Ensure you have provided required credentials to ship with Paquetexpress.
Paquetexpress credential requirements
Prior to shipping with Paquetexpress, you must configure credentials in the Shipium Console. You'll provide a username, type ID, bill client ID, and token. Test Mode credentials are required.
The following additional required field for any label request should be nested in the shipmentParameters.orderItemQuantities
property for each product shipping via Paquetexpress.
Reference field | Required/Optional | Field properties | Description |
productTaxCode | Required | String | The tax code that applies to the given product |
A sample JSON request for the API call with the required field is included.
"currencyCode": "usd",
"generateLabel": true,
"labelParameters": {
"currencyCode": "usd",
"customLabelEntries": {},
"includeLabelImagesInResponse": true,
"labelFormats": [
"manifest": false
"carrierServiceMethodAllowList": [
"shipmentParameters": {
"fulfillmentContext": "mx-test-tag",
"shippedDateTime": "2024-01-03T21:00:00-21:00",
"orderedDateTime": "2023-12-20T21:00:00-21:00",
"referenceIdentifier": "1234567890",
"purchaseOrderIdentifier": "1234567890",
"testMode": true,
"shipFromAddress": {
"name": "Jane Jetson",
"company": "THD",
"addressLineComponents": {
"district": "ALVARO OBREGON",
"streetName": "AV CENTENARIO",
"primaryAddressNumber": "929",
"secondaryAddressNumber": "CASA 13",
"neighborhood": "cOlonIa PUERTA GRANDE"
"city": "Alvaro Obregon",
"region": "DFS",
"postalCode": "01630",
"countryCode": "MX",
"phoneNumber": "123-456-7890",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"residential": true
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Test User",
"phoneNumber": "9999999999",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"street1": "4881 Col San Pedro Barrientos",
"city": "Tlalnepantla",
"state": "MEX",
"countryCode": "MX",
"postalCode": "54010",
"addressType": "residential"
"orderItemQuantities": [
"productDetails": [],
"productId": "12345678",
"productTaxCode": "miCodigoParaTaxes",
"quantity": 1,
"hazmatInfo": {}
"packagingType": {
"packagingMaterial": "box",
"packagingSizeName": "test-package",
"packagingWeight": {
"weight": 10,
"weightUnit": "kg"
"linearDimensions": {
"height": 30,
"length": 30,
"linearUnit": "cm",
"width": 30
"totalWeight": {
"weight": 10,
"weightUnit": "kg"
Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:
Updated about 1 month ago