Batch Label Creation API
Generate multiple shipment labels in one call with Shipium's Batch Label Creation API.
Get started
Creating shipping labels in batches is possible through the Batch Label Creation API, which enables your organization to retrieve labels for up to 150 shipments in one API call to Shipium's Carrier and Method Selection service.
This document provides guidance for using the Batch Label Creation API. The Carrier and Method Selection & Shipment Labels document provides more information about setting up your organization's account to use the Carrier and Method Selection service and print labels.
Retrieve batch shipping labels from the Batch Label Creation API
The Shipium Batch Label Creation API assumes you're using one of the authentication mechanisms detailed in our authentication documentation. The endpoint for Batch Label Creation API calls is included in the table below.
API type | API endpoint |
POST | |
Authentication for API Calls
In the cURL example on this page, the environment variable
is used to handle authorization. The recipe below shows how to set it correctly for both API Key and OAuth users.
The following table provides the required and optional fields for calling the Batch Label Creation API.
Request field | Required/Optional | Field properties | Description |
options.currencyCode | Optional | String | The default currency in which all the rates for shipping carrier selection costs will be calculated; if this is specified on an individual shipment request, that value will be used instead for that shipment. |
options .fulfillmentContext | Optional | String | The default fulfillment context to be specified across all requests; if this is specified on the individual request's shipmen parameters payload, that value will be used instead for that shipment. |
options.megaProcess VersionOverride | Optional | String | Override for all-in-one carrier selection and label call process version; this will apply to all shipments in the request. |
options.tenantId | Optional | String | The default tenant ID to be specified across all requests; if this is specified on the individual request's shipment parameters payload, that value will be used instead for that shipment. |
options.includeFull ShipmentResponses | Optional | String | Indicates whether to return the full shipment response; if not specified, the full payload will be returned by default. |
shipmentRequests .currencyCode | Required | String Ex.: usd | Currency in which all the rates for shipping carrier selection costs will be calculated |
shipmentRequests .generateLabel | Optional | Booleantrue or false | When true , a request to the selected carrier will be sent to generate a label for the shipment based on the information provided in the labelParameters field of this object. When false , this step is skipped and the system will record what carrier service method would have generated a label for. |
shipmentRequests .includeInjection Profiles | Optional | Booleantrue or false | When true , service methods from the configured injection profiles will be considered during carrier selection. |
shipmentRequests .injectionParameters .injectionProfileId | Optional, but required if providing an injectionSiteId | String | The Shipium ID or the ID that your organization provided for an injection profile that should be considered during carrier selection |
shipmentRequests .injectionParameters .injectionSiteId | Optional | String | The Shipium ID or the ID that your organization provided for an injection site that should be considered during carrier selection; if an injectionSiteId is specified, it must be accompanied by an injectionProfileId . |
shipmentRequests .labelParameters .currencyCode | Optional | String | Currency in which all the rates for shipping carrier selection costs will be calculated |
shipmentRequests .labelParameters .customLabelEntries .additionalProp1 | Optional | String | List of formats in which to generate the package label |
shipmentRequests .labelParameters .includeLabelImages InResponse | Optional | Booleantrue or false | When true , the response will include the raw image data of the labels that were requested to be generated by the carrier. |
shipmentRequests .labelParameters .labelFormats | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - pdf - png - zpl | List of formats in which to generate the package label |
shipmentRequests .labelParameters .manifest | Optional | Booleantrue or false | When true , a manifest for the label is generated. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .businessDays OfTransit | Optional | Integer ($int32) | Indicates the number of business days from the ship time by when the shipment needs to be delivered |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .carrierName | Optional | String Ex.: UPS | The carrier that was used for delivering the package to your customer |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .carrierTrackingId | Optional | String Ex.: 1Z999AA10123456784 | Carrier's tracking identification for the package |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .customsInfo | Optional, but some information is required for international shipments | Object | Customs information about the package for international shipping; please refer to Customs Info for Shipments for details. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveredDateTime | Optional | String Ex.: 2019-10-31T20:00:00Z | Either an ISO-8601 date or a local date: yyyy-mm-dd; the date or date-time the package is intended to arrive to the customer; this will be used to determine the most appropriate service method when generating a label. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .testMode | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , a test mode shipment will be created. Carrier selection will consider carriers and service methods in test mode, and label generation will generate a test label. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryNote | Optional | String | String passed to carriers for a delivery note. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliverySignature Option | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - none - signature - resident_signature - adult_signature - adult_resident_signature - unknown | A delivery signature option passed in the API request; defaults to none . |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .endWindow.hour | Required | String ($byte) | The end time hour for the delivery timeframe |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .endWindow.minute | Required | String ($byte) | The end time minute for the delivery timeframe |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .endWindow.nano | Required | Integer ($int32) | The end time nano for the delivery timeframe |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .endWindow.second | Required | String ($byte) | The end time second for the delivery timeframe |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .startWindow.hour | Required | String ($byte) | The start time hour for the delivery timeframe |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .startWindow.minute | Required | String ($byte) | The start time minute for the delivery timeframe |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .startWindow.nano | Required | Integer ($int32) | The start time nano for the delivery timeframe |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .startWindow.second | Required | String ($byte) | The start time second for the delivery timeframe |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow | Optional | String | The time zone identifier for this delivery window; if no time zone is passed, time zone will be taken from the destination address. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .fixedOffset | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , this indicates there is a fixed offset. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .dayOfMonth Indicator | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The day of the month for the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .dayOfWeek | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday | The day of the week for the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .localTime.hour | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The local time hour for the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .localTime.minute | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The local time minute for the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .localTime.nano | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The local time nano for the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .localTime.second | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The local time second for the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .midnightEndOfDay | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , midnight is considered end of day. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .month | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December | The month for the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules | Optional | String | The identifier for the offset after |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .offsetAfter.rules | Optional | String | The rules for the offset after |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .offsetAfter .totalSeconds | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The total seconds for the offset after |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules | Optional | String | The identifier for the offset before |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .offsetBefore.rules | Optional | String | The rules for the offset before |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .offsetBefore .totalSeconds | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The total seconds for the offset before |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules | Optional | String | The identifier for the standard offset |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .standardOffset .rules | Optional | String | The rules for the standard offset |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .standardOffset .totalSeconds | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The total seconds for the standard offset |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitionRules .timeDefinition | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - utc - wall - standard | The type of time for the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .dateTimeAfter | Optional | String | The date-time after the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .dateTimeBefore | Optional | String | The date-time before the transition rule(s) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .duration.nano | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The nano value for the duration of the transition |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .duration.negative | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , the duration is a negative value. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .duration.seconds | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The seconds value for the duration of the transition |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .duration.units .dateBased | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , the duration units are based on date. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .duration.units .duration | Optional | String | The duration of the transition |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .duration.units .durationEstimated | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , the duration is estimated. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .duration.units .timeBased | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , the duration units are based on time. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , the duration value is zero. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , there is a gap in the duration. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .instant | Optional | String | The instant of the transition |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions | Optional | String | The identifier for the offset after |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .offsetAfter.rules | Optional | String | The rules for the offset after |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .offsetAfter .totalSeconds | Optional | Integer ($32) | The total seconds for the offset after |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions | Optional | String | The identifier for the offset before |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .offsetBefore.rules | Optional | String | The rules for the offset before |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .offsetBefore .totalSeconds | Optional | Integer ($int32) | The total seconds for the offset before |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .deliveryWindow .timeZone.rules .transitions .overlap | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , there is overlap for the transition. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .desiredDelivery Date | Optional | String Ex.: 2019-10-31T20:00:00Z | Either an ISO-8601 date or a local date: yyyy-mm-dd; the date or date-time the package is intended to arrive to the customer; this will be used to determine the most appropriate service method when generating a label. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .addressType | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - commercial - residential | The type of location for the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .city | Optional | String | The name of the city for the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .company | Optional | String | The company name for the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .countryCode | Required | String Ex.: US | The ISO 3166-1 country code for the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .emailAddress | Optional | String | The email address of the contact for the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .name | Optional | String | The name associated with the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .phoneNumber | Optional | String | The phone number of the contact for the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .phoneNumber CountryCode | Optional | String | The phone number country code of the contact for the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .postalCode | Required | String | A country code appropriate postal code for the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .state | Optional | String | The name of the state for the destination address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .street1 | Optional | String | The first address line |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .destinationAddress .street2 | Optional | String | The second address line |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .forceThirdParty Billing | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , this indicates that third party billing is a requirement for this shipment and that no service method should be selected that does not support third party billing. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .fulfillmentContext | Optional | String | When present, this is used to limit carrier selection to carrier accounts that contain a matching fulfillment context. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .fulfillmentType | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - customer - at_large - returns - hundredweight - reship - unknown | Fulfillment methodology of the shipment |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .ignoreUpgradeSpend Limits | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , this indicates that this shipment can ignore all of your organization's configured upgrade limits for the potential upgrade required to deliver the shipment by the desired delivery date. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .deliveryEstimateId | Optional | String Ex.: 0b3d140a-525b-43a7-896c-cdc381580d61 | Delivery estimate ID associated with this product |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmat | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If true , this indicates that the item is hazmat. The default value is false . |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .category | Optional, but required if including hazmatInfo | String enumeration Values are: - defined - contains_lithium_ion - packaged_lithium_ion - lithium_ion_battery_only - contains_lithium_metal - packaged_lithium_metal - lithium_metal_battery_only - dry_ice | Hazmat category for this order item; use defined to specify detailed information. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .containerType | Optional, but required if category is defined | String enumeration Values are: - fiberboard_box - wooden_box - plastic_jerrican - metal_box - steel_drum - other - plastic_box - plastic_drum - styrofoam_box - cylinder - envirotainer - plywood_box - aluminum_drum - aluminum_cylinder - plastic_pail - plywood_drum - fiber_drum - steel_jerrican - aluminum_jerrican - steel_box - carton - aluminum_box | The material in which the hazardous material is packaged |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .hazardClass | Optional, but required if category is defined | String enumeration Values are: - class_1_explosive - class_2_flammable_gas - class_3_flammable_liquid - class_4_flammable_solid - class_5_organic_peroxide - class_6_poisonous_material - class_7_radioactive - class_8_corrosive_material - class_9_miscellaneous | The hazard class of the hazmat |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .hazmatId | Optional, but required if category is defined | String Ex.: UN1755 | The International Air Transport Association (IATA) or U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulatory identifier for the commodity as appropriate |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .packingGroup | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - i - ii - iii | The packing group code for the hazardous material |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .packingInstruction Code | Optional | String Ex.: 967 | The packing instruction code used for air transport |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .properShippingName | Optional, but required if category is defined | String Ex.: chromic acid solution | Proper shipping name that is associated with the specified hazmat ID |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .quantity | Optional, but required if category is defined | Number ($float) Ex.: 2.1 | The amount of quantity type material in quantity units |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .quantityType | Optional, but required if category is defined | String enumeration Values are: - gross - net | Determines whether the quantity includes the raw material (net) or also includes the material housing (gross) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .quantityUnits | Optional, but required if category is defined | String enumeration Values are: - g (gram)- kg (kilogram)- lb (pound)- oz (ounce)- ml (milliliter)- l (liter) | The units of measure for the quantity of hazardous materials specified |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .subsidiaryClasses | Optional | String Ex.: 8.1 | The appropriate IATA/DOT subsidiary classes associated with the material and the hazard class |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .transportMode | Optional, but required if category is defined | String enumeration Values are: - ground - passenger_and_cargo_aircraft - cargo_aircraft_only | Declares that a package was prepared according to ground, passenger aircraft, or cargo aircraft only |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .partnerOrderId | Optional | String Ex.: myCustomPartnerOrderId123 | The unique identifier representing this order |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .productDetails | Optional, but required for international shipments and shipments containing hazardous materials | String Ex.: perishable , limited_quantity | A list of properties that may affect the shipping of the product |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .productId | Optional, but required for international shipments and shipments containing hazardous materials | String Ex.: RN03947-Z43121 | A product ID for the product being checked, such as ISBN and UPC |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .quantity | Optional, but required for international shipments and shipments containing hazardous materials | Integer($int32) Ex.: 3 | The number of units of this product |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderItemQuantities .shipiumOrderId | Optional | String Ex.: 4dc43fff-c3af-4d7b-8a18-e01f2b4cb312 | Identification use to represent the group of delivery estimates purchased |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .orderedDateTime | Optional | String | The timestamp for when a customer placed an order for this product; the timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .packagingType .linearDimensions .height | Optional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not included | Number ($float) Example: 10 | The least long linear dimension (i.e., the shortest side of a box or envelope). Note on envelopes: This height should represent the highest product you would reasonably put in this envelope before losing more than 10% of the length of the envelope in other dimensions. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .packagingType .linearDimensions .length | Optional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not included | Number ($float) Example: 13 | The longest linear dimension (i.e., the longest side of a box or envelope) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .packagingType .linearDimensions .linearUnit | Optional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not included | String enumeration Values are: - cm (centimeter)- in (inch) | The unit in which linear dimensions are provided |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .packagingType .linearDimensions .width | Optional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not included | Number ($float) Example: 12 | The second longest linear dimension (i.e., the second longest side of a box or envelope) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .packagingType .packagingMaterial | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - box - envelope - flat_pack - mailing_tube - parcel_pallet - fedex_one_rate_envelope - fedex_one_rate_pak - fedex_one_rate_tube | The type of packaging used to create the package for the shipment |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .packagingType .packagingSizeName | Optional | String Ex.: 13x12x10 box | A custom name for the packaging |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .packagingType .packagingTypeId | Optional, but required if linearDimensions is not provided | String Ex.: ebd94f8b-d390-4c9c-987f-b88343f5bf45 | The packagingTypeId that was used for this package; when this value is present, the dimensions pre-configured by your organization are used. When this value is absent, linearDimensions is required. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .packagingType .packagingWeight .weight | Optional | Number ($float) Example: 50 | The value of the weight |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .packagingType .packagingWeight .weightUnit | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - g (gram)- kg (kilogram)- lb (pound)- oz (ounce) | The unit in which weight values are provided |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .partnerShipmentId | Optional | String | An optional unique identifier that may be used for the shipment |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .purchaseOrder Identifier | Optional | String | String passed to carriers as a purchase order identifier |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .reference Identifier | Optional | String | String passed to carriers as a reference; this field can be expanded to include multiple reference identifiers by adding sequential numbers to the field name: referenceIdentifier2 (up to 5 reference identifiers) |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .saturdayDelivery | Optional | Booleantrue or false | If you pass saturdayDelivery , you can specify whether or not you want Saturday delivery to be an option for this package.Note: This does not guarantee a Saturday delivery. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .addressType | Optional | String Values are: - commercial - residential | The type of location for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .city | Optional | String | The name of the city for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .company | Optional | String | The company name for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .countryCode | Required | String | The ISO 3166-1 country code for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .emailAddress | Optional | String | The email address of the contact for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .name | Optional | String | The name of the contact for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .phoneNumber | Optional | String | The phone number of the contact for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .phoneNumber CountryCode | Optional | String | The phone number country code of the contact for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .postalCode | Required | String | A country-code-appropriate postal code for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .state | Optional | String | The 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state for the origin address |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .street1 | Optional | String | The first address line |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipFromAddress .street2 | Optional | String | The second address line |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipOption | Optional | String Ex.: standard | A high-level shipping option shown to or selected by a customer |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shipmentTags | Optional | String | A collection of free-form tags that may be added to the shipment |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .shippedDateTime | Optional | String ($date-time) | The timestamp for when you shipped the product from your warehouse; the timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .tenantId | Optional | String | Either the Shipium Tenant ID or the Tenant ID provided by your organization (Partner Provided ID). When present, this is used to indicate the tenant associated with the shipment. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .thirdPartyBilling SetId | Optional | String | Either the Shipium third party billing set ID or the third party billing set ID provided by your organization. When present, this is used to indicate the third party billing set that should be used for the billing of the shipment. |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .totalWeight.weight | Optional | Number ($float) | The value of the weight |
shipmentRequests .shipmentParameters .totalWeight .weightUnit | Optional | String enumeration Values are: - g (gram)- kg (kilogram)- lb (pound)- oz (ounce) | The unit in which weight values are provided |
Test the API call
The ping endpoint for testing your API call is included in the following table.
API type | API endpoint |
PING | |
Successfully calling the API endpoint will result in the following 200 response.
"info": "pong",
"status": 1
An error calling the API endpoint will result in the following 400 response.
"statusCode": 401,
"code": "ERR_BAD_REQUEST",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "Request failed with status code 401"
Test mode
Want to run some examples and not charge any real money against your account?
You can add
to the data passed to any label call to retrieve labels without charging money in a carrier-specific manner. Most carriers will mark their labels in a way to make clear that they are void, such as inserting "VOID" throughout the label or using a predefined ID.The example below contains the
flag to err on the side of caution – remove it to make production calls.
Example cURL call
curl --request POST
--header 'accept: application/json'
--header $AUTHSTRING
--header 'content-type: application/json'
Example request body
You have the option to request full shipment details with the API response when calling the Batch Label Creation API, but the default setting is to exclude those details from the response. To include full shipment details, the value for includeFullShipmentResponses
should be set to true.
"options": {
"currencyCode": "usd",
"fulfillmentContext": "c225c712-34b8-4661-b382-361b8cf506ba",
"megaProcessVersionOverride": "string",
"tenantId": "4209e812-0b6d-4387-af6f-985ba2f155d2",
"includeFullShipmentResponses": false //false by default or if not included, will include full shipment responses on each result if toggled on
"shipmentRequests": [
{ //This payload represents parity with the MegaShipmentCreate payload
"asOfDate": "2023-07-31T22:26:03.648Z",
"currencyCode": "usd",
"generateLabel": true,
"includeInjectionProfiles": true,
"injectionParameters": [
"injectionProfileId": "6ac13d86-4d16-4250-843f-4675cd4d8628",
"injectionSiteId": "3be2e8de-0be0-49ee-be42-ea604e0d79a2"
"labelParameters": {
"currencyCode": "usd",
"testMode": true,
"customLabelEntries": {
"additionalProp1": "string"
"includeLabelImagesInResponse": true,
"labelFormats": [
"manifest": true
"shipmentParameters": {
"businessDaysOfTransit": 3,
"carrierName": "UPS",
"carrierTrackingId": "1Z999AA10123456784",
"customsInfo": {
"aesInternalTransactionNumber": "X20120101999999",
"customsDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"customsItems": [
"commodityDescription": "baby socks",
"commodityPartNumber": "string",
"countryOfManufacture": "CN",
"customsValue": 12.34,
"customsValueCurrency": "usd",
"customsWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"electronicExportCommodityInformation": {
"eccnNumber": "EAR99",
"exportInformationCode": "LC",
"exportLicenseInformation": {
"exportLicense": {
"licenseExpirationDate": "2023-07-31",
"licenseLineValue": 0
"licenseExemptionCode": "NLR",
"licenseType": "C33"
"exportType": "domestic",
"scheduleBInformation": {
"scheduleBNumber": "6404195500",
"scheduleBQuantity": 0,
"scheduleBUnitOfMeasurement": "barrels"
"harmonizedTariffNumber": "7318.14.50",
"marksAndNumbers": "1of3",
"productId": "RN03947--Z43121",
"quantity": 3,
"quantityUnitOfMeasurement": "bag"
"electronicExportInformation": {
"exportDate": "2023-07-31",
"pointOfOrigin": "NM"
"invoiceDate": "2023-08-18",
"invoiceNumber": "abcde-f12345-67890-abcdef",
"reasonForExport": "sale",
"totalCustomsValue": 12.34,
"totalCustomsValueCurrency": "usd",
"ultimateConsigneeAddress": {
"addressType": "residential",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"company": "ACME",
"countryCode": "US",
"name": "J. Jetson",
"postalCode": "87121",
"state": "NM",
"street1": "80 Future Drive"
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Example standard response without full shipment details
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<see below as an addendum>
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Example response with full shipment details
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"phoneNumberCountryCode": "+2",
"postalCode": "87121",
"state": "NM",
"street1": "123 Main St.",
"street2": "Suite 42"
"shipOption": "standard",
"shipiumShipmentId": "0840c7a2-e6ab-4755-8aa2-9a986297ad6d",
"testMode": true,
"shipiumTenantId": "string",
"shipiumThirdPartyBillingSetId": "string",
"shipmentProperties": [
"shipmentTags": [
"shippedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 50,
"weightUnit": "lb"
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Updated 9 days ago