Non-US Address Formats

Specify addresses for non-U.S. shipping.

About non-U.S. addresses

Certain countries require a level of detail beyond the U.S. and Canadian street1 / street2 pair for specifying addresses. In supporting these countries' requirements, there are additional fields that need to be passed in carrier selection calls in order to guarantee that Shipium gets your packages to your customer correctly, regardless of which carrier you use.

Per-country details

Below is a list of changes that should be made relative to our standard documentation for country-specific addresses.


For Mexican addresses, you'll provide information for the addressLineComponents object described in the table below. These changes apply to:

  • originAddress
  • destinationAddress

In place of street1 and street2 fields, Mexican addresses require additional details including primary and secondary address numbers (outside and inside numbers), township name, and settlement name.


Make sure not to pass street1 and street2

Replace these fields with the addressLineComponents element for Mexico addresses.

Example address

U. Hab. Fovissste Fuentes Brotantes Edificio D-1 Depto 302 Col. Miguel Hidalgo, Tlalpan

Mexico address details

Shipium address elementMexican address description
addressLineComponents.streetNameStreet name
Ex.: Fovisste Fuentes Brotantes
addressLineComponents.primaryAddressNumberPrimary address number (outside number)
Ex.: D-1
addressLineComponents.secondaryAddressNumberSecondary address number (inside number)
Ex.: 302
addressLineComponents.districtDistrict (township name)
addressLineComponents.neighborhoodNeighborhood (settlement name)
Ex.: Miguel Hidalgo

Mexico address sample

"destinationAddress": {
  "name": "Sr. Hernández",
  "company": "ACME",
  "addressType": "commercial",
  "addressLineComponents": {
      "streetName": "Fovisste Fuentes Brotantes",
      "primaryAddressNumber": "D-1",
      "secondaryAddressNumber": "302",
      "district": "Tlalpan",
      "neighborhood": "Miguel Hidalgo"
  "city": "Mexico City",
  "state": "CDMX",
  "countryCode": "MX",
  "postalCode": "14410"


Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful: