-10-31T20:00:00Z | The string representation of either an ISO-8601 date or a LocalDate: yyyy-mm-dd. The date or date-time the package is intended to arrive to the customer. This is used to determine the most appropriate service method when generating a label. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .testMode | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , a test mode shipment will be created. Carrier selection will consider carriers and service methods in test mode, and label generation will generate a test label. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .destinationAddress .addressType | Required | String enumeration Values are: - commercial - residential | The type of location for the destination address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .destinationAddress.street1 | Optional | String | The first address line |
multiParcelShipmentParameters | Optional | String | The name of the city for the destination address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .destinationAddress.state | Optional | String | The 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state for the destination address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .destinationAddress .postalCode | Required | String | A country-code-appropriate postal code for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .destinationAddress .countryCode | Required | String | The ISO 3166-1 country code for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters | Optional | String | The name of the contact for the destination address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .destinationAddress .phoneNumber | Optional | String | The phone number of the contact for the destination address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .addressType | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - commercial - residential | The type of location for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters | Optional | String | The name of the city for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .phoneNumber | Optional | String | The phone number of the contact for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .shipFromAddress.state | Optional | String | The 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .shipFromAddress.postalCode | Required | String | A country-code-appropriate postal code for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters | Optional | String | The company name for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters | Optional | String | The name of the contact for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .shipFromAddress.street1 | Optional | String | The first address line |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .shipFromAddress.street2 | Optional | String | The second address line |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .countryCode | Required | String | The ISO 3166-1 country code for the address |
multiParcelshipmentParameters | Optional | String | The name associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters .returnToAddress .phoneNumber | Optional | String | The phone number of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters .returnToAddress .phoneNumberCountryCode | Optional | String | The phone number country code of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters .returnToAddress .emailAddress | Optional | String | The email address of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters | Optional | String | The company of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters .returnToAddress.street1 | Optional | String | The first address line of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters .returnToAddress.street2 | Optional | String | The second address line of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters | Optional | String | The city of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters .returnToAddress.state | Optional | String | The 2-letter abbreviation of the location's state where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters .returnToAddress .countryCode | Optional, but required if including a returnToAddress | String | The ISO 3166-1 country code for the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters .returnToAddress.postalCode | Optional, but required if including a returnToAddress | String | A country code appropriate postal code for the address of the location where the package is being returned; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelshipmentParameters .returnToAddress .addressType | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - commercial - residential | The type of location for the return-to address; this return-to address will override a return-to address configured for an origin or carrier account. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.orderItemQuantities .shipiumOrderId | Optional | String | Identification use to represent the group of delivery estimates purchased |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.orderItemQuantities .productId | Required | String | A product ID for the product being checked (ISBN, UPC, etc.) |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.orderItemQuantities .quantity | Required | Integer ($int32) | The number of units of the product |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.orderItemQuantities .productDetails | Optional, but required for international shipments and shipments containing hazardous materials | String Ex.: - limited_quantity (or lq )- ormd (or orm-d )- perishable - bound_printed_matter (or bpm ) | A list of properties that may affect the shipping of the product |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.orderItemQuantities .hazmat | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , this indicates that the item is hazardous material (hazmat). The default value is false . |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.packagingType .linearDimensions.height | Optional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not included | Number ($float) | The least long linear dimension (i.e., the shortest side of a box or envelope). Note on envelopes: This height should represent the highest product you would reasonably put in this envelope before losing more than 10% of the length of the envelope in other dimensions. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.packagingType .linearDimensions.length | Optional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not included | Number ($float) | The longest linear dimension (i.e., the longest side of a box or envelope). |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.packagingType .linearDimensions .linearUnit | Optional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not included | String enumeration Values are: - cm (centimeter)- in (inch) | The unit in which linear dimensions are provided |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.packagingType .linearDimensions.width | Optional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not included | Number ($float) | The second longest linear dimension (i.e., the second longest side of a box or envelope) |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.packagingType .packagingMaterial | Optional | String enumeration Values include: - box - envelope - flat_pack - mailing_tube - parcel_pallet | The type of packaging used to create the package for the shipment |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.packagingType .packagingSizeName | Optional | String Ex.: 13x12x10 box | A custom name for the packaging |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.packagingType .packagingWeight.weight | Optional | Number ($float) | The value of the weight |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.packagingType .packagingWeight.weightUnit | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - g (gram)- kg (kilogram)- lb (pound)- oz (ounce) | The unit in which weight values are provided |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.totalWeight .weight | Optional | Number ($float) | The value of the weight |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages.totalWeight .weightUnit | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - g (gram)- kg (kilogram)- lb (pound)- oz (ounce) | The unit in which weight values are provided |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages .packageReferenceIdentifier | Optional | String | Used to correlate parcels to label documents from the carrier |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .packages .partnerProvidedPackageId | Optional | String | A unique identifier you wish to associate with this package |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .partnerReferenceIdentifier | Optional | String | String provided by your organization that is passed to carriers as a reference |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .partnerReference Identifier2 | Optional | String | String provided by your organization that is passed to carriers as a reference2 |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .taxIdentificationNumber | Optional | String Ex.: 12-3456789 | This optional value can be passed to override any tax ID number (also known as an employer identification number, or EIN) that is configured in your network settings (e.g., at the tenant level for a fulfillment context), on a per-shipment basis. This value also can be passed in shipmentParameters for a single-parcel shipment . You can find more information in Tax Identification Number . |
Minimal example for a multi-parcel shipment
Example cURL request
This example shows the cURL request.
curl --request POST \
--url <<api_url>>/api/v1/shipment/carrierselection/label \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header $AUTHSTRING \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
Example request body
This example shows the minimum fields required for the JSON request body.
"currencyCode": "usd",
"generateLabel": true,
"labelParameters": {
"currencyCode": "usd",
"includeLabelImagesInResponse": true,
"labelFormats": [
"manifest": true
"multiParcelShipmentParameters": {
"fulfillmentContext": "fulfillment-context",
"shippedDateTime": "2023-09-06T18:30:55.558Z",
"orderedDateTime": "2022-04-07T18:30:55.558Z",
"testMode": true,
"destinationAddress": {
"addressType": "residential",
"street1": "100 Main St.",
"city": "Elk City",
"state": "CO",
"postalCode": "80026",
"countryCode": "US",
"name": "John Doe",
"phoneNumber": "2062652733"
"shipFromAddress": {
"addressType": "commercial",
"city": "Pottsville",
"phoneNumber": "6612475319",
"state": "PA",
"postalCode": "17901",
"company": "Sell It",
"name": "PAFC",
"street1": "401 N. Centre St.",
"street2": "",
"countryCode": "US"
"returnToAddress": {
"name": "Rod Runner",
"phoneNumber": "865-433-9999",
"phoneNumberCountryCode": "+2",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"company": "ACME",
"street1": "456 Main St.",
"street2": "Suite 8",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"state": "NM",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "87121",
"addressType": "commercial"
"packages": [
"orderItemQuantities": [
"shipiumOrderId": 123,
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"packagingType": {
"linearDimensions": {
"height": 10,
"length": 13,
"linearUnit": "in",
"width": 12
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 box",
"packagingWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package1",
"partnerProvidedPackageId": "13_in_box"
"orderItemQuantities": [
"shipiumOrderId": 123,
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"packagingType": {
"linearDimensions": {
"height": 10,
"length": 13,
"linearUnit": "in",
"width": 12
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 box",
"packagingWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package2",
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
Example response body
The packages
array in the following example is automatically included in a response for a multi-parcel request.
"shipiumShipmentId": "2557feb7-63e7-4842-9303-46ef8da5e5b6",
"orderedDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:15:14Z",
"shippedDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:15:14Z",
"ignoreUpgradeSpendLimits": false,
"fulfillmentType": "customer",
"packages": [
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package1",
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"shipiumOrderId": "123",
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"packagingType": {
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 box",
"linearDimensions": {
"linearUnit": "in",
"length": 13,
"width": 12,
"height": 10
"packagingWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 50
"totalWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 50
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package2",
"partnerProvidedPackageId": "13_in_box",
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"shipiumOrderId": "123",
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"packagingType": {
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 box",
"linearDimensions": {
"linearUnit": "in",
"length": 13,
"width": 12,
"height": 11
"packagingWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 50
"totalWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 50
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"shipiumOrderId": "123",
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"shipiumOrderId": "123",
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "John Doe",
"phoneNumber": "2062652733",
"street1": "100 Main St.",
"city": "Elk City",
"state": "CO",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "80026",
"addressType": "residential"
"shipFromAddress": {
"name": "Ro Drunner",
"phoneNumber": "6612475319",
"phoneNumberCountryCode": "MX",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"company": "Sell It",
"street1": "401 N. Centre St.",
"city": "Pottsville",
"state": "PA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "17901"
"returnToAddress": {
"name": "Rod Runner",
"phoneNumber": "865-433-9999",
"phoneNumberCountryCode": "+2",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"company": "ACME",
"street1": "456 Main St.",
"street2": "Suite 8",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"state": "NM",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "87121",
"addressType": "commercial"
"fulfillmentContextId": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab",
"requestFulfillmentContextIds": [],
"originId": "5a1ea728-4ba2-4cc6-892c-1f122f350775",
"shipmentTags": [],
"carrierSelection": {
"status": "success",
"statusDetails": "success",
"carrierSelectionId": "46089d8a-0f31-441d-a8b5-97b56bd8ebdc",
"shipiumShipmentId": "2557feb7-63e7-4842-9303-46ef8da5e5b6",
"partnerId": "76abb3d4-8990-4f80-aa13-4c2007cb852a",
"carrierAccountId": "625db658-e091-4e1b-888a-321270c8e6af",
"serviceMethodIdentifier": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab:ZmVkZXgtaG9tZS1kZWxpdmVyeS1zZXJ2aWNlLW1ldGhvZDo6N2JiYjY5NzMtYWVkYi00YTcwLWFjMDctMjIwY2JiMzdjYjIwOjYyNWRiNjU4LWUwOTEtNGUxYi04ODhhLTMyMTI3MGM4ZTZhZjphOGVjYTRlYS1kMDcwLTRkZWMtOGZiMC0xNGNjMTQxMzJmNWQ6ZmVkZXg6NWExZWE3MjgtNGJhMi00Y2M2LTg5MmMtMWYxMjJmMzUwNzc1Ojo",
"carrier": "fedex",
"carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-home-delivery-service-method",
"serviceMethodName": "FedEx Home Delivery",
"totalCost": 25.12,
"carrierCompareCost": 25.12,
"carrierInvoiceCost": 25.12,
"operationalCost": 25.12,
"thirdPartyBilling": false,
"carrierSelectionDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:15:13.799Z",
"carrierZoneId": "fedex-zone-7"
"carrierLabel": {
"shipiumShipmentId": "2557feb7-63e7-4842-9303-46ef8da5e5b6",
"carrierSelectionId": "46089d8a-0f31-441d-a8b5-97b56bd8ebdc",
"shipiumLabelId": "cd5af1ab-ce6c-4811-9130-a4896b1e541c",
"status": "success",
"statusDetails": "success",
"effectiveShipDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:21:38.21Z",
"labelCreationDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:21:41.275Z",
"serviceMethodIdentifier": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab:ZmVkZXgtaG9tZS1kZWxpdmVyeS1zZXJ2aWNlLW1ldGhvZDo6N2JiYjY5NzMtYWVkYi00YTcwLWFjMDctMjIwY2JiMzdjYjIwOjYyNWRiNjU4LWUwOTEtNGUxYi04ODhhLTMyMTI3MGM4ZTZhZjphOGVjYTRlYS1kMDcwLTRkZWMtOGZiMC0xNGNjMTQxMzJmNWQ6ZmVkZXg6NWExZWE3MjgtNGJhMi00Y2M2LTg5MmMtMWYxMjJmMzUwNzc1Ojo",
"carrier": "fedex",
"carrierServiceName": "FedEx Corporation Account - 2",
"serviceMethodName": "FedEx Home Delivery",
"carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-home-delivery-service-method",
"carrierShipmentId": "794622958747",
"carrierTrackingId": "794622958747",
"shipiumTrackingId": "52483a58-0788-4cf5-a2b4-b06610097158",
"carrierTrackingLink": "",
"carrierLabelCurrencyCode": "usd",
"carrierLabelPrice": 25.12,
"billableWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 6
"documents": [
"labelExpiration": "2024-04-24T15:21:41.250860462Z",
"labelFormat": "zpl",
"labelProperties": {
"height": 4,
"width": 6,
"linearUnits": "in",
"dpi": 203,
"labelOrientation": "rotate_0"
"labelImage": {
"imageEncoding": "base64",
"labelUrl": "",
"carrierTrackingId": "794622958747",
"carrierTrackingLink": "",
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package1",
"carrierShipmentId": "794622958747"
"labelExpiration": "2024-04-24T15:21:41.250860462Z",
"labelFormat": "zpl",
"labelProperties": {
"height": 4,
"width": 6,
"linearUnits": "in",
"dpi": 203,
"labelOrientation": "rotate_0"
"labelImage": {
"imageEncoding": "base64",
"labelUrl": "",
"carrierTrackingId": "794622964205",
"carrierTrackingLink": "",
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package2",
"carrierShipmentId": "794622964205"
"internationalDocuments": [],
"labelFailoverOccurred": false,
"testMode": true,
"multiParcel": true
"saturdayDelivery": false,
"deliverySignatureOption": "None",
"forceThirdPartyBilling": false,
"fulfillmentContext": "fulfillment-context",
"createdWithVersion": "v2",
"multiParcel": true,
"testMode": true
International example for a multi-parcel shipment
For international shipments, you'll need to add a customsInfo
object within multiParcelShipmentParameters
, whose fields are defined in the following table. Other fields included in the sample call are defined in the table above. For additional support, you can refer to Customs Info for Shipments.
Request field | Required/Optional | Field properties | Description |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.totalCustomsValue | Required | Float | The customs value of the shipment in totalCustomsValueCurrency |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .totalCustomsValueCurrency | Required | String | The ISO-4217 currency code representing the totalCustomsValue |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsDescription | Required | String | The detailed description of the items being shipped |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.reasonForExport | Required | String Values include: - sale - gift - sample - returns - personal_effects | The reason to export an international shipment |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.invoiceDate | Required | LocalDate | Date when the invoice was created; ideally this is the same as the ship date. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.invoiceNumber | Optional | String | The Commercial Invoice number, if the Commercial Invoice was generated by your organization |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .ultimateConsigneeAddress | Optional | Address (see below) | The person or company who receives the goods for end use; if no value is sent, Shipium will use the destinationAddress Note: A phone number is required. |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo | Required | String | The name associated with the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .ultimateConsigneeAddress .phoneNumber | Required | String | The phone number of the contact for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .ultimateConsigneeAddress .emailAddress | Optional | String | The email address of the contact for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo | Optional | String | The company name for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .ultimateConsigneeAddress.street1 | Optional | String | The first address line |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .ultimateConsigneeAddress.street2 | Optional | String | The second address line |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo | Optional | String | The name of the city for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .ultimateConsigneeAddress.state | Optional | String | The name of the state for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .ultimateConsigneeAddress .countryCode | Required | String | The ISO-3166-1 country code for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .ultimateConsigneeAddress .postalCode | Optional | String | A country-appropriate postal code for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .ultimateConsigneeAddress .addressType | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - commercial - residential | The type of location for this address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.ultimateConsigneeType | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - direct_consumer - government_entity - reseller | The type of the ultimate consignee; if no value is sent, it will default to direct_consumer . |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .aesInternalTransactionNumber | Optional | String | The number received if the Electronic Export Information (EEI) was filed and has been accepted in the Automated Export System (AES) |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .electronicExportInformation | Optional | Electronic Export Information (see below) | Information for the Electronic Export Information (EEI) customs form, only used when the EEI will be filed directly by the carrier (i.e., not filed by your organization using AESDirect or otherwise) |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .electronicExportInformation .exportDate | Required | DateTime | The date the goods will be leaving the country in ISO-8601 format |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo .electronicExportInformation .pointOfOrigin | Required | String | The 2-character state abbreviation from which the goods were shipped |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .customsValue | Required | Float | The value of each individual item to report to customs in customsValueCurrency |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .customsValueCurrency | Required | String | The ISO-4217 currency code representing the totalCustomsValue . |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .commodityDescription | Required | String | A description of this product to be provided to customs |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .countryOfManufacture | Required | String | The ISO-3166-1 country code for the address |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .customsWeight.weight | Required | Float | The weight of the item to report to customs in units of weightUnit |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .customsWeight.weightUnit | Required | String enumeration Values are: - g (gram)- kg (kilogram)- lb (pound)- oz (ounce) | The weight unit |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems.quantity | Required | Integer | The number of units of this customs item |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .quantityUnitOfMeasurement | Required | String enumeration Values are: - bag - barrel - box - case_of_goods - container - crate - cylinder - envelope - pallet - piece - roll - tube | The unit of measurement of the item |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .harmonizedTariffNumber | Required | String | The 6- to 15-digit Harmonized System Tariff classification code |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems.productId | Optional | String | A product ID for the customs item |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .commodityPartNumber | Optional | String | The part number or reference number for the product |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .marksAndNumbers | Optional | String | Any special marks, codes, and numbers that may identify the package |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .exportType | Required | String enumeration Values are: - domestic - foreign | The type of the export |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .exportInformationCode | Required | String | The 2-character export information code for the commodity |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .scheduleBInformation .scheduleBNumber | Required | String | The 10-digit Schedule B classification code for the item being exported |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .scheduleBInformation .scheduleBQuantity | Required | Integer | The count of how many Schedule B units are in the shipment |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .scheduleBInformation .scheduleBUnitOfMeasurement | Required | String enumeration Values are: - barrels - carat - content_kilogram - square_centimeter - content_ton - curie - clean_yield_kilogram - dozen - dozen_pieces - dozen_pairs - fiber_meter - gross_container - gram - gross - hundred - kilogram - cubic_kilometer - kilogram_total_sugars - liter - meter - square_meter - cubic_meter - millicurie - number - pieces - proof_liter - pack - pairs - running_bales - square - ton - thousand - no_quantity_required | The unit of measure for the Schedule B quantity |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .eccnNumber | Required | String | The 5-digit product Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) number as issued by the Bureau of Industry and Security; the format is #A### . |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .exportLicenseInformation.licenseType | Required | String | The standard license type code as published by the U.S. government |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .exportLicenseInformation .licenseExemptionCode | Optional | String | The license exemption code, if the license type does not require a license number |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .exportLicenseInformation .exportLicense.licenseNumber | Optional, but required if the license type requires a valid license | String | The license number; not needed if you have provided a licenseExemptionCode |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .exportLicenseInformation .exportLicense.licenseLineValue | Optional, but required if the license type requires a valid license | Integer | The export monetary amount allowed per license; not needed if you have provided a licenseExemptionCode |
multiParcelShipmentParameters .customsInfo.customsItems .electronicExportCommodityInformation .exportLicenseInformation .exportLicense.licenseExpiration | Optional, but required if the license type requires a valid license | String | The license expiration date in ISO-8601 format; not needed if you have provided a licenseExemptionCode |
Example cURL request
This example shows the cURL request.
curl --request POST \
--url <<api_url>>/api/v1/shipment/carrierselection/label \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header $AUTHSTRING \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
Example request body
This example shows the minimum fields required for the JSON request body.
"currencyCode": "usd",
"generateLabel": true,
"labelParameters": {
"currencyCode": "usd",
"includeLabelImagesInResponse": true,
"labelFormats": [
"manifest": true
"multiParcelShipmentParameters": {
"fulfillmentContext": "fulfillment-context",
"shippedDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:15:14Z",
"orderedDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:15:14Z",
"desiredDeliveryDate": "2024-04-18",
"testMode": true,
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "John Buyer",
"phoneNumber": "2223334444",
"street1": "4 Random St.",
"city": "Toronto",
"state": "ON",
"countryCode": "CA",
"postalCode": "M9B 2J3",
"addressType": "residential"
"shipFromAddress": {
"addressType": "commercial",
"city": "Indianapolis",
"phoneNumber": "3177941334",
"state": "IN",
"postalCode": "46241",
"company": "Selling It",
"name": "Ro Drunner",
"street1": "100 Shipium Way",
"street2": "Unit 1",
"countryCode": "US"
"customsInfo": {
"totalCustomsValue": 54.95,
"totalCustomsValueCurrency": "usd",
"customsDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"reasonForExport": "sale",
"invoiceDate": "2022-06-13",
"invoiceNumber": "123-abc-456",
"ultimateConsigneeAddress": {
"name": "Wile E. Coyote",
"phoneNumber": "1112223333",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"street1": "123 Sample St.",
"city": "St. John's",
"state": "NL",
"countryCode": "CA",
"postalCode": "A1A 2H4",
"addressType": "residential"
"ultimateConsigneeType": "direct_consumer",
"aesInternalTransactionNumber": "X20220613366903",
"electronicExportInformation": {
"exportDate": "2022-06-15",
"pointOfOrigin": "CO"
"customsItems": [
"customsValue": 18.31,
"customsValueCurrency": "usd",
"commodityDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"countryOfManufacture": "US",
"customsWeight": {
"weight": 4,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"quantity": 3,
"quantityUnitOfMeasurement": "box",
"harmonizedTariffNumber": "9876543210",
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"commodityPartNumber": "12345",
"marksAndNumbers": "1 of 1",
"electronicExportCommodityInformation": {
"exportType": "domestic",
"exportInformationCode": "LC",
"scheduleBInformation": {
"scheduleBNumber": "6404195500",
"scheduleBQuantity": 3,
"scheduleBUnitOfMeasurement": "pack"
"eccnNumber": "EAR99",
"exportLicenseInformation": {
"licenseType": "C33",
"licenseExemptionCode": "NLR",
"exportLicense": { // Note: not needed if you have provided a licenseExemptionCode
"licenseNumber": "123ABC",
"licenseLineValue": 1000,
"licenseExpiration": "2025-06-13"
"customsValue": 18.31,
"customsValueCurrency": "usd",
"commodityDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"countryOfManufacture": "US",
"customsWeight": {
"weight": 4,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"quantity": 3,
"quantityUnitOfMeasurement": "box",
"harmonizedTariffNumber": "9876543210",
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"commodityPartNumber": "12345",
"marksAndNumbers": "1 of 1",
"electronicExportCommodityInformation": {
"exportType": "domestic",
"exportInformationCode": "LC",
"scheduleBInformation": {
"scheduleBNumber": "6404195500",
"scheduleBQuantity": 3,
"scheduleBUnitOfMeasurement": "pack"
"eccnNumber": "EAR99",
"exportLicenseInformation": {
"licenseType": "C33",
"licenseExemptionCode": "NLR",
"exportLicense": { // Note: not needed if you have provided a licenseExemptionCode
"licenseNumber": "123ABC",
"licenseLineValue": 1000,
"licenseExpiration": "2025-06-13"
"packages": [
"orderItemQuantities": [
"shipiumOrderId": 123,
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"packagingType": {
"linearDimensions": {
"height": 10,
"length": 13,
"linearUnit": "in",
"width": 12
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 box",
"packagingWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package1",
"partnerProvidedPackageId": "13_in_box"
"orderItemQuantities": [
"shipiumOrderId": 123,
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"packagingType": {
"linearDimensions": {
"height": 11,
"length": 13,
"linearUnit": "in",
"width": 12
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 box",
"packagingWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package2",
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
Example response body
"shipiumShipmentId": "2557feb7-63e7-4842-9303-46ef8da5e5b6",
"orderedDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:15:14Z",
"shippedDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:15:14Z",
"ignoreUpgradeSpendLimits": false,
"fulfillmentType": "customer",
"packages": [
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package1",
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"shipiumOrderId": "123",
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"packagingType": {
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 box",
"linearDimensions": {
"linearUnit": "in",
"length": 13,
"width": 12,
"height": 10
"packagingWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 50
"totalWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 50
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package2",
"partnerProvidedPackageId": "13_in_box",
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"shipiumOrderId": "123",
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"packagingType": {
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 box",
"linearDimensions": {
"linearUnit": "in",
"length": 13,
"width": 12,
"height": 11
"packagingWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 50
"totalWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 50
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"shipiumOrderId": "123",
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"productId": "ET-14-4000",
"quantity": 2,
"productDetails": [],
"shipiumOrderId": "123",
"hazmat": false
"productId": "7G-100-0756",
"quantity": 1,
"productDetails": [],
"hazmat": false
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "John Buyer",
"phoneNumber": "222333444",
"street1": "4 Random St.",
"city": "Toronto",
"state": "ON",
"countryCode": "CA",
"postalCode": "M9B 2J3",
"addressType": "residential"
"shipFromAddress": {
"name": "Ro Drunner",
"phoneNumber": "3177941334",
"phoneNumberCountryCode": "IN",
"company": "Selling It",
"street1": "100 Shipium Way",
"city": "Indianapolis",
"state": "IN",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "46241",
"addressType": "commercial"
"fulfillmentContextId": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab",
"requestFulfillmentContextIds": [],
"originId": "5a1ea728-4ba2-4cc6-892c-1f122f350775",
"shipmentTags": [],
"carrierSelection": {
"status": "success",
"statusDetails": "success",
"carrierSelectionId": "46089d8a-0f31-441d-a8b5-97b56bd8ebdc",
"shipiumShipmentId": "2557feb7-63e7-4842-9303-46ef8da5e5b6",
"partnerId": "76abb3d4-8990-4f80-aa13-4c2007cb852a",
"carrierAccountId": "625db658-e091-4e1b-888a-321270c8e6af",
"serviceMethodIdentifier": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab:ZmVkZXgtaG9tZS1kZWxpdmVyeS1zZXJ2aWNlLW1ldGhvZDo6N2JiYjY5NzMtYWVkYi00YTcwLWFjMDctMjIwY2JiMzdjYjIwOjYyNWRiNjU4LWUwOTEtNGUxYi04ODhhLTMyMTI3MGM4ZTZhZjphOGVjYTRlYS1kMDcwLTRkZWMtOGZiMC0xNGNjMTQxMzJmNWQ6ZmVkZXg6NWExZWE3MjgtNGJhMi00Y2M2LTg5MmMtMWYxMjJmMzUwNzc1Ojo",
"carrier": "fedex",
"carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-home-delivery-service-method",
"serviceMethodName": "FedEx Home Delivery",
"totalCost": 25.12,
"carrierCompareCost": 25.12,
"carrierInvoiceCost": 25.12,
"operationalCost": 25.12,
"thirdPartyBilling": false,
"carrierSelectionDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:15:13.799Z",
"carrierZoneId": "fedex-zone-7"
"carrierLabel": {
"shipiumShipmentId": "2557feb7-63e7-4842-9303-46ef8da5e5b6",
"carrierSelectionId": "46089d8a-0f31-441d-a8b5-97b56bd8ebdc",
"shipiumLabelId": "cd5af1ab-ce6c-4811-9130-a4896b1e541c",
"status": "success",
"statusDetails": "success",
"effectiveShipDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:21:38.21Z",
"labelCreationDateTime": "2024-04-10T15:21:41.275Z",
"serviceMethodIdentifier": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab:ZmVkZXgtaG9tZS1kZWxpdmVyeS1zZXJ2aWNlLW1ldGhvZDo6N2JiYjY5NzMtYWVkYi00YTcwLWFjMDctMjIwY2JiMzdjYjIwOjYyNWRiNjU4LWUwOTEtNGUxYi04ODhhLTMyMTI3MGM4ZTZhZjphOGVjYTRlYS1kMDcwLTRkZWMtOGZiMC0xNGNjMTQxMzJmNWQ6ZmVkZXg6NWExZWE3MjgtNGJhMi00Y2M2LTg5MmMtMWYxMjJmMzUwNzc1Ojo",
"carrier": "fedex",
"carrierServiceName": "FedEx Corporation Account - 2",
"serviceMethodName": "FedEx Home Delivery",
"carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-home-delivery-service-method",
"carrierShipmentId": "794622958747",
"carrierTrackingId": "794622958747",
"shipiumTrackingId": "52483a58-0788-4cf5-a2b4-b06610097158",
"carrierTrackingLink": "",
"carrierLabelCurrencyCode": "usd",
"carrierLabelPrice": 25.12,
"billableWeight": {
"weightUnit": "lb",
"weight": 6
"documents": [
"labelExpiration": "2024-04-24T15:21:41.250860462Z",
"labelFormat": "zpl",
"labelProperties": {
"height": 4,
"width": 6,
"linearUnits": "in",
"dpi": 203,
"labelOrientation": "rotate_0"
"labelImage": {
"imageEncoding": "base64",
"labelUrl": "",
"carrierTrackingId": "794622958747",
"carrierTrackingLink": "",
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package1",
"carrierShipmentId": "794622958747"
"labelExpiration": "2024-04-24T15:21:41.250860462Z",
"labelFormat": "zpl",
"labelProperties": {
"height": 4,
"width": 6,
"linearUnits": "in",
"dpi": 203,
"labelOrientation": "rotate_0"
"labelImage": {
"imageEncoding": "base64",
"labelUrl": "",
"carrierTrackingId": "794622964205",
"carrierTrackingLink": "",
"packageReferenceIdentifier": "package2",
"carrierShipmentId": "794622964205"
"internationalDocuments": [],
"labelFailoverOccurred": false,
"testMode": true,
"multiParcel": true
"saturdayDelivery": false,
"deliverySignatureOption": "None",
"forceThirdPartyBilling": false,
"fulfillmentContext": "fulfillment-context",
"createdWithVersion": "v2",
"multiParcel": true,
"testMode": true
Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:
Updated 6 days ago