Evaluated Service Methods
Review carriers and service methods that were evaluated but not selected for a shipment.
About evaluated service methods
Evaluated service methods provide additional information on the carriers and service methods that were evaluated but not selected as optimal for a shipment during carrier selection. Your organization can access this information in two ways:
- via a call to Shipium's API for Carrier Selection and Label Service; or
- via the Shipium Console.
Retrieve unselected carrier methods via API call
When calling the Shipium API for Carrier Selection and Label Service, you may opt to include carriers and methods that were evaluated but not selected during carrier selection in your API call response. For each carrier, the carrier name, service method, carrier account ID, total cost, and estimated delivery date will be returned.
The list of unselected carriers does not include carrier methods that were filtered out due to unavailability during the carrier selection process.
You'll need to include the field includeEvaluatedServiceMethodsInResponse
with a value of TRUE to return the list of unselected carriers in the call response.
Request example
This example shows the cURL request:
curl --request POST \
--url <<api_url>>/api/v1/shipment/carrierselection/label \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header $AUTHSTRING \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
This example shows the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON):
"currencyCode": "usd",
"generateLabel": true,
"includeEvaluatedServiceMethodsInResponse": true, <== EXAMPLE
"labelParameters": {
"currencyCode": "usd",
"labelFormats": [
"manifest": true,
"includeLabelImagesInResponse": true
"shipmentParameters": {
"partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
"shipiumShipmentId": "49cf130d-b297-4c12-aa7d-82ea80208fde",
"orderedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
"shippedDateTime": "2019-11-01T12:11:33Z",
"shipOption": "company-x-expedited-shipments",
"referenceIdentifier": "yourCustomIdentifier",
"testMode": true,
"shipmentTags": [
"destinationAddress": {
"addressType": "residential",
"name": "Wile E. Coyote",
"company": "ACME",
"street1": "123 Warehouse St.",
"street2": "Suite 42",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"state": "NM",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "87121"
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productDetails": [
"productId": "PRODUCTID001",
"quantity": 3
"packagingType": {
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"linearDimensions": {
"linearUnit": "in",
"length": 9,
"width": 6,
"height": 3
"packagingWeight": {
"weight": 6.58,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 6.58,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"shipFromAddress": {
"addressType": "commercial",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"company": "ACME",
"countryCode": "US",
"name": "L. Merfudd",
"postalCode": "87121",
"state": "NM",
"street1": "123 Main St.",
"street2": "Suite 42"
Response example
This example shows a JSON response. The evaluatedServiceMethods
block, located within the carrierSelection
block, contains the carriers and methods that were evaluated but not selected during the carrier selection process. Note that the third element of the array in the example demonstrates use of an injection site.
"carrierSelection": {
"carrier": "ups",
"carrierAccountId": "4be237e4-eeb2-4e8a-94ea-6db695313ca6",
"carrierSelectionDateTime": "2020-11-19T21:08:54.305Z",
"carrierSelectionId": "5b0514bc-3cae-4311-af44-a95e64003631",
"partnerId": "96ddb56a-18ba-4034-a14e-3fab072478f4",
"serviceMethodName": "ground",
"serviceMethodUrn": "c645ea83-d161-4e28-b8cb-39bf1a620cd3:4e14aaa3-198b-4861-b658-faf51031c84c:83fe5227-a765-45b2-bc2a-cb919ddce922:1",
"totalCost": 7.53,
"evaluatedServiceMethods": [
"carrier": "usps",
"serviceMethodName": "usps-ground-advantage",
"carrierAccountId": "5db5b0cd-b965-41e2-b7a9-dd275e9825be",
"totalCost": 8.01,
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-02T03:00:00Z"
"carrier": "ups",
"serviceMethodName": "ups-ground",
"carrierAccountId": "21032683-9ae9-46d0-830c-498b6c2b99b4",
"totalCost": 8.04,
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-02T03:00:00Z"
"carrier": "cdl",
"serviceMethodName": "cdl-standard",
"carrierAccountId": "494a7a1f-50ff-4c82-bbdd-7b29230ca84b",
"injectionDetails": {
"requestInjectionProfileId": "cdl-injection",
"partnerInjectionProfileId": "cdl-injection",
"shipiumInjectionProfileId": "5aj8748a-eb35-40c1-9b3c-a9eb52fd9jjf2",
"requestInjectionSiteId": "cdl-injection-pheonix",
"partnerInjectionSiteId": "cdl-injection-pheonix",
"shipiumInjectionSiteId": "9v38748a-eb35-40c1-9b3c-a9eb52fd9d12"
"totalCost": 8.12,
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-02T03:00:00Z"
"carrierName": "ups",
"carrierTrackingId": "1Z999AA10123456784",
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-02T03:00:00Z",
"destinationAddress": {
"addressType": "residential",
"name": "Wile E. Coyote",
"company": "ACME",
"street1": "123 Warehouse St.",
"street2": "Suite 42",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"state": "NM",
"postalCode": "87121",
"countryCode": "US"
"fulfillmentCenterId": "74065136-85c2-499b-b893-bd812ac0c00f",
"carrierLabel": {
"effectiveShipDateTime": "2022-11-28T03:00:00Z",
"testMode": true,
"carrier": "ups",
"carrierLabelCurrency": "usd",
"carrierLabelPrice": 7.53,
"billableWeight": {
"weight": 6.0,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"carrierSelectionId": "5b0514bc-3cae-4311-af44-a95e64003631",
"carrierServiceName": "ground",
"carrierTrackingId": "1Z999AA10123456784",
"carrierTrackingLink": "https://www.ups.com/track?tracknum=%2B1Z999AA10123456784",
"documents": [
"labelExpiration": "2020-11-19T21:08:54.305Z",
"labelFormat": "zpl",
"labelImage": {
"imageEncoding": "base64"
"labelUrl": "string"
"partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
"shipiumShipmentId": "49cf130d-b297-4c12-aa7d-82ea80208fde",
"shipiumLabelId": "5b37704e-130e-4893-82e7-600843475bbb",
"status": "success",
"statusDetails": "Label created successfully"
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productDetails": [
"productId": "PRODUCTID001",
"quantity": 3
"orderedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
"packagingType": {
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"linearDimensions": {
"linearUnit": "in",
"length": 9,
"width": 6,
"height": 3
"packagingWeight": {
"weight": 6.58,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
"shipFromAddress": {
"addressType": "commercial",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"company": "ACME",
"countryCode": "US",
"name": "L. Merfudd",
"postalCode": "87121",
"state": "NM",
"street1": "123 Main St.",
"street2": "Suite 42"
"shipOption": "Standard",
"referenceIdentifier": "yourCustomIdentifier",
"shipiumShipmentId": "0840c7a2-e6ab-4755-8aa2-9a986297ad6d",
"shipmentTags": [
"shippedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
"testMode": true,
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 6.58,
"weightUnit": "lb"
Request example with additional detail returned in response
You can optionally request additional details for cost line items to be returned in your call response by including includeLineItemsInEvaluatedServiceMethods
set to a value of "true" in your request. You also must include includeEvaluatedServiceMethodsInResponse
set to a value of "true".
"currencyCode": "usd",
"generateLabel": true,
"includeEvaluatedServiceMethodsInResponse": true,
"includeLineItemsInEvaluatedServiceMethods": true, <== EXAMPLE
"labelParameters": {
"currencyCode": "usd",
"labelFormats": [
"manifest": true,
"includeLabelImagesInResponse": true
"shipmentParameters": {
"partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
"shipiumShipmentId": "49cf130d-b297-4c12-aa7d-82ea80208fde",
"orderedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
"shippedDateTime": "2019-11-01T12:11:33Z",
"shipOption": "company-x-expedited-shipments",
"referenceIdentifier": "yourCustomIdentifier",
"testMode": true,
"shipmentTags": [
"destinationAddress": {
"addressType": "residential",
"name": "Wile E. Coyote",
"company": "ACME",
"street1": "123 Warehouse St.",
"street2": "Suite 42",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"state": "NM",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "87121"
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productDetails": [
"productId": "PRODUCTID001",
"quantity": 3
"packagingType": {
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"linearDimensions": {
"linearUnit": "in",
"length": 9,
"width": 6,
"height": 3
"packagingWeight": {
"weight": 6.58,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 6.58,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"shipFromAddress": {
"addressType": "commercial",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"company": "ACME",
"countryCode": "US",
"name": "L. Merfudd",
"postalCode": "87121",
"state": "NM",
"street1": "123 Main St.",
"street2": "Suite 42"
Response example with additional detail
Additional details are returned for cost line items, as shown in the following response example, when you include includeLineItemsInEvaluatedServiceMethods
set to a value of TRUE in your request, provided that includeEvaluatedServiceMethodsInResponse
is also included in the call request and set to TRUE.
"carrierSelection": {
"carrier": "ups",
"carrierAccountId": "4be237e4-eeb2-4e8a-94ea-6db695313ca6",
"carrierSelectionDateTime": "2020-11-19T21:08:54.305Z",
"carrierSelectionId": "5b0514bc-3cae-4311-af44-a95e64003631",
"partnerId": "96ddb56a-18ba-4034-a14e-3fab072478f4",
"serviceMethodName": "ground",
"serviceMethodUrn": "c645ea83-d161-4e28-b8cb-39bf1a620cd3:4e14aaa3-198b-4861-b658-faf51031c84c:83fe5227-a765-45b2-bc2a-cb919ddce922:1",
"totalCost": 7.53,
"evaluatedServiceMethods": [
"carrier": "usps",
"serviceMethodName": "usps-ground-advantage",
"carrierAccountId": "5db5b0cd-b965-41e2-b7a9-dd275e9825be",
"totalCost": 8.01,
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-02T03:00:00Z",
"rateCurrency": "usd",
"lineItems": [
"name": "base rate",
"rate": 1.0,
"carrierSurchargeId": "1234567890",
"surchargeType": "base",
"lineItemType": "base_rate"
"carrier": "ups",
"serviceMethodName": "ups-ground",
"carrierAccountId": "21032683-9ae9-46d0-830c-498b6c2b99b4",
"totalCost": 8.04,
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-02T03:00:00Z",
"rateCurrency": "usd",
"lineItems": [
"name": "base rate",
"rate": 1.0,
"carrierSurchargeId": "0987654321",
"surchargeType": "base",
"lineItemType": "base_rate"
"carrier": "cdl",
"serviceMethodName": "cdl-standard",
"carrierAccountId": "494a7a1f-50ff-4c82-bbdd-7b29230ca84b",
"injectionDetails": {
"requestInjectionProfileId": "cdl-injection",
"partnerInjectionProfileId": "cdl-injection",
"shipiumInjectionProfileId": "5aj8748a-eb35-40c1-9b3c-a9eb52fd9jjf2",
"requestInjectionSiteId": "cdl-injection-pheonix",
"partnerInjectionSiteId": "cdl-injection-pheonix",
"shipiumInjectionSiteId": "9v38748a-eb35-40c1-9b3c-a9eb52fd9d12"
"totalCost": 8.12,
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-02T03:00:00Z",
"rateCurrency": "usd",
"lineItems": [
"name": "fuel",
"rate": 1.2,
"carrierSurchargeId": null,
"surchargeType": "fuel_ground",
"lineItemType": "fuel_surcharge"
"carrierName": "ups",
"carrierTrackingId": "1Z999AA10123456784",
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-02T03:00:00Z",
"destinationAddress": {
"addressType": "residential",
"name": "Wile E. Coyote",
"company": "ACME",
"street1": "123 Warehouse St.",
"street2": "Suite 42",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"state": "NM",
"postalCode": "87121",
"countryCode": "US"
"fulfillmentCenterId": "74065136-85c2-499b-b893-bd812ac0c00f",
"carrierLabel": {
"effectiveShipDateTime": "2022-11-28T03:00:00Z",
"testMode": true,
"carrier": "ups",
"carrierLabelCurrency": "usd",
"carrierLabelPrice": 7.53,
"billableWeight": {
"weight": 6.0,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"carrierSelectionId": "5b0514bc-3cae-4311-af44-a95e64003631",
"carrierServiceName": "ground",
"carrierTrackingId": "1Z999AA10123456784",
"carrierTrackingLink": "https://www.ups.com/track?tracknum=%2B1Z999AA10123456784",
"documents": [
"labelExpiration": "2020-11-19T21:08:54.305Z",
"labelFormat": "zpl",
"labelImage": {
"imageEncoding": "base64"
"labelUrl": "string"
"partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
"shipiumShipmentId": "49cf130d-b297-4c12-aa7d-82ea80208fde",
"shipiumLabelId": "5b37704e-130e-4893-82e7-600843475bbb",
"status": "success",
"statusDetails": "Label created successfully"
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productDetails": [
"productId": "PRODUCTID001",
"quantity": 3
"orderedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
"packagingType": {
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"linearDimensions": {
"linearUnit": "in",
"length": 9,
"width": 6,
"height": 3
"packagingWeight": {
"weight": 6.58,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"partnerShipmentId": "myCustomPartnerShipmentId123",
"shipFromAddress": {
"addressType": "commercial",
"city": "Albuquerque",
"company": "ACME",
"countryCode": "US",
"name": "L. Merfudd",
"postalCode": "87121",
"state": "NM",
"street1": "123 Main St.",
"street2": "Suite 42"
"shipOption": "standard",
"referenceIdentifier": "yourCustomIdentifier",
"shipiumShipmentId": "0840c7a2-e6ab-4755-8aa2-9a986297ad6d",
"shipmentTags": [
"shippedDateTime": "2019-10-29T09:12:33.123456Z",
"testMode": true,
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 6.58,
"weightUnit": "lb"
Response attributes for evaluated service methods
Response attribute | Description |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods | An optional expansion of what carrier service methods were eligible but went unselected |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.carrier | The carrier that was used for delivering the package to your customer |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.serviceMethodName | Name of the carrier service method selected during the carrier selection process |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.carrierAccountId | Unique ID of the carrier account selected for shipping |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.totalCost | Cost used for carrier selection |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods .estimatedDeliveryDate | The estimated date that the shipment will arrive at its destination |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.injectionDetails | Injection profile and injection site details; see Injection for information about injection sites. |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.rateCurrency | The currency of the rate for the selected carrier and service method, which also applies to lineItems |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.lineItems.name | The name of the rate modification |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.lineItems.rate | The amount of the rate modification |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.lineItems .carrierSurchargeId | The identifier for the carrier surcharge |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.lineItems .surchargeType | The type of surcharge for this item; a null value will result for non-surcharges. |
carrierSelection.evaluatedServiceMethods.lineItems .lineItemType | The type of rate line item for this rate modification |
Retrieve unselected carrier methods via the Shipium Console
Within the Shipium Console, you can conduct a shipment search that returns the service methods that were evaluated but not selected as optimal for a shipment. Each non-selected service method includes the reason(s) it was not selected.
To access the shipment search details, you’ll first need to log in to the Shipium Console. Within the console, you’ll select Delivery Reporting → Shipment Search from the lefthand navigation menu.

Within Shipment Search, you can use the search bar for a simple search by shipment ID or other property, or you can select Advanced Search.

Fields that can narrow your simple search include the:
- date range of your shipment search;
- fulfillment center, which you will select from a dropdown menu (you may choose All or a particular fulfillment center);
- tenant, which you will select from a dropdown menu (you may choose All or a particular tenant); and
- label filter, which you will select from a dropdown menu (ONLY Shipments with Labels, ONLY Carrier Selections without Labels, or All Shipments).
Advanced search
You can use the advanced search parameters to narrow your search results.

For an advanced search, you can populate the following fields to filter your search results:
- Shipment ID. The Shipium shipment identifier
- Shipium Label ID. An identifier passed to Shipium representing your organization’s shipment identifier
- Carrier. The applicable carrier, which you'll select from a dropdown menu
- Shipment Tag. Any tag value you passed in the API request body
- Label Statuses. The label status of your shipment, which you'll select from a dropdown menu. Status values include Success, Success Generated, Success Created, Success Manifested, Success Failover, Success Voided, Failure, and Success Manifest Failure.
- Tracking Statuses. The tracking status of your shipment, which you'll select from a dropdown menu. Status values include Info Received, Picked Up, Arrived at Carrier Facility, Departed Carrier Facility, In Transit, Out for Delivery, Delivered, Hold, Exception, and Unknown.
- Hazmat. You'll select the hazmat value from a dropdown menu. If the shipment contained hazardous materials, this value is True; if it did not contain hazardous materials, this value is False.
- Destination Postal Code. The United States Postal Service postal code of the destination address
- Destination Country. The country of the destination address, which you'll select from a dropdown menu
- Custom Label Key. A string value serving as a key for a custom label value included in the API request body, with the custom label value represented by the key to be printed on the label
- Custom Label Value. A string representing a custom label value passed in the API request body on label creation
- Exclude Test Mode. You'll select the test mode value from a dropdown menu. If the shipment was generated in test mode, this value is True; if it was not generated in test mode, this value is False.
For additional guidance, you can select Supported Search Terms, which displays the search terms with explanations, as shown in the following screenshot.

Field definitions for simple and advanced search results
This section lists terms and descriptions associated with shipment search details within the Shipium platform. They are organized by the search detail categories that appear on the shipment search results screen:
Request details
Information provided in the Request Details section includes the address from which the package was shipped and the address to which the package was shipped. Shipment details are also returned for a shipment search, including the type of shipment, the package's dimensions and weights, the desired delivery date, the shipped date timestamp, and other special shipping properties.
By toggling the carat next to API Request Body, you also can view the JSON request body for the API call.

Term | Description |
Ship-From | The address from which the package was shipped. The address is part of origin configuration. |
Shipment Details | Details of the shipment, to follow: |
Type | The type of package. This value can be: - Box - Envelope - Flat Pack |
Dimensions | Physical dimensions of the package |
Billable Weight | The weight used on the rate table to select an estimated cost. The physical weight is configured by the carrier and is typically rounded up. Dimensional weight will be displayed if used for rate selection. |
Dim (Dimensional) Weight | Dim weight is the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight, as defined by the carrier. This value is typically Length (l) x Width (w) x Height (h) / dim weight divisor. |
Physical Weight | The physical weight of the package included in the API request body |
Delivery Signature Option | - If the option was not included in the API request body, the value is None. - If the option was included in the API request body, values for the type of signature include: - signature - resident signature - adult signature - adult resident signature |
Saturday Delivery | - If Saturday delivery was included in the API request body, the value is True. - If Saturday delivery was not included in the API request body, the value is False. |
Desired Delivery Date (DDD) | The DDD provided in the API request body. It is expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and in compliance with ISO 8601 standards. |
Shipped Date Timestamp | The date the shipment left the warehouse. The Shipped Date Timestamp is expressed in UTC and in compliance with ISO 8601 standards. |
Ship-To | The commercial or residential address of the package recipient |
API Request Body | The API request body in JSON format |
The Label section includes a print preview of the shipping label along with a unique label identifier, label status, shipping price, carrier and service method for the shipment, and label properties. Shipment details are also returned for a shipment search, including the type of shipment, the package's dimensions and weights, the desired delivery date, the shipped date timestamp, and other special shipping properties.

Term | Description |
Label ID | The Shipium unique label identifier |
Status | The status of the shipment label. This value can be: - Success - Failed - Void |
Status Detail | The status detail of the shipment label. This value can be: - Success Created - Success Failover - Success Test Mode - Failed - Void |
Price | The Shipium estimated cost for the shipment, based on the carrier |
Service Name | The carrier and service method for the shipment |
dpi/dpmm | The resolution of the label printing: - dpi = dots per inch - dpmm = dots per millimeter |
Width | The width of the label, in inches |
Height | The height of the label, in inches |
Orientation | The rotation applied to the label. The default value is 0 (zero). |
Label Expiration | The Shipium estimated date of label expiration |
Right-Side Menu | The menu options at right, to follow: |
Info | The information detailed above from the primary Label screen |
Label | A printing preview of the label |
Shipment order items
Information in the Shipment Order Items section includes a unique product identifier for the shipment, the order quantity, any product tags assigned by your organization, and an indicator for hazardous materials in the order. This section also includes other unique identifiers for the shipment order, such as Shipium Order ID.

Term | Description |
Delivery Estimate ID | A Shipium ID from the estimate provided by Delivery Promise. The default value is Not Applicable (N/A). |
Shipium Order ID | A Shipium ID of a group of delivery estimates purchased, provided by Delivery Promise. The default value is N/A. |
Partner Order ID | An order ID included in the API request body. The default value is N/A. |
Product ID | The product ID passed in the API request body |
Quantity | The number of items in the shipment |
Product Tags | Any tags passed in the API request body |
Hazmat (Hazardous Materials) | - If hazmat was indicated in the API request body, the value is True. - If hazmat was not indicated in the API request body, the value is False. |
Rate selection results
The Rate Selection Results section includes the carrier and service method selected for the shipment, the shipment effective date, shipment weights, a delivery zone identifier, a Shipium-modeled total calculated cost, and a breakdown of cost elements.

Term | Description |
Carrier Selected | The carrier selected to transport the package |
Method Selected | The service method selected to transport the package |
Shipment Effective Date | The first date that the request can be shipped. The date is determined by the value passed in the API request body, plus the configuration for your organization's account (e.g., weekends, holidays, carrier schedule). |
Billable Weight | The weight used on the rate table to select an estimated cost. The physical weight is configured by the carrier and is typically rounded up. Dimensional weight will be displayed if used for rate selection. |
Dim (Dimensional) Weight | Dim weight is the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight, as defined by the carrier. This value is typically Length (l) x Width (w) x Height (h) / dim weight divisor. |
Physical Weight | The physical weight of the package included in the API request body |
Zone ID | The Shipium delivery zone as defined by the carrier-identified zone |
Calculated Cost | The Shipium modeled total cost of the shipment estimated by your organization's account configuration and carrier contract |
Cost Elements | Breakdown of the calculated cost, to follow: |
Base Rate (Base) | The rate table (weight to zone) |
Surcharges | Any additional carrier costs associated with the shipment. Surcharges apply globally. |
Surcharge Modifiers | Any discounts applied to the surcharges, as established in your organization's carrier contract. You also may have custom surcharge modifiers configured. |
Service method
The Service Method section provides details about the carriers and service methods that were evaluated but not selected for a shipment. Information includes a Shipium-modeled cost of the shipment, the estimated delivery date, and the selection status for each carrier and service method. The selection status provides a reason why the carrier and service method were not selected.

Term | Description |
Service Method | The carrier service method |
Cost | The Shipium modeled cost of the shipment |
Estimated Delivery (DDD) | The Shipium predicted date for a delivery at product checkout, based on time-in-transit values. The clock icon at the top of the column enables you to change time zones. |
Selection Status | The status of the carrier service method evaluated for the requested shipment. The reason for each method that was not selected is provided. This value can be: - Selected - Label Created - Selected - Carrier Error - Failover - Label Created - Evaluated (met shipment criteria passed in the API request body but not the least expensive service method) - Filtered (did not meet shipment criteria passed in the API request body; reason provided) |
Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:
Updated 3 months ago