LTL Shipment Cost API

Determine costing for less than truckload (LTL) shipments with Shipium's LTL Shipment Cost API.

Get started

To use the LTL Shipment Cost API, you must first configure your account. Guidance can be found in the LTL (Less Than Truckload) Shipments documentation. This document provides instructions for using the API.

The LTL Shipment Cost API assumes you're using one of the authentication mechanisms detailed in our authentication documentation.


Authentication for API Calls

In the cURL example on this page, the environment variable AUTHSTRING is used to handle authorization. The recipe below shows how to set it correctly for both API Key and OAuth users.


Test mode

Want to run some examples and not charge any real money against your account?

You can add testMode: "true" to the data passed to any label call to retrieve labels without charging money in a carrier-specific manner. Most carriers will mark their labels in a way to make clear that they are void, such as inserting "VOID" throughout the label or using a predefined ID.

The examples below contain the testMode flag to err on the side of caution – remove it to make production calls.

Determine LTL shipment costing

The endpoint for determining the estimated cost for an LTL shipment is included in the following table.

API typeAPI endpoint

Request and response fields for API calls

The following table provides required and optional fields for calling the LTL Shipment Cost API. You can find additional support in the LTL Shipment Cost API Reference.

Request fieldRequired/OptionalField propertiesDescription
businessDaysOfTransitOptionalInteger ($int32)
Ex.: 3
Indicates the number of business days from the ship time by when the shipment needs to be delivered
Ex.: usd
ISO-4217 currency code in which all the rates for shipping will be calculated and returned
Ex.: 2019-10-31T20:00:00Z
The string representation of either an ISO-8601 date or a local date for desired delivery : yyyy-mm-dd. The date or date-time the package is intended to arrive to the customer. This is used to determine the most appropriate service method when generating a label.
desiredDeliveryDateOptions .exactDateDeliveryOptionalBoolean
If true, this instructs the carrier to deliver the package on the date provided in the desiredDeliveryDate field. Desired, Exact, & Guaranteed Delivery Dates provides details on exact date delivery.
desiredDeliveryDateOptions .guaranteedDateDeliveryOptionalBoolean
If true, this indicates that your organization is willing to accept any applicable carrier date certain surcharge to the estimated label cost. Not all carriers support guaranteed date delivery. This restricts carrier selection to service methods that can support guaranteed date delivery .
desiredDeliveryDateOptions .upgradeCostDeltaMaxOptionalStringIf set, this is the maximum amount of additional spend that your organization is willing to pay to upgrade a shipment to the desired delivery date (DDD) if the lowest cost carrier service method is unable to safely meet the DDD.
desiredDeliveryDateOptions .currencyCodeOptionalStringThe ISO-4217 currency code of the upgradeCostDeltaMax
destinationAddress.nameOptionalStringThe name of the contact for the destination address
destinationAddress .phoneNumberOptional, but may be required for certain carriers and methodsStringThe phone number of the contact for the destination address
destinationAddress .phoneNumberCountryCodeOptional, but may be required for certain carriers and methodsStringThe phone number country code of the contact for the destination address
destinationAddress .emailAddressOptionalStringThe email address of the contact for the destination address
destinationAddress.companyOptionalStringThe company name for the destination address
destinationAddress.street1OptionalStringThe first destination address line
destinationAddress.street2OptionalStringThe second destination address line
destinationAddress.cityOptionalStringThe name of the city for the destination address
destinationAddress.stateOptionalStringThe 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state for the destination address
destinationAddress .countryCodeRequiredStringThe ISO 3166-1 country code for the destination address
destinationAddress .postalCodeRequiredStringA country-code-appropriate postal code for the destination address
destinationAddress .addressTypeRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- commercial
- residential
The type of location for the destination address
existingShipmentIdsOptional, but required if no value is provided for either shipments or packedShipmentsStringIf you have already created a shipment using Shipium's Carrier Selection service (using the /api/v1/deliveryexperience/shipment endpoint, or an equivalent endpoint), you can include the shipiumShipmentId or partnerShipmentIdreturned in the response. These cannot be LTL shipments, must have nmfcFreightClass configured, and must have the same ship from and destination addresses as this LTL shipment. This can be used in conjunction with shipments and/or packedShipments. At least one of existingShipmentIds, shipments, and packedShipments must not be empty or null.
includeEvaluatedService MethodsInResponseOptionalBoolean
true or false
When true, a request will expand information on the response to include unselected service methods that made it through filtering.
includeLineItemsInEvaluated ServiceMethodsOptionalBoolean
true or false
When true, a response will include line item information for the returned evaluated service methods, provided that includeEvaluatedServiceMethodsInResponse is also set to true.
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContactOptionalArray of billToContact objectsThe entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment; by default, the carrier contracts in the fulfillment context will be used for billing. Either the addressLineComponents or the other address fields should be provided.
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.addressTypeOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- commercial
- residential
The type of location for the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.cityOptionalStringThe name of the city for the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.companyOptionalStringThe company name for the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.countryCodeRequiredStringThe ISO 3166-1 country code for the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.emailAddressOptionalStringThe email address of the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.nameOptionalStringThe name of the contact for the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.phoneNumberOptionalStringThe phone number of the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact .phoneNumberCountryCodeOptionalStringThe phone number country code of the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.postalCodeRequiredStringA country-code-appropriate postal code for the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.stateOptionalStringThe 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state for the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.street1OptionalStringThe first address line for the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact.street2OptionalStringThe second address line for the entity that should be billed for the LTL shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .billToContact .thirdPartyBillingSetIdOptionalStringEither the Shipium-generated or your own unique third party billing set ID; this value is used to look up the account number each LTL carrier uses to determine pricing agreement. Bill a Third Party provides details on third party billing.
ltlShipmentParameters .carrierServiceMethod AllowListOptionalString enumerationA list of carrierServiceMethodIds, Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) codes, and/or carriers that should be considered for LTL carrier selection; you can find more information in Specify Carrier Service and Method and a list of carrierServiceMethodIds in Supported Carriers.
ltlShipmentParameters .collectOnDelivery.amountOptional, but required if including collectOnDeliveryNumber ($float)
Ex.: 12.34
The amount of money
ltlShipmentParameters .collectOnDelivery.currencyOptional, but required if including collectOnDeliveryString
Ex.: usd
The ISO-4217 currency code of the amount of money; this is required unless a default currency unit is supplied elsewhere. If this and a default are both supplied, this will take priority.
ltlShipmentParameters .fulfillmentContextIdsOptionalStringA collection of fulfillment context IDs or fulfillment context aliases to use in the fulfillment context detail search for LTL carrier selection; there must be exactly one fulfillment context that can ship from the origin to the destination, for the specified tenant, regardless of whether or not this list is populated.
ltlShipmentParameters .fulfillmentTypeOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- at_large
- customer
- hundredweight
- reship
- returns
- unknown
The fulfillment methodology of the shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .hazmatContact.contactNameOptional, but required if including hazmatContactStringThe name of the contact to use as the return-to contact if the package is being returned
ltlShipmentParameters .hazmatContact.phoneNumberOptional, but required if including hazmatContactStringThe phone number of the contact to use as the return-to contact if the package is being returned
ltlShipmentParameters .hazmatContact .phoneNumberCountryCodeOptionalStringThe phone number country code of the contact to use as the return-to contact if the package is being returned
ltlShipmentParameters .hazmatContact.emailOptionalStringThe email of the contact to use as the return-to contact if the package is being returned
ltlShipmentParameters .packagingOptions .loadPackagingTypeOptional, but required if there are any existingShipmentIds or shipments in the LtlCostRequestString enumeration
Values are:

- loose
- overboxed
- piece
- wrapped
- pallet
How the packages in the load will be packaged together
ltlShipmentParameters .packagingOptions .loadPackagingSize.heightOptional, but required if there are any existingShipmentIds or shipments in the LtlCostRequestNumber ($float)
Ex.: 84
The maximum height that packages can be stacked within the packaging
ltlShipmentParameters .packagingOptions .loadPackagingSize.lengthOptional, but required if there are any existingShipmentIds or shipments in the LtlCostRequestNumber ($float)
Ex.: 48
The longer horizontal dimension that packages can occupy within the packaging
ltlShipmentParameters .packagingOptions .loadPackagingSize .linearUnitOptional, but required if there are any existingShipmentIds or shipments in the LtlCostRequestString enumeration
Values are:

- in (inch)
- cm (centimeter)
The unit of measure for linear dimensions (length, width, height)
ltlShipmentParameters .packagingOptions .loadPackagingSize .maximumWeightOptional, but required if there are any existingShipmentIds or shipments in the LtlCostRequestNumber ($float)
Ex.: 850.25
The maximum weight of packages within the packaging. If not specified, no maximum weight will be used when determining how to pack packages.
ltlShipmentParameters .packagingOptions .loadPackagingSize .packagingWeightOptional, but required if there are any existingShipmentIds or shipments in the LtlCostRequestNumber ($float)
Ex.: 10.125
The weight of the packaging without any packages
ltlShipmentParameters .packagingOptions .loadPackagingSize .weightUnitOptional, but required if there are any existingShipmentIds or shipments in the LtlCostRequestString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit of measure for maximum weight of packages within the packaging, and the packaging itself
ltlShipmentParameters .packagingOptions .loadPackagingSize.widthOptional, but required if there are any existingShipmentIds or shipments in the LtlCostRequestNumber ($float)
Ex.: 40
The shorter horizontal dimension that packages can occupy within the packaging
ltlShipmentParameters .paymentDetails.payerTypeRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- consignee
- shipper
- thirdParty
The type of entity that is paying the carrier to deliver the shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .paymentDetails .paymentTermsRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- collect
- prePaid
- thirdParty
The method being used to pay for the shipment
ltlShipmentParameters .pickupDateRequiredString
Ex.: 2024-12-31
The date when the LTL shipment will be picked up by the carrier
ltlShipmentParameters .pricingTypesOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- all
- contract
- contractPallet
- dynamic
- volume
- unknown
The type of pricing for the LTL shipment; the default value is all.
ltlShipmentParameters .serviceLevelsOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- all
- guaranteedMorning
- guaranteedNoon
- guaranteedEndOfDay
- standard
- unknown
The time-definite delivery options that should be eligible for LTL carrier selection; the default value is standard.
ltlShipmentParameters .accessorialCodesOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- AIRD, AIRP (airport)
- APTD, APTP (appointment required)
- CFSD, CFSP (container)
- COD (collect on delivery)
- FSC (fuel surcharge)
- GTD (guaranteed)
- HAZ (hazmat)
- HCDA, HCPA (high cost)
- INS (insurance)
- LTDAD, LTDAP (limited access)
- MISC (miscellaneous)
- MNC (must notify)
- OVR (over dimension)
- PPD (perishable)
- PSN (poisonous)
- REP, RES (residential)
- SLTDAD, SLTDAP (secured limited access)
- SS (single shipment)
- WGDL, WGDU (white glove)
Any optional requested accessorial services will be passed to the carrier.
packedShipmentsOptional, but required if no value is provided for either existingShipmentIds or shipmentsAn array of packedShipments objectsThe already packed LTL shipments that should be included in this LTL shipment; items in this list will only be used for LTL costing and will not have their packaging modified, nor be eligible for package carrier selection. Items in this list do not require corresponding Shipium shipments, nor will they create shipments. This can be used in conjunction with existingShipmentIds and/or shipments. At least one of existingShipmentIds, shipments, and packedShipments must not be empty or null.
packedShipments .declaredValue.amountOptional, but required if including declaredValueNumber ($float)
Ex.: 12.34
The amount of money that should be paid by the recipient upon delivery of the package
packedShipments .declaredValue.currencyOptional, but required if a currency amount is not provided elsewhereString
Ex.: usd
The ISO-4217 currency code of the amount of money that should be paid by the recipient upon delivery of the package
packedShipments .loadPackagingTypeOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- loose
- overboxed
- piece
- wrapped
- pallet
How the packages in the load are packaged together
packedShipments .loadPackagingSize.heightRequiredNumber ($float)
Ex.: 84
The height that packages are stacked within the packaging
packedShipments .loadPackagingSize.lengthRequiredNumber ($float)
Ex.: 48
The longer horizontal dimension that packages occupy within the packaging
packedShipments .loadPackagingSize .linearUnitRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- in (inch)
- cm (centimeter)
The unit of measure for linear dimensions (length, width, height)
packedShipments .loadPackagingSize.weightRequiredNumber ($float)
Ex.: 850.25
The total weight of packages within the packaging
packedShipments .loadPackagingSize .weightUnitRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit of measure for weight of the packages within the packaging
packedShipments .loadPackagingSize.widthRequiredNumber ($float)
Ex.: 40
The shorter horizontal dimension that packages occupy within the packaging
packedShipments .nmfcFreightClassRequiredStringA string representing the broad class of products being shipped in this load; this should be the largest (i.e., 51 > 50) National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) class of any of the products in the load. For example, both bricks and steel pipes have an NMFC class of 50.
Ex.: myCustomPartnerLTLShipmentId123
An optional unique identifier that may be used for this LTL cost
returnToAddress.nameOptionalStringThe name associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.phoneNumberOptionalStringThe phone number of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress .phoneNumberCountryCodeOptionalStringThe phone number country code of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.emailAddressOptionalStringThe email address of the contact associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.companyOptionalStringThe company name associated with the address of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.street1OptionalStringThe first address line of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.street2OptionalStringThe second address line of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.cityOptionalStringThe city of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.stateOptionalStringThe 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.countryCodeOptional, but required if including returnToAddressStringThe ISO 3166-1 country code for the address of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.postalCodeOptional, but required if including returnToAddressStringA country-code-appropriate postal code for the address of the location where the package is being returned
returnToAddress.addressTypeOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- commercial
- residential
The type of location for the address of the location where the package is being returned
shipFromAddress.nameOptionalStringThe name associated with the address from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.phoneNumberOptionalStringThe phone number of the contact associated with the address from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress .phoneNumberCountryCodeOptionalStringThe phone number country code of the contact associated with the address from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.emailAddressOptionalStringThe email address of the contact associated with the address from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.companyOptionalStringThe company name associated with the address from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.street1OptionalStringThe first address line of the location from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.street2OptionalStringThe second address line of the location from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.cityOptionalStringThe city of the location from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.stateOptionalStringThe 2-letter postal abbreviation of the state of the location from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.countryCodeRequiredStringThe ISO 3166-1 country code for the address of the location from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.postalCodeRequiredStringA country-code-appropriate postal code for the address of the location from which the package is being shipped
shipFromAddress.addressTypeOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- commercial
- residential
The type of location for the address of the location from which the package is being shipped
shippedDateTimeOptionalString ($date-time)
Ex.: 2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z
The ISO-8601 timestamp for when you (or your fulfillment partner) shipped the product from your (or their) warehouse
shipmentsOptional, but required if no value is provided for either existingShipmentIds or packedShipmentsAn array of shipments objectsThe shipments that should be included in this LTL shipment; this can be used in conjunction with existingShipmentIds and/or packedShipments. At least one of existingShipmentIds, shipments, and packedShipments must not be empty or null.
shipments .carrierProcessingIdOptionalStringA carrier-provided identifier, supplied when it is needed to process the shipment
shipments.deliveryNoteOptionalStringA string passed to carriers for a delivery note
shipments .partnerReferenceIdentifierOptionalStringAn optional identifier your organization passes to the carrier for reference
shipments .partnerReference Identifier2OptionalStringA second optional identifier your organization passes to the carrier for reference
shipments .purchaseOrderIdentifierOptionalStringA string passed to the carrier as a purchase order identifier
shipments .referenceIdentifierOptionalStringAn optional string identifier passed to the carrier, up to 5 (referenceIdentifier, referenceIdentifier2, referenceIdentifier3, referenceIdentifier4, referenceIdentifier5)
shipments.shipmentTagsOptionalStringA collection of free-form tags that may be added to this shipment
shipments.orderedDateTimeOptionalString ($date-time)
Ex.: 2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z
The ISO-8601 timestamp for when the customer placed an order for this product
shipments.packages .packageReferenceIdentifierRequiredStringUsed to correlate packages to label documents from the carrier
shipments.packages .partnerProvidedPackageIdOptionalStringA custom identifier your organization assigns to the packaging
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .deliveryEstimateIdOptionalString
Ex.: 0b3d140a-525b-43a7-896c-cdc381580d61
A delivery estimate ID associated with the product
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .productIdOptional, but required for shipments containing hazardous materialsString
Ex.: RN03947--Z43121
A product ID for the product being checked (ISBN, UPC, etc.)
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .quantityOptional, but required for shipments containing hazardous materialsInteger
Ex.: 3
The number of units of the product
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .productDetailsOptional, but required for shipments containing hazardous materialsString

- limited_quantity (or lq)
- ormd (or orm-d)
- perishable
- bound_printed_matter (or bpm)
A list of properties that may affect the shipping of the product
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .orderItemReference IdentifierOptionalString
Ex.: someIdentifier
An external identifier that can reference the order item that exists in an external order management system; this field will be passed to supported carriers.
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .shipiumOrderIdOptionalString
Ex.: 4dc43fff-c3af-4d7b-8a18-e01f2b4cb312
Identification used to represent the group of delivery estimates purchased
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .partnerOrderIdOptionalString
Ex.: myCustomPartnerOrderId123
A unique identifier supplied by your organization representing this order
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities.hazmatOptionalBoolean
true or false
If true, this indicates that the item is hazardous material (hazmat). The default value is false. For hazmat requirements, you can refer to Hazardous Materials.
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo.categoryOptional, but required if including hazmatInfoString enumeration
Values are:

- defined
- contains_lithium_ion
- packaged_lithium_ion
- lithium_ion_battery_only
- contains_lithium_metal
- packaged_lithium_metal
- lithium_metal_battery_only
- dry_ice
Hazmat category for this order item; use defined to specify detailed information.
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo.quantityOptional, but required if category is definedNumber ($float)
Ex.: 2.1
The amount of quantity type material in quantity units
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo.quantityTypeOptional, but required if category is definedString enumeration
Values are:

- gross
- net
Determines whether the quantity includes the raw material (net) or also includes the material housing (gross)
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo.quantityUnitsOptional, but required if category is definedString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- lb (pound)
- oz (ounce)
- ml (milliliter)
- l (liter)
The unit of measure for the quantity of hazardous materials specified
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo.containerTypeOptional, but required if category is definedString enumeration
Values are:

- fiberboard_box
- wooden_box
- plastic_jerrican
- metal_box
- steel_drum
- other
- plastic_box
- plastic_drum
- styrofoam_box
- cylinder
- envirotainer
- plywood_box
- aluminum_drum
- aluminum_cylinder
- plastic_pail
- plywood_drum
- fiber_drum
- steel_jerrican
- aluminum_jerrican
- steel_box
- carton
- aluminum_box
The material in which the hazardous material is packaged
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo.hazmatIdOptional, but required if category is definedString
Ex.: UN1755
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) or U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulatory identifier for the commodity as appropriate
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .properShippingNameOptional, but required if category is definedString
Ex.: chromic acid solution
Proper shipping name that is associated with the specified hazmat ID
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo.packingGroupOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- i
- ii
- iii
The packing group code for the hazardous material
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo.transportModeOptional, but required if category is definedString enumeration
Values are:

- ground
- passenger_and_cargo_aircraft
- cargo_aircraft_only
Declares that a package was prepared according to ground, passenger aircraft, or cargo aircraft only
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .packingInstructionCodeOptionalString
Ex.: 967
The packing instruction code used for air transport
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo.hazardClassOptional, but required if category is definedString enumeration
Values are:

- class_1_explosive
- class_2_flammable_gas
- class_3_flammable_liquid
- class_4_flammable_solid
- class_5_organic_peroxide
- class_6_poisonous_material
- class_7_radioactive
- class_8_corrosive_material
- class_9_miscellaneous
The hazard class of the hazmat
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .subsidiaryClassesOptionalString
Ex.: 8.1
The appropriate IATA/DOT subsidiary classes associated with the material and the hazard class
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .productTaxCodeOptionalStringThe tax code that applies to the given product
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .nmfcCodeOptionalStringUseful for LTL shipments, a string representing the narrow type of product being shipped; for example, bricks have an NMFC code of 32100.2 and steel pipes have an NMFC code of 51200.
shipments.packages .orderItemQuantities .nmfcFreightClassRequired for LTL shipmentsStringRequired for LTL shipments, a string representing the broad class of product being shipped; for example, both bricks and steel pipes have an NMFC class of 50.
shipments.packages .packagingType .packagingMaterialOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- box
- envelope
- flat_pack
- mailing_tube
- parcel_pallet
The type of packaging used to create the package for the shipment
shipments.packages .packagingType .packagingSizeNameOptionalString
Ex.: 13x12x10 box
A custom name for the packaging
shipments.packages .packagingType .packagingTypeIdOptional, but required if linearDimensions is not providedString
Ex.: ebd94f8b-d390-4c9c-987f-b88343f5bf45
The packagingTypeId that was used for this package; when this value is present, the dimensions pre-configured by your organization are used. When this value is absent, linearDimensions is required.
shipments.packages .packagingType .linearDimensions .linearUnitOptional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not includedString enumeration
Values are:

- cm (centimeter)
- in (inch)
The unit in which linear dimensions are provided
shipments.packages .packagingType .linearDimensions.lengthOptional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not includedNumber ($float)
Ex.: 13
The longest linear dimension (i.e., the longest side of a box or envelope)
shipments.packages .packagingType .linearDimensions.widthOptional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not includedNumber ($float)
Ex.: 12
The second longest linear dimension (i.e., the second longest side of a box or envelope)
shipments.packages .packagingType .linearDimensions.heightOptional, but required if the packagingTypeId is not includedNumber ($float)
Ex.: 10
The least long linear dimension (i.e., the shortest side of a box or envelope).
Note on envelopes: This height should represent the highest product you would reasonably put in this envelope before losing more than 10% of the length of the envelope in other dimensions.
shipments.packages .packagingType .packagingWeight.weightUnitOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- lb (pound)
- oz (ounce)
The unit in which weight values are provided
shipments.packages .packagingType .packagingWeight.weightOptionalNumber ($float)
Ex.: 50
The value of the weight
shipments.packages .totalWeight.weightUnitOptionalString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- lb (pound)
- oz (ounce)
The unit in which weight values are provided
shipments.packages .totalWeight.weightOptionalNumber ($float)
Ex.: 50
The value of the weight of this type of empty packaging
shipments.packages .totalDeclaredValue .declaredValueOptionalNumber ($float)The total monetary amount of the declared value for the package
shipments.packages .totalDeclaredValue .currencyCodeOptionalString
Ex.: usd
The currency code for the declared value
shipments.packages .deliveredDateTimeOptionalString ($date-time)
Ex.: 2019-10-31T10:50:11.123456Z
The ISO-8601 timestamp for when the package was delivered to the customer
Ex.: myCustomPartnerShipmentId123
An optional unique identifier that may be used for this shipment
tenantIdOptionalStringEither the Shipium tenantId or your organization's unique tenantId for the tenant that the shipment is for; if this is not supplied, the shipment will be associated with your organization, and only your network-wide fulfillment contexts will be considered.
true or false
If true, a test mode LTL shipment will be created. LTL costing and carrier selection will consider carriers and service methods in test mode, and label generation will generate a test label.
Ex.: usd
The ISO-4217 currency code in which monetary amounts for all currency units are represented in the response
units.linearUnitRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- in (inch)
- cm (centimeter)
The unit in which all linear dimensions are represented in the response
units.weightUnitRequiredString enumeration
Values are:

- g (gram)
- kg (kilogram)
- oz (ounce)
- lb (pound)
The unit in which all weights are represented in the response

Response attributes

The primary response attributes of the LTL Shipment Cost API are described in the following table. Elements included in the above request table that are also returned in the API response are not included here.

Response attributeDescription
shipiumLtlCostIdThe Shipium-generated unique ID of the LTL cost, for reference
partnerLtlCostIdAn optional unique identifier that may be used for this LTL cost
rawDesiredDeliveryDateThe timestamp passed in by your organization (or your fulfillment partner) for the intended date the package will arrive to the customer. The timestamp must be a valid ISO 8601 timestamp.
recommendedTransportationTypeWhether using LTL or package shipping will be less expensive, and able to meet the request parameters (ltlTransportation or packageTransportation)
recommendedTransportationTypeCostThe cost of using the recommended transportation type for this shipment
allTransportationTypeCosts .transportationTypeThe transportation type used for this cost estimate (ltlTransportation or packageTransportation)
allTransportationTypeCosts .transportationTypeCostThe cost of using this transportation type for the shipment; this will be zero if no carrier could be found for this shipment.
ltlCostDetails.loadPackagingHow the packages in the LTL shipment are packaged or should be packaged
ltlCostDetails.evaluatedCarriersInformation about the other carriers that were considered but were not selected because they either can't meet the desired delivery date, can't carry the shipment, can't pick up the shipment on the requested date, or cost more than the selected carrier. This attribute requires includeEvaluatedServiceMethodsInResponse to be true in the request.
ltlCostDetails.selectedCarrierInformation about the selected carrier
ltlCostDetails.totalCostThe least expensive quoted cost of the shipment, using LTL; this will be zero in the case that no carrier could be selected.
ltlShipmentParametersRequest parameters that informed LTL costing and carrier selection
packageCostDetails.totalCostHow much it would cost to ship all of the packages individually
packageCostDetails.packageDetailsInformation about each package's carrier selection
packageCostDetails.statusSummary of what happened during package carrier selection:

- success indicates that all packages had a carrier eligible to ship them.
- failure indicates that one or more packages had no carriers eligible to ship them.
- timeout indicates that one or more carrier selections could not be completed due to the amount of time required to process them.
packageShipmentParametersRequest parameters that informed package shipments and carrier selection; this information is only present if these parameters were in the cost request.
packedShipmentsThe already packed LTL shipments that should be included in this LTL shipment; items in this list are used for LTL costing and do not have their packaging modified, nor are eligible for package carrier selection. Items in this list do not have corresponding Shipium shipments.
shipmentsThe shipment IDs of all package shipments in this LTL shipment

Example cURL call

curl --request POST   
  --url <<api_url>>/api/v1/ltl/shipment/cost 
  --header 'accept: application/json' 
  --header $AUTHSTRING  
  --header 'content-type: application/json'  

Example request

  "businessDaysOfTransit": 3,
  "currencyCode": "usd",
  "desiredDeliveryDate": "2024-10-31T20:00:00Z",
  "desiredDeliveryDateOptions": {
    "exactDateDelivery": true,
    "guaranteedDateDelivery": true,
    "upgradeCostDeltaMax": 0,
    "currencyCode": "usd"
  "destinationAddress": {
    "name": "Rod Runner",
    "company": "ACME",
    "addressType": "commercial",
    "street1": "43 One Way Lane",
    "city": "Seattle",
    "state": "WA",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "14410",
    "phoneNumber": "206-123-4567",
    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1"
  "existingShipmentIds": [
  "includeEvaluatedServiceMethodsInResponse": true,
  "includeLineItemsInEvaluatedServiceMethods": true,
  "ltlShipmentParameters": {
    "billToContact": {
      "addressType": "commercial",
      "city": "Albuquerque",
      "company": "ACME",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
      "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
      "phoneNumber": "505-662-7272",
      "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1",
      "postalCode": "87121",
      "state": "NM",
      "street1": "123 Main St.",
      "street2": "Suite 42",
      "thirdPartyBillingSetId": "acme-3rd-party-billing-set"
    "carrierServiceMethodAllowList": [
    "collectOnDelivery": {
      "amount": 12.34,
      "currency": "usd"
    "fulfillmentContextIds": [
    "fulfillmentType": "customer",
    "packagingOptions": [
        "loadPackagingType": "overboxed",
        "loadPackagingSize": {
          "height": 84,
          "length": 48,
          "linearUnit": "in",
          "maximumWeight": 850.25,
          "packagingWeight": 10.125,
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "width": 40
    "paymentDetails": {
      "payerType": "consignee",
      "paymentTerms": "collect"
    "pickupDate": "2024-10-31",
    "pricingTypes": "contractPallet",
    "serviceLevels": "guaranteedMorning",
    "accessorialCodes": "INS" 
  "packedShipments": [
      "declaredValue": {
        "amount": 12.34,
        "currency": "usd"
      "loadPackagingType": "overboxed",
      "loadPackagingSize": {
        "height": 84,
        "length": 48,
        "linearUnit": "in",
        "weight": 850.25,
        "weightUnit": "lb",
        "width": 40
      "nmfcFreightClass": "50"
  "partnerLtlCostId": "myCustomPartnerLTLShipmentId123",
  "returnToAddress": {
    "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
    "phoneNumber": "505-662-7272",
    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1",
    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "company": "ACME",
    "street1": "123 Main St.",
    "street2": "Suite 42",
    "city": "Albuquerque",
    "state": "NM",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "87121",
    "addressType": "commercial"
  "shipFromAddress": {
    "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
    "phoneNumber": "505-662-7272",
    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1",
    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "company": "ACME",
    "street1": "123 Main St.",
    "street2": "Suite 42",
    "city": "Albuquerque",
    "state": "NM",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "87121",
    "addressType": "commercial"
  "shippedDateTime": "2024-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
  "shipments": [
      "carrierProcessingId": "86420443",
      "deliveryNote": "Leave at door",
      "partnerReferenceIdentifier": "acme-shipment-123",
      "purchaseOrderIdentifier": "PO-78654",
      "referenceIdentifier": "acme-3-albq",
      "shipmentTags": [
      "orderedDateTime": "2024-10-17T09:12:33.123456Z",
      "packages": [
          "packageReferenceIdentifier": "1of3",
          "partnerProvidedPackageId": "mid-aluminum-2",
          "orderItemQuantities": [
              "deliveryEstimateId": "0b3d140a-525b-43a7-896c-cdc381580d61",
              "productId": "RN03947--Z43121",
              "quantity": 3,
              "productDetails": [
              "orderItemReferenceIdentifier": "someIdentifier",
              "shipiumOrderId": "4dc43fff-c3af-4d7b-8a18-e01f2b4cb312",
              "partnerOrderId": "myCustomPartnerOrderId123",
              "hazmat": false,
              "productTaxCode": "txcd_99999999",
              "nmfcCode": "7318.15.20.10",
              "nmfcFreightClass": "50"
          "packagingType": {
            "packagingMaterial": "box",
            "packagingSizeName": "13x12x10 Box",
            "packagingTypeId": "ebd94f8b-d390-4c9c-987f-b88343f5bf45",
            "linearDimensions": {
              "linearUnit": "in",
              "length": 13,
              "width": 12,
              "height": 10
            "packagingWeight": {
              "weightUnit": "lb",
              "weight": 50
          "totalWeight": {
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "weight": 50
          "totalDeclaredValue": {
            "declaredValue": 0,
            "currencyCode": "usd"
          "deliveredDateTime": "2024-10-31T10:50:11.123456Z"
  "partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
  "tenantId": "acme-tenant34",
  "testMode": true,
  "units": {
    "currencyCode": "usd",
    "linearUnit": "in",
    "weightUnit": "lb"

Example response

  "shipiumLtlCostId": "fa2b839c-92e7-48bf-ba09-b0f5a0b0c475",
  "partnerLtlCostId": "myCustomPartnerLTLShipmentId123",
  "partnerTenantId": "acme-tenant34",
  "shipiumTenantId": "469696b8-731e-44bb-82d6-2c437d57f3ce",
  "shipFromAddress": {
    "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
    "phoneNumber": "505-662-7272",
    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1",
    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "company": "ACME",
    "street1": "123 Main St.",
    "street2": "Suite 42",
    "city": "Albuquerque",
    "state": "NM",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "87121",
    "addressType": "commercial"
  "shipFromTimeZoneId": "mst-gmt-7",
  "destinationAddress": {
    "name": "Rod Runner",
    "company": "ACME",
    "addressType": "commercial",
    "street1": "43 One Way Lane",
    "city": "Seattle",
    "state": "WA",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "14410",
    "phoneNumber": "206-123-4567",
    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1"
  "destinationTimeZoneId": "cst-gmt-6",
  "returnToAddress": {
    "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
    "phoneNumber": "505-662-7272",
    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1",
    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "company": "ACME",
    "street1": "123 Main St.",
    "street2": "Suite 42",
    "city": "Albuquerque",
    "state": "NM",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "87121",
    "addressType": "commercial"
  "rawDesiredDeliveryDate": "2024-10-31T10:50:11.123456Z",
  "recommendedTransportationType": "ltlTransportation",
  "recommendedTransportationTypeCost": 0,
  "testMode": true,
  "units": {
    "currencyCode": "usd",
    "linearUnit": "in",
    "weightUnit": "lb"
  "allTransportationTypeCosts": [
      "transportationType": "ltlTransportation",
      "transportationTypeCost": 0
  "ltlCostDetails": {
    "loadPackaging": [
        "details": {
          "declaredValue": {
            "amount": 12.34,
            "currency": "usd"
          "loadPackagingType": "overboxed",
          "loadPackagingSize": {
            "height": 84,
            "length": 48,
            "linearUnit": "in",
            "weight": 850.25,
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "width": 40
          "nmfcFreightClass": "50"
        "shipments": [
            "partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
            "shipiumShipmentId": "7bfef4f3-9e5e-4637-9213-5934f9f104e6",
            "packageReferenceIdentifier": "1of3"
    "evaluatedCarriers": [
        "billableWeight": {
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "weight": 50
        "billToThirdPartyId": "acme-3rd-party-billing-fedex",
        "carrier": "fedex",
        "carrierAccountId": "acme-fedex-1234",
        "carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-smartpost-service-method",
        "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-30T20:47:11.970Z",
        "lineItems": [
            "name": "base",
            "rate": 2.3,
            "carrierSurchargeId": "123451239874980",
            "lineItemType": "surcharge",
            "hiddenFromCarrierCompare": true,
            "hiddenFromInvoice": true,
            "hiddenFromOperational": true,
            "nmfcFreightClass": "50",
            "weight": {
              "weightUnit": "lb",
              "weight": 50
        "loadDeficitCost": {
          "amount": 0,
          "nmfcClass": "50",
          "weight": {
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "weight": 50
          "rate": 0
        "pickupDateTime": "2024-10-29T20:47:11.970Z",
        "pricingType": "all",
        "quoteId": "e635e871-103c-4a6d-9726-128a3ae51253",
        "quoteEffectiveDateTime": "2024-10-28T20:47:11.970Z",
        "quoteExpirationDateTime": "2024-10-31T20:47:11.970Z",
        "scacCode": "fxsp",
        "serviceLevel": "standard",
        "accessorialCodes": "INS",
        "totalCost": 0
    "selectedCarrier": {
      "billableWeight": {
        "weightUnit": "lb",
        "weight": 50
      "billToThirdPartyId": "acme-3rd-party-billing-ups",
      "carrier": "ups",
      "carrierAccountId": "ups-1234567",
      "carrierServiceMethodId": "ups-ground-service-method",
      "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-30T20:47:11.970Z",
      "lineItems": [
          "name": "base",
          "rate": 2.3,
          "carrierSurchargeId": "123451239874980",
          "lineItemType": "surcharge",
          "hiddenFromCarrierCompare": true,
          "hiddenFromInvoice": true,
          "hiddenFromOperational": true,
          "nmfcFreightClass": "50",
          "weight": {
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "weight": 50
      "loadDeficitCost": {
        "amount": 0,
        "nmfcClass": "50",
        "weight": {
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "weight": 50
        "rate": 0
      "pickupDateTime": "2024-10-29T20:47:11.970Z",
      "pricingType": "all",
      "quoteId": "20df5261-f0bc-492c-9f31-c580f360b8a7",
      "quoteEffectiveDateTime": "2024-10-28T20:47:11.970Z",
      "quoteExpirationDateTime": "2024-11-09T20:47:11.970Z",
      "scacCode": "UPSN-CG",
      "serviceLevel": "standard",
      "accessorialCodes": "INS",
      "totalCost": 0
    "totalCost": 0
  "ltlShipmentParameters": {
    "billToContact": {
      "addressType": "commercial",
      "city": "Albuquerque",
      "company": "ACME",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
      "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
      "phoneNumber": "505-662-7272",
      "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1",
      "postalCode": "87121",
      "state": "NM",
      "street1": "123 Main St.",
      "street2": "Suite 42",
      "thirdPartyBillingSetId": "acme-3rd-party-billing-set"
    "carrierServiceMethodAllowList": [
    "collectOnDelivery": {
      "amount": 12.34,
      "currency": "usd"
    "fulfillmentContextIds": [
    "fulfillmentType": "customer",
    "packagingOptions": [
        "loadPackagingType": "overboxed",
        "loadPackagingSize": {
          "height": 84,
          "length": 48,
          "linearUnit": "in",
          "maximumWeight": 850.25,
          "packagingWeight": 10.125,
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "width": 40
    "paymentDetails": {
      "payerType": "consignee",
      "paymentTerms": "collect"
    "pickupDate": "2024-10-31",
    "pricingTypes": "contractPallet",
    "serviceLevels": "guaranteedMorning"
  "packageCostDetails": {
    "totalCost": 0,
    "packageDetails": [
        "status": "success",
        "statusDetails": "success",
        "carrierSelectionId": "911b488c-c620-4663-a554-bf9628e7ff43",
        "shipiumShipmentId": "7bfef4f3-9e5e-4637-9213-5934f9f104e6",
        "partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
        "partnerId": "acme007",
        "carrierAccountId": "acme-ups-01",
        "serviceMethodUrn": "c645ea83-d161-4e28-b8cb-39bf1a620cd3:4e14aaa3-198b-4861-b658-faf51031c84c:83fe5227-a765-45b2-bc2a-cb919ddce922:1",
        "serviceMethodIdentifier": "1f19ca28-9798-42b2-9e8c-f9c3a72c9bab:ZmVkZXgtZXhwcmVzcy1zYXZlci1zZXJ2aWNlLW1ldGhvZDo6OGUzYmIxOGUtMTA3Ni00ODUxLWE4ZTYtZWViZTZmNWUwOTkwOjYyNWRiNjU4LWUwOTEtNGUxYi04ODhhLTMyMTI3MGM4ZTZhZjphOGVjYTRlYS1kMDcwLTRkZWMtOGZiMC0xNGNjMTQxMzJmNWQ6ZmVkZXg6NWExZWE3MjgtNGJhMi00Y2M2LTg5MmMtMWYxMjJmMzUwNzc1Ojo",
        "carrier": "ups",
        "carrierServiceMethodId": "ups-ground-service-method",
        "serviceMethodName": "ground",
        "costAdjustConfigId": "331de530-6a92-4238-9d3c-70083b19d94e",
        "totalCost": 0,
        "carrierCompareCost": 0,
        "carrierInvoiceCost": 0,
        "operationalCost": 2.7,
        "thirdPartyBilling": true,
        "carrierSelectionDateTime": "2024-10-27T20:47:11.970Z",
        "carrierZoneId": "ups-zone-7",
        "calculatedBillableWeight": {
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "weight": 50
        "laneMatch": {
          "laneId": "asdqwdq-qwd123ds-123asdwd-123asd",
          "partnerLaneId": "custom partner provided id"
        "evaluatedServiceMethods": [
            "carrier": "ups",
            "carrierServiceMethodId": "ups-ground-service-method",
            "serviceMethodName": "ground",
            "carrierAccountId": "acme-ups-01",
            "totalCost": 0,
            "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-30T20:47:11.970Z",
            "rateCurrency": "usd",
            "lineItems": [
                "name": "base",
                "rate": 2.3,
                "carrierSurchargeId": "123451239874980",
                "lineItemType": "surcharge",
                "hiddenFromCarrierCompare": true,
                "hiddenFromInvoice": true,
                "hiddenFromOperational": true
        "cancellationDateTime": "2024-10-31T10:50:11.123456Z",
        "effectiveShipDateTime": "2024-10-30T20:47:11.970Z"
    "status": "success"
  "packageShipmentParameters": {
    "carrierServiceMethodAllowList": [
    "deliveryWindow": {
            "startWindow": "08:00:11",
            "endWindow": "16:00:11",
            "timeZone": "America/New_York"
    "deliverySignatureOption": "resident_signature",
    "forceThirdPartyBilling": false,
    "fulfillmentContextIds": [
    "fulfillmentType": "customer",
    "ignoreCarrierMinimumDimensions": false,
    "ignoreUpgradeSpendLimits": false,
    "includeInjectionProfiles": false,
    "lastMileDeliveryOptions": {
      "deliveryInstruction": "LEAVE_AT_DOOR",
      "undeliverableInstruction": "LEAVE_AT_DOOR",
      "tip": {
        "type": "FIXED",
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "usd"
      "tipForLabelCreate": {
        "type": "FIXED",
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "usd"
      "deliverableActionForLabelCreate": "RETURN",
      "undeliverableActionForLabelCreate": "RETURN"
    "pickupWindow": {
            "startWindow": "08:00",
            "endWindow": "16:00",
            "timeZone": "America/New_York"
    "preferredCarrierDeliveryDateTime": "2024-10-31T20:00:00Z",
    "saturdayDelivery": false,
    "shipOption": "Standard",
    "thirdPartyBillingSetId": "acme-3rd-party-billing-set"
  "packedShipments": [
      "declaredValue": {
        "amount": 12.34,
        "currency": "usd"
      "loadPackagingType": "overboxed",
      "loadPackagingSize": {
        "height": 84,
        "length": 48,
        "linearUnit": "in",
        "weight": 850.25,
        "weightUnit": "lb",
        "width": 40
      "nmfcFreightClass": "50"
  "shipments": [
      "partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
      "shipiumShipmentId": "7bfef4f3-9e5e-4637-9213-5934f9f104e6"

Retrieve existing LTL shipment cost information



Required path element: ltlCostId

Example cURL call

curl --request POST   
  --url <<api_url>>/api/v1/ltl/shipment/cost/{ltlCostId} 
  --header 'accept: application/json' 
  --header $AUTHSTRING  
  --header 'content-type: application/json'  

Example response

  "shipiumLtlCostId": "fa2b839c-92e7-48bf-ba09-b0f5a0b0c475",
  "partnerLtlCostId": "myCustomPartnerLTLShipmentId123",
  "partnerTenantId": "acme-tenant34",
  "shipiumTenantId": "469696b8-731e-44bb-82d6-2c437d57f3ce",
  "shipFromAddress": {
    "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
    "phoneNumber": "505-662-7272",
    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1",
    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "company": "ACME",
    "street1": "123 Main St.",
    "street2": "Suite 42",
    "city": "Albuquerque",
    "state": "NM",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "87121",
    "addressType": "commercial"
  "shipFromTimeZoneId": "mst-gmt-7",
  "destinationAddress": {
    "name": "Rod Runner",
    "company": "ACME",
    "addressType": "commercial",
    "street1": "43 One Way Lane",
    "city": "Seattle",
    "state": "WA",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "14410",
    "phoneNumber": "206-123-4567",
    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1"
  "destinationTimeZoneId": "cst-gmt-6",
  "returnToAddress": {
    "name": "Wile E. Coyote",
    "phoneNumber": "505-662-7272",
    "phoneNumberCountryCode": "+1",
    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "company": "ACME",
    "street1": "123 Main St.",
    "street2": "Suite 42",
    "city": "Albuquerque",
    "state": "NM",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "87121",
    "addressType": "commercial"
  "rawDesiredDeliveryDate": "2024-10-31T10:50:11.123456Z",
  "recommendedTransportationType": "ltlTransportation",
  "recommendedTransportationTypeCost": 0,
  "testMode": true,
  "units": {
    "currencyCode": "usd",
    "linearUnit": "in",
    "weightUnit": "lb"
  "allTransportationTypeCosts": [
      "transportationType": "ltlTransportation",
      "transportationTypeCost": 0
  "ltlCostDetails": {
    "loadPackaging": [
        "details": {
          "declaredValue": {
            "amount": 12.34,
            "currency": "usd"
          "loadPackagingType": "overboxed",
          "loadPackagingSize": {
            "height": 84,
            "length": 48,
            "linearUnit": "in",
            "weight": 850.25,
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "width": 40
          "nmfcFreightClass": "50"
        "shipments": [
            "partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
            "shipiumShipmentId": "7bfef4f3-9e5e-4637-9213-5934f9f104e6",
            "packageReferenceIdentifier": "1of3"
    "evaluatedCarriers": [
        "billableWeight": {
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "weight": 50
        "billToThirdPartyId": "acme-3rd-party-billing-fedex",
        "carrier": "fedex",
        "carrierAccountId": "acme-fedex-1234",
        "carrierServiceMethodId": "fedex-smartpost-service-method",
        "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-30T20:47:11.970Z",
        "lineItems": [
            "name": "base",
            "rate": 2.3,
            "carrierSurchargeId": "123451239874980",
            "lineItemType": "surcharge",
            "hiddenFromCarrierCompare": true,
            "hiddenFromInvoice": true,
            "hiddenFromOperational": true,
            "nmfcFreightClass": "50",
            "weight": {
              "weightUnit": "lb",
              "weight": 50
        "loadDeficitCost": {
          "amount": 0,
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          "weight": {
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "weight": 50
          "rate": 0
        "pickupDateTime": "2024-10-29T20:47:11.970Z",
        "pricingType": "all",
        "quoteId": "e635e871-103c-4a6d-9726-128a3ae51253",
        "quoteEffectiveDateTime": "2024-10-28T20:47:11.970Z",
        "quoteExpirationDateTime": "2024-10-31T20:47:11.970Z",
        "scacCode": "fxsp",
        "serviceLevel": "standard",
        "accessorialCodes": "INS",
        "totalCost": 0
    "selectedCarrier": {
      "billableWeight": {
        "weightUnit": "lb",
        "weight": 50
      "billToThirdPartyId": "acme-3rd-party-billing-ups",
      "carrier": "ups",
      "carrierAccountId": "ups-1234567",
      "carrierServiceMethodId": "ups-ground-service-method",
      "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-30T20:47:11.970Z",
      "lineItems": [
          "name": "base",
          "rate": 2.3,
          "carrierSurchargeId": "123451239874980",
          "lineItemType": "surcharge",
          "hiddenFromCarrierCompare": true,
          "hiddenFromInvoice": true,
          "hiddenFromOperational": true,
          "nmfcFreightClass": "50",
          "weight": {
            "weightUnit": "lb",
            "weight": 50
      "loadDeficitCost": {
        "amount": 0,
        "nmfcClass": "50",
        "weight": {
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "weight": 50
        "rate": 0
      "pickupDateTime": "2024-10-29T20:47:11.970Z",
      "pricingType": "all",
      "quoteId": "20df5261-f0bc-492c-9f31-c580f360b8a7",
      "quoteEffectiveDateTime": "2024-10-28T20:47:11.970Z",
      "quoteExpirationDateTime": "2024-11-09T20:47:11.970Z",
      "scacCode": "UPSN-CG",
      "serviceLevel": "standard",
      "accessorialCodes": "INS",
      "totalCost": 0
    "totalCost": 0
  "ltlShipmentParameters": {
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  "shipments": [
      "partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
      "shipiumShipmentId": "7bfef4f3-9e5e-4637-9213-5934f9f104e6"


Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful: