Ensure you have provided required credentials to ship with Global-e.
Global-e credential requirements
Prior to shipping with Global-e, you must configure credentials in the Shipium Console. You'll provide a globally unique identifier (GUID) for Global-e Merchant ID and a hub ID for Global-e Hub Code. The hub ID determines the type of label provided by Global-e. Providing a valid hub ID associated with ZPL label properties ensures that a properly formatted label will be returned. If you are uncertain about your hub ID configuration, you should reach out to your Global-e representative. Test Mode credentials are optional.

For single-parcel shipments, the following additional required fields should be nested in the shipmentParameters
property. For multi-parcel shipments, they should be included in multiParcelShipmentParameters
Reference Field | Required/Optional | Field Properties | Description |
carrierProcessingId | Required | String | You'll provide the order ID that was generated when the order was placed. |
referenceIdentifier | Required | String Ex.: 123454321 | String passed to carriers as a reference; a unique identifier you'll pass to identify the shipment; limited to 20 characters |
A snippet of the JSON request for the API call with the required fields is included. This example is for a single-parcel shipment. A multi-parcel shipment would be included in multiParcelShipmentParameters
"shipmentParameters": {
"carrierProcessingId": "string",
"referenceIdentifier": "123454321",
Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:
Updated 3 months ago