Ensure you have provided required credentials to ship with LaserShip.
LaserShip credential requirements
Prior to shipping with LaserShip, you must configure credentials in the Shipium Console. You'll provide a Web Service ID, Web Service Key, and Customer Branch for the Fulfillment Center (provided by LaserShip) as well as the critical pull time and injection time.

When shipping with LaserShip, you must include three required fields, listed in the following table, as part of the shipmentParameters
. In addition, you may optionally declare a value for the package being shipped by including the optional fields provided in the table below.
Reference field | Required/Optional | Field properties | Description |
customsInfo.totalCustomsValue | Required | String | The customs value of the shipment in total customs value currency |
customsInfo .totalCustomsValueCurrency | Required | String | The ISO-4217 currency code representing the total customs value |
customsInfo.customsDescription | Required | String | The detailed description of the items being shipped |
totalDeclaredValue .declaredValue | Optional | Number ($float) Ex.: 500 | The value to be passed through as the total monetary amount of the declared value for the package. This is what will be reimbursed if the package is damaged. If the declared value exceeds the carrier's free threshold, there may be a surcharge for passing a declared value. |
totalDeclaredValue .currencyCode | Optional | String Ex.: usd | The currency code for the declared value |
A snippet of the JSON request for the API call with the required and optional fields is included. This example is for a single-parcel shipment. A multi-parcel shipment would be included in multiParcelShipmentParameters
"shipmentParameters": {
"customsInfo": {
"totalCustomsValue": 54.95,
"totalCustomsValueCurrency": "usd",
"customsDescription": "9 mm steel screws"
"totalDeclaredValue": {
"declaredValue": 5000,
"currencyCode": "usd",
Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:
Updated about 1 month ago