Ensure you have provided required credentials to ship with Cirro.
Cirro credential requirements
Prior to shipping with Cirro, you must configure credentials in the Shipium Console. You'll provide a user name and API key for production and test mode.

For single-parcel shipments, the following additional required field should be nested in the shipmentParameters
property. For multi-parcel shipments, it should be included in multiParcelShipmentParameters
Reference Field | Required/Optional | Field Properties | Description |
orderItemQuantities .quantity | Required | Integer ($int32) Ex.: 3 | The number of units of the product |
A snippet of the JSON request for the API call with the required field is included. This example is for a single-parcel shipment. A multi-parcel shipment would be included in multiParcelShipmentParameters
"shipmentParameters": {
"orderItemQuantities": [
"quantity": 2,
Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:
Updated 3 months ago