Account Users and Roles
Manage your Shipium account users.
About Shipium account users and roles
Your organization's users will manage your account via the Shipium Console, which includes three basic user roles:
- User. Able to run reports and see some settings within the console
- Editor. Able to do everything a User can do, plus edit common settings
- Administrator. Able to do everything an Editor can do, plus manage account-level settings and administer new and existing Users and Editors.
Manage users and roles
Within the Shipium Console, you'll access Team Management and then Manage Users from the lefthand navigation menu.

Clicking on Manage Users will open the portion of the console that allows you to add new users, remove existing users, or modify users as needed. For each account user, you can view the name, email, and role. If you are an Administrator and want to add new team members, this is the place to do it.

Add a new user
To add a new user (regardless of permissions), you first click on the Add User button in the top right portion of the page.

This will then open a modal window that will allow you to enter details of the new user, including their email, first and last names, and user role.

Modify existing users
If you need to change details for an existing user, including name or role, you first click on Modify User within the Actions dropdown next to the user you wish to modify.

This will bring open the same modal for adding a new user (as above), but with the values for this user already populated. You can edit them as needed, with the exception of the email address, and select the Submit button to save your changes.
Email address can't be changed
Because a user's email address is used as a unique identifier, you cannot edit it. If you have a user who needs to have their email address changed, remove them and add a new user for them with the new email address.
Remove existing users
Administrators may remove existing users by clicking on the Remove User link within the Actions dropdown next to the user you wish to remove.

After selecting Remove User, you'll be asked to confirm that you really want to remove this user. Once you confirm, the user will be removed permanently. You cannot undo this action.

Removing a user is permanent
Removing an existing user from your organization's account is a permanent action. You can, of course, always add a new user with the same email address and name, but any information specifically associated with the original user will not transfer to the newly created user.
Reset passwords
Password resets are completely self-service and can be done by clicking on the Forgot Password link on the login page for the Shipium Console.

Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:
Updated 8 months ago