Ensure you have provided credentials to ship with Amazon.
Amazon - Ship With Amazon credential requirements
Prior to shipping with Amazon - Ship With Amazon, you must configure credentials in the Shipium Console. You'll provide an Amazon Business ID for production and test mode.

In addition to providing required credentials, you'll need to verify your account registration via Ship with Amazon. Your dedicated Implementation team member will assist you with account setup and verification. Once your Ship with Amazon account has been created in the Shipium platform, your Shipium contact will send you a URL link for account registration verification via your web browser. You'll see an authorization modal like the one below. You will need to check the box next to the "I understand" statement and select the Authorize button. Then you'll see a success message that your registration was verified.

When shipping with Amazon - Ship With Amazon, you must include two required fields, and possibly one other field depending on the value entered for one of the required fields. These fields are included within the shipmentParameters
of the API call.
Reference field | Required/Optional | Field properties | Description |
orderSourceName | Required | String | The source of the order that was placed; if the source is Amazon Marketplace, you'll enter amazon for this value. |
carrierProcessingId | Required if the value provided for orderSourceName is amazon | String | Carrier-provided identifier; this is the purchase order number from the order step via Amazon. |
orderItemQuantities .hazmatInfo .packingInstruction Code | Required for international shipments and shipments containing hazardous materials | String enumeration Values are: - PI965_SECTION_IA (Ion PI965 Section IA [LiBa])- PI965_SECTION_IB (Ion PI965 Section IB [LiBa])- PI965_SECTION_II ( [LiBa])- PI966_SECTION_I (Ion PI966 Section I [LiBa with equipment])- PI966_SECTION_II (Ion PI966 Section II [LiBa with equipment])- PI967_SECTION_I (Ion PI967 Section I [LiBa in equipment])- PI967_SECTION_II (Ion PI967 Section II [LiBa in equipment])- PI968_SECTION_IA (Metal PI968 Section IA [LiBa])- PI968_SECTION_IB (Metal PI968 Section IB [LiBa])- PI969_SECTION_I (Metal PI969 Section I [LiBa with equipment])- PI969_SECTION_II (Metal PI969 Section II [LiBa with equipment])- PI970_SECTION_I (Metal PI970 Section I [LiBa in equipment])- PI970_SECTION_II (Metal PI970 Section II [LiBa in equipment]) | The specific packing instruction of the item being shipped |
A snippet of the JSON request for the API call with the required fields is included. This example is for a single-parcel shipment. A multi-parcel shipment would be included in multiParcelShipmentParameters
"shipmentParameters": {
"orderSourceName": "amazon",
"carrierProcessingId": "PO1234"
Amazon - Vendor Direct Fulfillment credential requirements
Prior to shipping with Amazon - Vendor Direct Fulfillment, you must configure credentials in the Shipium Console. You'll provide a VDF Selling Party ID Token and a VDF Ship From ID Token for production and test mode. The VDF Selling Party ID Token credential is your Amazon-related Selling Party value, or the vendor code assigned to the vendor. You'll enter your Amazon Ship From Party value, or the warehouse code assigned to the warehouse, for the VDF Ship From ID Token credential.

In addition to providing required credentials, you'll need to verify your account registration via Vendor Direct Fulfillment. Your dedicated Implementation team member will assist you with account setup and verification. Once your Vendor Direct Fulfillment account has been created in the Shipium platform, your Shipium contact will send you a URL link for account registration verification via your web browser. You'll see an authorization modal like the one below. You will need to check the box next to the "I understand" statement and select the Authorize button. Then you'll see a success message that your registration was verified.

When shipping with Amazon - Vendor Direct Fulfillment, you must include two required fields, listed in the following table, as part of the shipmentParameters
Reference field | Required/Optional | Field properties | Description |
carrierProcessingId | Required | String | Carrier-provided identifier; this is the purchase order number from the order step via Amazon. |
orderItemQuantities .orderItemReferenceIdentifier | Required | String | A carrier-provided identifier that references the order item; this is the item sequence number returned from Amazon during the order placement step. |
A snippet of the JSON request for the API call with the required fields is included. This example is for a single-parcel shipment. A multi-parcel shipment would be included in multiParcelShipmentParameters
"shipmentParameters": {
"carrierProcessingId": "PO1234",
"orderItemQuantities": [
"orderItemReferenceIdentifier": "2"
Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:
Updated about 1 month ago