Fulfillment Engine API

Optimally fulfill orders with Shipium's Fulfillment Engine API.

Get started

To use the Fulfillment Engine API, you must first configure your account. Guidance can be found in the Fulfillment Engine documentation. This document provides instructions for using the API.

You'll need to provide information for the following four top-level entities for this API:

  1. Fulfillment centers. Data at the fulfillment center, or origin, level includes addresses and other standard details; processing times at each fulfillment center; carriers, service methods, and related costs for each fulfillment center; and Fulfillment Engine-specific configuration information, such as whether split shipments should be allowed and what types of splits will be considered (e.g., hazmat, no inventory available for all order items).
  2. Orders. This entity is a list of orders to plan. Data for orders includes the date and time of the order, the destination address, and item quantities for the order.
  3. Packaging types. Data at the packaging type level is used as a default across fulfillment centers when no packaging information is available when calling Fulfillment Engine for a plan. If provided, this data will override all preconfigured packaging types for the planning activity.
  4. Product details. Inventory data includes product availability and cost, dimensions and weight, and special attributes or designations (e.g., hazardous material).

Create a fulfillment plan with the Fulfillment Engine API

The Fulfillment Engine API is designed to be flexible to fit your organization’s business strategy and technical capabilities. All API calls assume you're using one of the authentication mechanisms detailed in our authentication documentation. The endpoint for all Fulfillment Engine API calls is included in the table below.

API typeAPI endpoint


Authentication for API Calls

In the cURL example on this page, the environment variable AUTHSTRING is used to handle authorization. The recipe below shows how to set it correctly for both API Key and OAuth users.

The following table provides all required and optional fields for calling the Fulfillment Engine API. You can find additional support in the Fulfillment Engine API Reference.

Request fieldRequired/OptionalField propertiesDescription
Ex.: myPartnerPlanId123
An optional ID that allows you to set your own ID for looking up the plan after creation
fulfillmentCenters .fulfillment ContextIdRequiredStringA unique identifier for the fulfillment context. This ID must correspond to a Shipium-registered fulfillment context for your organization.
fulfillmentCenters .fulfillmentCost .currencyCodeOptionalStringThe currency code of the fulfillment costs
fulfillmentCenters .fulfillmentCost .perItemOptionalNumber ($float)Additional processing cost added per item in a shipment
fulfillmentCenters .fulfillmentCost .perPackageOptionalNumber ($float)Additional processing cost added per package in a shipment
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypesData for packaging types at the fulfillment center level allows for overriding packaging types for a specific fulfillment center. This is more specific than packagingTypes at the primary entity level and will override those values when processing for a specific fulfillment center.
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .linearDimensions .heightRequiredDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
Length of the shortest side of the box to be packed
Note on envelopes: This height should represent the highest product you would reasonably put in this envelope before losing more than 10% of the length of the envelope in other dimensions.
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .linearDimensions .lengthRequiredDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
Length of the longest side of the box to be packed
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .linearDimensions .linearUnitRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- in (inch)
- cm (centimeter)
The unit of measurement the linear dimensions of the box are specified in
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .linearDimensions .widthRequiredDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
Length of the second longest side of the box to be packed
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .packagingTypeIdOptional, but required if including packaging type values configured in the Shipium platformStringPacking type identifier; you also can include your own unique partnerProvidedId for this value. If you include both linear dimensions and the packagingTypeId, the packagingTypeId takes precedence.
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .packagingMaterialOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedString enumeration
Values are:

- box
- envelope
- flat_pack
- mailing_tube
- parcel_pallet
- unknown
The shipment packaging material
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .packagingSizeNameOptionalString
Ex.: 1x1x4 box
A name your organization wishes to provide for the packaging size
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .weight.weightOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedDecimal
Limited to a number greater than zero
The weight of the empty packaging
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .weight.weightUnitOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedString enumeration
Values are:
-g (gram)

- k (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit of measurement in which the empty packaging is specified
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .maxContentWeight .weightOptionalDecimal
Limited to a number greater than zero
This is the default product weight that will be used when no specific weight information is provided for a product in a Fulfillment Engine plan.
fulfillmentCenters .packagingTypes .maxContentWeight .weightUnitOptionalString enumeration
Values are:
-g (gram)

- k (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit of measurement in which the maximum content weight is specified
fulfillmentCenters .processingTimeOptionalAn array of processing time valuesThe amount of time it takes for the fulfillment center to process a shipment; the expected format is based on the ISO-8601 duration format: PnDTnHnMn.nS.
fulfillmentCenters .rules .splitSettings .allowSplitsOptionalBoolean
true or false
When set to true, this fulfillment center will support splitting shipments based on types defined in the splitTypes field.
fulfillmentCenters .rules .splitSettings .maxItemsPer PackageOptional, but required when unit_count is included as a split typeIntegerThe maximum number of items allowed per package when planning runs generate shipments from order items; this value is used when unit_count is an entry in the splitTypes field list.
fulfillmentCenters .rules .splitSettings .maxPackagesPer OrderOptional, but required when max_shipments is included as a split typeIntegerThe maximum number of packages allowed per order for planning runs; this value is used when the max_shipments is an entry in the splitTypes field list.
fulfillmentCenters .rules .splitSettings .splitTypesOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- fc_split
- hazmat
- inventory
- max_shipments
- package_planner
- sioc
- unit_count
- unknown
A list of split types supported by the fulfillment center. When the value is unit_count, the maxItemsPerPackage field also must be populated; when the value is max_shipments, the maxPackagesPerOrder field must also be populated.
Limited to 3 characters and ISO 4217 standards
Currency code of the orders (e.g., USD = U.S. dollars)
orders .destinationAddress .addressTypeRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- commercial
- residential
The type of location for this address
orders .destinationAddress .cityOptionalString
Limited to alphabetical characters
The name of the city for the address
orders .destinationAddress .companyOptionalString
Limited to alphanumeric characters
The company name for the address
orders .destinationAddress .countryCodeRequiredString
Limited to 2 characters and ISO 3166 standards
The country code for the address
orders .destinationAddress .nameOptionalStringThe name associated with the address
orders .destinationAddress .postalCodeRequiredString
Limited to a country-appropriate postal code
The postal code for the address
orders .destinationAddress .regionOptionalStringThe name of the state or region for the address (e.g., NM)
orders .destinationAddress .street1OptionalStringThe first line of the address
orders .destinationAddress .street2OptionalStringThe second line of the address
orders .orderItemQuantities .productIdRequiredStringA unique product identifier (e.g., RN03947-Z43121)
orders .orderItemQuantities .quantityRequiredInteger
Limited to a number greater than zero
The number of units of this product
orders.orderParams .mustShipCompleteOptionalBoolean
true or false
True if all order items must be planned for shipment. The default value is false.
orders .orderedDateTimeOptionalString
Limited to the ISO-8601 standard
The timestamp for when the customer ordered the product
orders .partnerOrderIdRequiredStringThe identification your organization provided for this order
orders .desiredDeliveryDateOptionalString
Ex.: 2019-10-31T20:00:00Z
The string representation of either an ISO-8601 date or a local date for desired delivery: yyyy-mm-dd. The date or date-time the package is intended to arrive to the customer. This is used to determine the most appropriate service method when generating a label.
orders .desiredDelivery DateOptions .exactDateDeliveryOptionalBoolean
true or false
If true, this instructs the carrier to deliver the package on the date provided in the desiredDeliveryDate field. Desired, Exact, & Guaranteed Delivery Dates provides details on exact date delivery.
orders .desiredDelivery DateOptions .guaranteedDate DeliveryOptionalBoolean
true or false
If true, this indicates that your organization is willing to accept any applicable carrier date certain surcharge to the estimated label cost. Not all carriers support guaranteed date delivery. This restricts carrier selection to service methods that can support guaranteed date delivery.
orders .desiredDelivery DateOptions .upgradeCostDeltaMaxOptionalStringIf set, this is the maximum amount of additional spend that your organization is willing to pay to upgrade a shipment to the desired delivery date (DDD) if the lowest cost carrier service method is unable to safely meet the DDD.
orders .desiredDelivery DateOptions .currencyCodeOptionalStringThe ISO-4217 currency code of the upgradeCostDeltaMax
orders .businessDays OfTransitOptionalInteger ($int32)
Ex.: 3
Indicates the number of business days from the ship time by when the shipment needs to be delivered
Ex.: standard
A high-level shipping option shown to or selected by a customer
orders .shippedDateTimeOptionalString ($date-time)The timestamp for when you (or your fulfillment partner) shipped the product from your (or their) warehouse; the timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp.
orders .packagingTypeData for packaging at the orders level allows for defining the packaging type to use for a specific order.
orders .packagingType .packagingTypeIdOptional, but required if including packaging type values configured in the Shipium platformStringPacking type identifier
orders .packagingType .packagingMaterialOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedString enumeration
Values are:

- box
- envelope
- flat_pack
- unknown
The shipment packaging material
orders .packagingType .linearDimensions .linearUnitRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- in (inch)
- cm (centimeter)
The unit of measurement the linear dimensions of the box are specified in
orders .packagingType .linearDimensions .lengthRequiredDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
Length of the longest side of the box to be packed
orders .packagingType .linearDimensions .widthRequiredDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
Length of the second longest side of the box to be packed
orders .packagingType .linearDimensions .heightRequiredDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
Length of the shortest side of the box to be packed
Note on envelopes: This height should represent the highest product you would reasonably put in this envelope before losing more than 10% of the length of the envelope in other dimensions.
orders .packagingType .weight.weightUnitOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedString
Values are:
-g (gram)

- k (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit of measurement in which the empty packaging is specified
orders .packagingType .weight.weightOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
The weight of the empty packaging
orders .packagingType .maxContentWeight .weightUnitOptional, but required if Packaging Planner values are included but no packagingTypeId is providedString
Values are:
-g (gram)

- k (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit of measurement of the maximum weight of the contents that the packaging type can support
orders .packagingType .maxContentWeight .weightOptional, but required if Packaging Planner values are included but no packagingTypeId is providedDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
The maximum weight of contents that the packaging type can support
orders .packagingType.urnOptionalStringThe uniform resource name for identifying the packaging type
orders .packagingType .packagingSizeNameOptionalString
Example: 1x1x4 Box
A name your organization wishes to provide for the packaging size
packagingTypesData for packaging types at this primary level allows for specifying the packaging types to use for the request across fulfillment centers.
packagingTypes .linearDimensions .heightOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
The numerical value of the shortest side of the package
packagingTypes .linearDimensions .lengthOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
The numerical value of the longest side of the package
packagingTypes .linearDimensions .linearUnitOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedString enumeration
Values are:

- in (inch)
- cm (centimeter)
The unit of measurement in which the linear dimensions of the package are specified
packagingTypes .linearDimensions .widthOptional, but required if no packagingTypeId is providedDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
The numerical value of the second longest side of the package
packagingTypes .packagingTypeIdRequiredStringPacking type identifier
packagingTypes .packagingMaterialRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- box
- envelope
- flat_pack
- mailing_tube
- parcel_pallet
- unknown
The shipment packaging material
packagingTypes .weight.weightRequiredDecimal
Limited to a number greater than zero
The weight of the packaging
packagingTypes .weight.weightUnitRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit of measurement in which the packaging is specified
packagingTypes .maxContentWeight .weightUnitOptional, but required if Packaging Planner values are included but no packagingTypeId is providedString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit of measurement of the maximum weight of the contents that the packaging type can support
packagingTypes .maxContentweight .weightOptional, but required if Packaging Planner values are included but no packagingTypeId is providedDecimal
Limited to a number greater than zero
The maximum weight of contents that the packaging type can support
packagingTypes .packagingSizeNameOptionalString
Ex.: 1x1x4 box
A name your organization wishes to provide for the packaging size
planDateTimeOptionalStringA future date to use as the starting date of the plan. A value of null conveys to use 'now' as the plan time.
productDetails .fulfillment AttributesRequiredStringA list of attributes that may affect the shipping of the product
productDetails .hazmatOptionalBoolean
true or false
If true, indicates that the item is hazmat. The default value is false.
productDetails .hazmatInfo .categoryOptional, but required if the hazmat field is TRUEString enumeration
Values are:

- contains_lithium_ion
- contains_lithium_metal
- defined
- lithium_ion_battery_only
- lithium_metal_battery_only
- packaged_lithium_ion
- packaged_lithium_metal
Hazmat category for this order item. Use 'defined' to specify detailed information.
productDetails .hazmatInfo .containerTypeOptional, but required if the hazmat field is TRUEString enumeration
Values are:

- aluminum_box
- aluminum_cylinder
- aluminum_drum
- aluminum_jerrican
- carton
- cylinder
- envirotainer
- fiber_drum
- fiberboard_box
- metal_box
- other
- plastic_box
- plastic_drum
- plastic_jerrican
- plastic_pail
- plywood_box
- plywood_drum
- steel_box
- steel_drum
- steel_jerrican
- styrofoam_box
- wooden_box
The material in which the hazardous material is packed
productDetails .hazmatInfo .hazardClassOptional, but required if the category field is definedString enumeration
Values are:

- class_1_explosive
- class_2_flammable_gas
- class_3_flammable_liquid
- class_4_flammable_solid
- class_5_organic_peroxide
- class_6_poisonous_material
- class_7_radioactive
- class_8_corrosive_material
- class_9_miscellaneous
- forbidden
- other
Hazard class of the hazardous material
productDetails .hazmatInfo .hazmatIdOptional, but required if the category field is definedStringThe International Air Transport Association (IATA) or U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulatory identifier for the commodity as appropriate
productDetails .hazmatInfo .packingGroupOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- i
- ii
- iii
The degree of danger the material presents
productDetails .hazmatInfo .packingInstruction CodeOptionalStringThe packing instruction code used for air transport
productDetails .hazmatInfo .properShipping NameOptional, but required if the category field is definedStringThe proper shipping name that is associated with the specified hazmatId
productDetails .hazmatInfo .quantityRequiredNumberThe amount of quantity type material in quantity units
productDetails .hazmatInfo .quantityTypeRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- gross
- net
Determines whether the quantity includes the raw material (net) or also includes the material housing (gross)
productDetails .hazmatInfo .quantityUnitsRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- l (liter)
- ml (milliliter)
- lb (pound)
- oz (ounce)
The units of measure for the quantity of hazardous materials specified
productDetails .hazmatInfo .subsidiaryClassesOptionalStringThe appropriate IATA or DOT subsidiary classes associated with the material and the hazard class
productDetails .hazmatInfo .transportModeOptional, but required if the category field is definedString enumeration
Values are:

- cargo_aircraft_only
- ground
- passenger_and_cargo_aircraft
The packing instruction code used for air transport
productDetails .inventoryStatuses .fulfillment CenterIdOptionalStringThe unique identifier for the fulfillment center that corresponds to a fulfillment center configured in the Shipium platform
productDetails .inventoryStatuses .fulfillment ContextIdRequiredStringA unique identifier for the fulfillment context. This ID must correspond to a Shipium-registered fulfillment context for your organization.
productDetails .inventoryStatuses .fulfillmentCost CurrencyCodeOptionalString
Limited to 3 characters and ISO 4217 standards
Currency code of the fulfillment cost (e.g., USD = U.S. dollars)
productDetails .inventoryStatuses .fulfillmentCost PerItemOptionalNumberThe price of fulfilling one item from the fulfillment center
productDetails .inventoryStatuses .quantityAvailableRequiredIntegerThe quantity of the item available at the fulfillment center; this value should be zero (0) for a fulfillment center that has no inventory to fill the request.
productDetails .linearDimensions .heightRequiredDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
The numerical value of the shortest side of the product
productDetails .linearDimensions .lengthRequiredDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
The numerical value of the longest side of the product
productDetails .linearDimensions .linearUnitRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- in (inch)
- cm (centimeter)
The unit of measurement in which the linear dimensions of the product are specified
productDetails .linearDimensions .widthRequiredDecimal
Limited to a value greater than zero
The numerical value of the second longest side of the product
productDetails .productDetailsRequiredString
-limited_quantity (or lq)

- ormd (or orm-d)
- perishable
- bound_printed_matter (or bpm)
A list of product details that may affect shipping of the product
productDetails .productIdRequiredStringThe product stock-keeping unit (SKU)
productDetails .weight.weightOptional, but required if including productDetails.weightDecimal
Limited to a number greater than zero
The weight of the product
productDetails .weight.weightUnitOptional, but required if including productDetails.weightString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit of measurement in which the weight is specified
Ex.: myFulfillmentEnginePlan
An optional human-readable name your organization has assigned to the plan
descriptionOptionalStringAn optional description you can use to provide additional information for the plan

The Fulfillment Engine response attributes are defined in the following table.

There are three major sections of the response:

  1. proposedShipments contains the list of shipments recommended, including FC, packaging and cost details, items and links for each element in the shipmentItems array back to the originating order.
  2. unfulfillableItems contains order items that could not be fulfilled, usually due to insufficient inventory available across all FCs.
  3. resultingInventory contains the ending inventory state. If a given SKU in a given warehouse started out with a quantity of 10 and 4 were used as part of producing shipments then this array will contain a quantityAvailable of 6 for that FC and SKU, reflecting the end state of the inventory after assignments are complete.
Response attributeDescription
activeIndicates whether this asset is active (a value of true) or inactive (false)
archivedIndicates whether this asset is archived (a value of true) or inactive (false)
auditInfo.createdByThe username of the last person (or system) who created the entity
auditInfo.creationTimeStampISO-8601 formatted date in UTC when the entity was initially created
auditInfo.lastUpdatedByThe username of the last person (or system) to update the entity
auditInfo.lastUpdatedTimeStampISO-8601 formatted date in UTC when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.versionA number corresponding to each version change
partnerIdThe unique identification (ID) for your organization
tenantIdThe unique ID assigned to the tenant by Shipium, if applicable
planIdThe unique ID for the Fulfillment Engine plan generated by Shipium
partnerPlanIdAn optional ID that is returned if you set your own ID for looking up plans in the call request
proposedShipments.cost.carrierThe proposed carrier to ship the package out of the fulfillment center
proposedShipments.cost .serviceMethodThe proposed carrier service method to ship the package out of the fulfillment center
proposedShipments.cost.costThe estimated cost to ship the package out of the fulfillment center
proposedShipments.cost.performance .effectiveShipDateTimeCalculation for the effective ship date time that a shipment will ship out
proposedShipments.cost.performance .estimatedDeliveryDateThe date and time by when the package is estimated to be delivered to the customer
proposedShipments.cost.performance .estimatedDeliveryDateLocalThe local date-time of the destination of the shipment
proposedShipments.cost.performance .destinationTimezoneIdThe zone ID used for the destination of the shipment
proposedShipments .destinationAddress.addressTypeThe type of location for this address (i.e., commercial or residential)
proposedShipments .destinationAddress.cityThe name of the city for the address
proposedShipments .destinationAddress.companyThe company name for the address
proposedShipments .destinationAddress.countryCodeThe ISO-3166 country code for the address
proposedShipments .destinationAddress.nameThe name associated with the address
proposedShipments .destinationAddress.postalCodeThe postal code for the address
proposedShipments .destinationAddress.regionThe name of the state or region for the address
proposedShipments .destinationAddress.street1The first line of the address
proposedShipments .destinationAddress.street2The second line of the address
proposedShipments .fulfillmentContextIdThe unique ID of the fulfillment context
proposedShipments .packagingType.linearDimensions .lengthThe numerical value of the longest side of the packaging
proposedShipments .packagingType.linearDimensions .heightThe numerical value of the shortest side of the packaging
proposedShipments .packagingType.linearDimensions .linearUnitThe unit of measurement in which the linear dimensions of the packaging are specified (in or cm)
proposedShipments .packagingType.linearDimensions .widthThe numerical value of the second longest side of the packaging
proposedShipments .packagingType.packagingTypeIdPackaging type identifier
proposedShipments .packagingType.packagingMaterialThe shipment packaging material (box, envelope, flat pack, mailing tube, parcel pallet, or unknown)
proposedShipments .packagingType.packagingSizeNameThe name your organization provided for the packaging size
proposedShipments .packagingType.weight.weightThe weight of the packaging
proposedShipments .packagingType.weight.weightUnitThe unit of measurement the packaging is specified in
proposedShipments .proposedShipmentIdA unique ID of the shipment
proposedShipments .shipmentItems.linearDimensions .lengthThe numerical value of the longest side of the
items to be shipped
proposedShipments .shipmentItems.linearDimensions .heightThe numerical value of the shortest side of the items to be shipped
proposedShipments .shipmentItems.linearDimensions .linearUnitThe unit of measurement
the linear dimensions of the items to be shipped are specified in
proposedShipments .shipmentItems.linearDim .shipmentItems.linearDimensions .widthThe
numerical value of the second
longest side of the items to be shipped
proposedShipments .shipmentItems.partnerOrderIdThe ID your organization provided for this order
proposedShipments .shipmentItems.productIdA unique product identifier (e.g., RN03947-Z43121)
proposedShipments .shipmentItems.weight.weightThe weight of the items to be shipped
proposedShipments .shipmentItems.weight.weightUnitThe unit of measurement the items to be shipped are specified in
proposedShipments .totalWeight.weightThe total weight of the proposed shipment
proposedShipments .totalWeight.weightUnitThe unit of measurement the total proposed shipment is specified in
unfulfillableItems.countUnfulfilledThe number of unfulfillable items for the order
unfulfillableItems.orderItem .productIdA unique product identifier (e.g., RN03947-Z43121) for the unfulfillable item
unfulfillableItems.orderItem .quantityThe number of units of the product
unfulfillableItems.partnerOrderIdA unique order identifier for the unfulfillable items provided by your organization
unfulfillableItems.reasonThe reason the item could not be fulfilled
urnThe uniform resource name for identifying this asset

Shipium assumptions for the Fulfillment Engine API

  • Orders
    Order items that can be fulfilled from the same order will be grouped for maximum consolidation opportunity.
    Order items will be split into shipment groups based on the information passed in the API call (e.g., hazmat).
    Orders will be processed into proposed shipments based on the order in which they are listed in the API call.
  • Inventory
    Order items will be consolidated into proposed shipments based on the inventory levels provided by your organization.

Example cURL call

curl --request POST   
  --url https://api.shipium.com/api/v1/fe/plans
  --header 'accept: application/json' 
  --header $AUTHSTRING  
  --header 'content-type: application/json'  

Example request body

  "partnerPlanId": "myPartnerPlanId123",
  "fulfillmentCenters": [
      "fulfillmentContextId": "76172e5c-e2c1-4652-b5f0-bd43e2d41ee0",
      "fulfillmentCost": {
          "currencyCode": "usd",
          "perItem": 0,
          "perPackage": 0
       "packagingTypes": [
          "linearDimensions": {
             "height": 10,
             "length": 13,
             "linearUnit": "in",
             "width": 12
          "packagingTypeId": "a7c89cab-e9b8-42d9-8b27-3021133912d7",
          "packagingMaterial": "box",
          "packagingSizeName": "large box",
          "weight": {
             "weight": 50,
             "weightUnit": "lb"
          "maxContentWeight": {
             "weightUnit": "lb",
             "weight": 50
      "processingTime": "PnDTnHnMn.nS",
      "rules": {
        "splitSettings": {
          "allowSplits": true,
          "maxItemsPerPackage": 0,
          "maxPackagesPerOrder": 0,
          "splitTypes": [
  "orders": [
      "currencyCode": "usd",
      "desiredDeliveryDate": "2024-01-16T18:22:12.454Z",
      "destinationAddress": {
        "addressType": "commercial",
        "city": "Albuquerque",
        "company": "ACME",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
        "postalCode": "87121",
        "region": "NM",
        "street1": "123 Main St.",
        "street2": "Suite 42"
      "orderItemQuantities": [
          "productId": "RN03947--Z43121",
          "quantity": 0
      "orderParams": {
        "mustShipComplete": true
      "orderedDateTime": "2019-10-28T14:34:55.123456Z",
      "partnerOrderId": "myCustomPartnerOrderId123",
      "packagingType": {
          "linearDimensions": {
            "height": 10,
            "length": 13,
            "linearUnit": "in",
            "width": 12
          "packagingTypeId": "a7c89cab-e9b8-42d9-8b27-3021133912d7",
          "packagingMaterial": "box",
          "packagingSizeName": "large box",
          "weight": {
            "weight": 50,
            "weightUnit": "lb"
		      "maxContentWeight": {
		        "weight": 100,
		       	"weightUnit": "lb"
  "packagingTypes": [
      "linearDimensions": {
        "height": 10,
        "length": 13,
        "linearUnit": "in",
        "width": 12
      "packagingTypeId": "a7c89cab-e9b8-42d9-8b27-3021133912d7",
      "packagingMaterial": "box",
      "packagingSizeName": "large box",
      "weight": {
        "weight": 50,
        "weightUnit": "lb"
	    "maxContentWeight": {
	      "weight": 100,
		    "weightUnit": "lb"
  "planDateTime": "2024-01-16T18:22:12.454Z",
  "productDetails": [
      "fulfillmentAttributes": [
      "hazmat": true,
      "hazmatInfo": {
        "category": "defined",
        "containerType": "aluminum_jerrican",
        "hazardClass": "class_8_corrosive_material",
        "hazmatId": "UN1755",
        "packingGroup": "ii",
        "packingInstructionCode": "967",
        "properShippingName": "chromic acid solution",
        "quantity": 2.1,
        "quantityType": "gross",
        "quantityUnits": "l",
        "subsidiaryClasses": [
        "transportMode": "passenger_and_cargo_aircraft"
      "inventoryStatuses": [
          "fulfillmentContextId": "76172e5c-e2c1-4652-b5f0-bd43e2d41ee0",
          "fulfillmentCostCurrencyCode": "usd",
          "fulfillmentCostPerItem": 0,
          "quantityAvailable": 0
      "linearDimensions": {
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Example response

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    "lastUpdatedTimeStamp": "2023-09-07T15:36:55.503Z",
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