Partial (Multi-Step) Shipments

Create shipments with partial information, and patch data for complete shipments at a later time.

About partial shipments

Creating shipments in a multi-step process might be of benefit to your organization. For instance, you may want to create a shipment without yet having the linear dimensions or weight of the package due to having separate order management and fulfillment systems. With the partial shipment approach, you can provide incomplete data when you initially create a shipment and then return to that shipment to complete the missing information at a later time. Once all data has been provided, you'll be able to select a carrier and service method and/or create a shipping label for the shipment.

This document instructs you on how to:

  1. create a shipment with only partially required information;
  2. patch in the information at a later time; and
  3. call Shipium's Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API to rate shop the best carrier service method and print a label for a completed shipment.

Create a partial shipment

You create a shipment using a POST call to /v1/deliveryexperience/shipment with the minimum required fields shown in the following example.


Authentication for API calls

In the cURL examples on this page, the environment variable AUTHSTRING is used to handle authorization. The recipe below shows how to set it correctly for both OAuth and API Key users.

Example cURL request

This example shows the cURL request.

curl --request POST  
  --url <>  
  --header 'accept: application/json'  
  --header $AUTHSTRING  
  --header 'content-type: application/json'  

Example request body

This example shows the minimum fields required for the JSON request body.

    "currencyCode": "usd",
    "orderedDateTime": "2024-04-07T18:30:55.558Z",
    "shippedDateTime": "2024-04-07T18:30:55.558Z",
    "destinationAddress": {
        "addressType": "residential",
        "street1": "100 Main St.",
        "city": "Bellevue",
        "state": "WA",
        "postalCode": "98005",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "phoneNumber": "2062652733"
    "shipFromAddress": {
        "addressType": "commercial",
        "city": "Pottsville",
        "state": "PA",
        "postalCode": "17901",
        "street1": "5003 Premier Pkwy",
        "street2": "",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "orderItemQuantities": [
            "shipiumOrderId": 123,
            "productId": "ET-14-4000",
            "quantity": 2,
            "productDetails": [],
            "hazmat": false
            "productId": "7G-100-0756",
            "quantity": 1,
            "productDetails": [],
            "hazmat": false

Example response body

    "name":"John Doe",
    "street1":"100 Main St.",
    "name":"Mac Brown",
    "emailAddress":"[email protected]",
    "company":"Saks Off 5th",
    "street1":"25 Keystone Blvd",

Patch missing information for the partially created shipment

To update the shipment that was partially created in the previous step so that it can be used for carrier selection or shipping, you will patch the updated information to /api/v1/deliveryexperience/shipment/{shipmentId} and include the required shipmentId parameter. This can be the shipiumShipmentId returned in the response when you created the partial shipment or an optional partnerShipmentId you passed in the previous call to create the shipment.

Example cURL request

This example shows the cURL request.

curl --request PATCH  
  --url <{shipmentId}>  
  --header 'accept: application/json'  
  --header $AUTHSTRING  
  --header 'content-type: application/json'  

Example request body

This example shows the minimum fields required for the JSON request body.

  "orderedDateTime": "2024-04-07T18:30:55.558Z",
  "shippedDateTime": "2024-04-29T09:12:33.123Z",
  "destinationAddress": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "phoneNumber": "2062652733",
    "street1": "100 Main St.",
    "city": "Bellevue",
    "state": "WA",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "98005",
    "addressType": "residential"
  "packagingType": {
    "packagingMaterial": "box",
    "packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 Box",
    "linearDimensions": {
      "linearUnit": "in",
      "length": 13,
      "width": 12,
      "height": 10
    "packagingWeight": {
      "weightUnit": "lb",
      "weight": 50
  "totalWeight": {
    "weightUnit": "lb",
    "weight": 50

Example response body

    "name":"John Doe",
    "street1":"100 Main St.",
    "name":"Mac Brown",
    "emailAddress":"[email protected]",
    "company":"Saks Off 5th",
    "street1":"25 Keystone Blvd",
    "packagingSizeName":"13x12x10 Box",

The information fields that can be patched for a shipment that has already been partially created are included in the following table. The fields for packagingTypeId and linearDimensions are mutually exclusive; if they are both included together, an error will be returned.

Request fieldField propertiesDescription
shippedDateTimeString ($date-time)The timestamp for when a partner shipped the product from their warehouse; the timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp.
destinationAddress.nameStringThe name of the contact for the destination address
destinationAddress.phoneNumberStringThe phone number of the contact for the destination address
destinationAddress .phoneNumberCountryCodeStringThe phone number country code of the contact for the destination address
destinationAddress.emailAddressStringThe email address of the contact for the destination address
destinationAddress.companyStringThe company name for the destination address
destinationAddress.street1StringThe first address line
destinationAddress.street2StringThe second address line
destinationAddress.cityStringThe name of the city for the destination address
destinationAddress.stateStringThe 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state for the destination address
destinationAddress.addressTypeString enumeration
Values are:

- Commercial
- Residential
The type of location for the destination address
Values include:

- box
- envelope
- flat_pack
The type of packaging used to create the package for the shipment
Example: 13x12x10 Box
A custom name for the packaging
packagingType.packagingTypeIdStringThe packagingTypeId that was used for this package; when this value is present, the dimensions defined in your organization's configurations are used. When this value is absent, linearDimensions is required. Including both packagingTypeId and linearDimensions will result in an error.
packagingType.linearDimensions .linearUnitString enumeration
Values include:

- cm (centimeter)
- in (inch)
The unit in which linear dimensions are provided; including both packagingTypeId and linearDimensions will result in an error.
packagingType.linearDimensions .lengthNumber ($float)The longest linear dimension (i.e., the longest side of a box or envelope); including both packagingTypeId and linearDimensions will result in an error.
packagingType.linearDimensions .widthNumber ($float)The second longest linear dimension (i.e., the second longest side of a box or envelope); including both packagingTypeId and linearDimensions will result in an error.
packagingType.linearDimensions .heightNumber ($float)The least long linear dimension (i.e., the shortest side of a box or envelope); including both packagingTypeId and linearDimensions will result in an error. Note on envelopes: This height should represent the highest product you would reasonably put in this envelope before losing more than 10% of the length of the envelope in other dimensions.
packagingType.packagingWeight .weightUnitString enumeration
Values include:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- lb (pound)
- oz (ounce)
The unit in which weight values are provided
packagingType.packagingWeight .weightNumber ($float)The value of the weight
totalWeight.weightUnitString enumeration
Values include:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- lb (pound)
- oz (ounce)
The unit in which weight values are provided
totalWeight.weightNumber ($float)The value of the weight

Request carrier selection and/or label generation for the completed shipment

To rate shop the best carrier service method and print a label for a completed shipment, you will call Shipium's Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API. The Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API document provides an overview of special cases that can be handled when calling the API. Those same cases are supported for shipments completed in a multi-phase process as well.

Example cURL call

This example shows a request to determine the carrier service method for a shipment and also retrieve a shipment label:

curl --request POST   
  --header 'accept: application/json' 
  --header $AUTHSTRING  
  --header 'content-type: application/json'  

Example request body

The minimum fields in the following example should be included in your JSON request. Rather than a shipmentParameters object that would typically be included in a call to the Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Label API, you'll include the createUsingExistingShipment object with either the shipiumShipmentId that was returned in the partial shipment creation step (and that you used to patch the shipment with additional data in the next step) or the partnerShipmentId you provided in both prior calls.

For this example, a value of true is being passed for the generateLabel, includeLabelImageInResponse, and manifest fields. Shipment manifests are required by some carriers. You can read more in Manifest Shipments.

  "currencyCode": "usd",
  "generateLabel": true,
  "labelParameters": {
      "currencyCode": "usd",
      "includeLabelImagesInResponse": true,
      "labelFormats": [
      "manifest": true
  "createUsingExistingShipment": { 
    "shipiumShipmentId": "5191f46a-7d43-4d8f-a859-f9193938b30f",
    "partnerShipmentId": "ae73cc23-7146-4b2c-ab2b-d91be4ce884e"

Example response body for a successful shipment

  "shipiumShipmentId": "5191f46a-7d43-4d8f-a859-f9193938b30f",
  "orderedDateTime": "2022-04-07T18:30:55.558Z",
  "shippedDateTime": "2024-04-09T14:39:27.511Z",
  "ignoreUpgradeSpendLimits": false,
  "fulfillmentType": "customer",
  "orderItemQuantities": [
          "productId": "ET-14-4000",
          "quantity": 2,
          "productDetails": [],
          "hazmat": false
  "destinationAddress": {
      "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
      "phoneNumber": "888-555-1234",
      "street1": "123 Main St.",
      "street2": "Suite 42",
      "city": "Albuquerque",
      "state": "NM",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "87121",
      "addressType": "commercial"
  "shipFromAddress": {
      "name": "Ro Drunner",
      "phoneNumber": "6612475319",
      "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
      "company": "Sell It",
      "street1": "401 N. Centre St.",
      "city": "Pottsville",
      "state": "PA",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "17901",
  "fulfillmentContextId": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab",
  "requestFulfillmentContextIds": [],
  "originId": "5a1ea728-4ba2-4cc6-892c-1f122f350775",
  "packagingType": {
      "packagingMaterial": "box",
      "linearDimensions": {
          "linearUnit": "in",
          "length": 15.0,
          "width": 10.0,
          "height": 5.0
      "packagingWeight": {
          "weightUnit": "oz",
          "weight": 13.0
  "totalWeight": {
      "weightUnit": "oz",
      "weight": 13.0
  "shipmentTags": [],
  "carrierSelection": {
      "status": "success",
      "statusDetails": "success",
      "carrierSelectionId": "777584eb-0f08-44d6-98d0-df8bc1eba1c1",
      "shipiumShipmentId": "5191f46a-7d43-4d8f-a859-f9193938b30f",
      "partnerShipmentId": "ae73cc23-7146-4b2c-ab2b-d91be4ce884e",
      "partnerId": "76abb3d4-8990-4f80-aa13-4c2007cb852a",
      "carrierAccountId": "625db658-e091-4e1b-888a-321270c8e6af",
      "serviceMethodIdentifier": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab:ZmVkZXgtZXhwcmVzcy1zYXZlci1zZXJ2aWNlLW1ldGhvZDo6OGUzYmIxOGUtMTA3Ni00ODUxLWE4ZTYtZWViZTZmNWUwOTkwOjYyNWRiNjU4LWUwOTEtNGUxYi04ODhhLTMyMTI3MGM4ZTZhZjphOGVjYTRlYS1kMDcwLTRkZWMtOGZiMC0xNGNjMTQxMzJmNWQ6ZmVkZXg6NWExZWE3MjgtNGJhMi00Y2M2LTg5MmMtMWYxMjJmMzUwNzc1Ojo",
      "carrier": "fedex",
      "carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-express-saver-service-method",
      "serviceMethodName": "FedEx Express Saver",
      "totalCost": 3.25,
      "carrierCompareCost": 3.25,
      "carrierInvoiceCost": 3.25,
      "operationalCost": 3.25,
      "thirdPartyBilling": false,
      "carrierSelectionDateTime": "2024-04-09T14:39:27.773Z",
      "carrierZoneId": "fedex-express-zone-7"
  "carrierLabel": {
      "shipiumShipmentId": "5191f46a-7d43-4d8f-a859-f9193938b30f",
      "partnerShipmentId": "ae73cc23-7146-4b2c-ab2b-d91be4ce884e",
      "carrierSelectionId": "777584eb-0f08-44d6-98d0-df8bc1eba1c1",
      "shipiumLabelId": "198edb20-1076-42d8-8723-830dd6f27ef4",
      "status": "success",
      "statusDetails": "success",
      "effectiveShipDateTime": "2024-04-10T04:00:00Z",
      "labelCreationDateTime": "2024-04-09T14:39:30.192Z",
      "serviceMethodIdentifier": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab:ZmVkZXgtZXhwcmVzcy1zYXZlci1zZXJ2aWNlLW1ldGhvZDo6OGUzYmIxOGUtMTA3Ni00ODUxLWE4ZTYtZWViZTZmNWUwOTkwOjYyNWRiNjU4LWUwOTEtNGUxYi04ODhhLTMyMTI3MGM4ZTZhZjphOGVjYTRlYS1kMDcwLTRkZWMtOGZiMC0xNGNjMTQxMzJmNWQ6ZmVkZXg6NWExZWE3MjgtNGJhMi00Y2M2LTg5MmMtMWYxMjJmMzUwNzc1Ojo",
      "carrier": "fedex",
      "carrierServiceName": "FedEx Corporation Account - 2",
      "serviceMethodName": "FedEx Express Saver",
      "carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-express-saver-service-method",
      "carrierShipmentId": "794622496766",
      "carrierTrackingId": "794622496766",
      "shipiumTrackingId": "52483a58-0788-4cf5-a2b4-b06610097158",
      "carrierTrackingLink": "",
      "carrierLabelCurrencyCode": "USD",
      "carrierLabelPrice": 3.25,
      "billableWeight": {
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "weight": 6.0
      "documents": [
              "labelExpiration": "2024-04-23T14:39:30.177778742Z",
              "labelFormat": "zpl",
              "labelProperties": {
                  "height": 4.0,
                  "width": 6.0,
                  "linearUnits": "in",
                  "dpi": 203,
                  "labelOrientation": "rotate_0"
              "labelImage": {
                  "imageEncoding": "base64",
              "labelUrl": ""
      "internationalDocuments": [],
      "labelFailoverOccurred": false,
      "testMode": false,
      "multiParcel": false
  "saturdayDelivery": false,
  "deliverySignatureOption": "None",
  "forceThirdPartyBilling": false,
  "createdWithVersion": "v2",
  "multiParcel": false

Example response body for a shipment with missing required information

If any fields required for a successful carrier selection and label generation call are missing, the missingRequiredLabelFields object will appear in the response with a list of missing fields. With missing fields, the shipment is considered partial and must be completed prior to carrier selection and label generation.

If all information has been provided during the shipment creation and data patch calls, this field will not appear in the response.

  missingRequiredLabelFields: [], //null if empty.  Missing from response if null.

Include partial shipments in shipment reporting

You can opt to include partial shipments in your shipment reporting.

Search for your partial shipment

To search shipments, you'll access the Shipment Search tool within Delivery Reporting in the navigation menu.

Within the delivery reporting shipment search tool's advanced search, you'll select True from the Include Partial Shipments dropdown menu to have any partial shipments included in the search results.

Partial shipments are denoted with a value of True in the Partial Shipment column of the search results.

Export partial shipment data

When exporting shipment data via the carrier selection shipment export tool, you can choose to include partial shipments in the exported file. To access the export tool, you'll select Carrier Selection and then Shipment Export & Download from the navigation menu at left.

When the export parameters window appears after you select an existing export or opt to create a new one, you'll select Include Partial Shipments. The default setting is to include, rather than exclude, partial shipments.


Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:


More information on the API responses

As with all Shipium API responses, this API follows the API Response Codes standards unless otherwise specified.