Customs Info for Shipments
Provide customs details about your package in your API calls.
About customs and shipments
In international shipping, customs commonly refers to any applicable duties, fees, or taxes charged on items being shipped from one country to another. When shipping internationally, your organization may be required to provide additional customs details about your package.
This document includes example API calls for customs-specific shipping scenarios, including when international document printing is required, when electronic export information (EEI) is not required, when EEI is required, and when you want to pass all customs details for a shipment.
Finally, common definitions associated with customs and international shipping are included.
Example API calls and responses for international shipping customs
Minimum fields required for international, no EEI required for shipment
This is a sample cURL call to the API including the minimum required information for international shipping when an EEI is not required.
"labelParameters": {...},
"shipmentParameters": {
"shipOption": "InternationalTwoToFiveDay",
"customsInfo": {
"totalCustomsValue": 54.95,
"totalCustomsValueCurrency": "usd",
"customsDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"reasonForExport": "sale",
"invoiceDate": "2022-06-13",
"customsItems": [
"customsValue": 18.31,
"customsValueCurrency": "usd",
"commodityDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"countryOfManufacture": "US",
"customsWeight": {
"weight": 4,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"quantity": 3,
"quantityUnitOfMeasurement": "box",
"harmonizedTariffNumber": "9876543210"
Minimum fields for a shipment that requires an EEI, and EEI is filed through AES Direct
This is a sample cURL call to the API including the minimum required information for international shipping when an EEI is required and it is filed through the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) AESDirect.
"labelParameters": {...},
"shipmentParameters": {
"shipOption": "InternationalTwoToFiveDay",
"customsInfo": {
"totalCustomsValue": 54.95,
"totalCustomsValueCurrency": "usd",
"customsDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"reasonForExport": "sale",
"invoiceDate": "2022-06-13",
"aesInternalTransactionNumber": "X20220613366903",
"customsItems": [
"customsValue": 18.31,
"customsValueCurrency": "usd",
"commodityDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"countryOfManufacture": "US",
"customsWeight": {
"weight": 4,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"quantity": 3,
"quantityUnitOfMeasurement": "box",
"harmonizedTariffNumber": "9876543210"
Sample API call with customs information included
This is a sample cURL call to the API including customs information.
"labelParameters": {...},
"shipmentParameters": {
"shipOption": "InternationalTwoToFiveDay",
"customsInfo": {
"totalCustomsValue": 54.95,
"totalCustomsValueCurrency": "usd",
"customsDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"reasonForExport": "sale",
"invoiceDate": "2022-06-13",
"invoiceNumber": "123-abc-456",
"ultimateConsigneeAddress": {
"name": "Wile E. Coyote",
"phoneNumber": "1112223333",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"street1": "123 Test",
"city": "St. John's",
"state": "NL",
"countryCode": "CA",
"postalCode": "A1A 2H4",
"addressType": "residential"
"ultimateConsigneeType": "direct_consumer",
"aesInternalTransactionNumber": "X20220613366903",
"electronicExportInformation": { // Note: not needed if an aesInternalTransactionNumber is provided
"exportDate": "2022-06-15",
"pointOfOrigin": "CO"
"incoterm": "ddp",
"customsItems": [
"customsValue": 18.31,
"customsValueCurrency": "usd",
"commodityDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"countryOfManufacture": "US",
"customsWeight": {
"weight": 4,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"quantity": 3,
"quantityUnitOfMeasurement": "box",
"harmonizedTariffNumber": "9876543210",
"productId": "ABC123",
"commodityPartNumber": "12345",
"marksAndNumbers": "1 of 1",
"electronicExportCommodityInformation": { // Note: not needed if the carrier is not filing an EEI
"exportType": "domestic",
"exportInformationCode": "LC",
"scheduleBInformation": {
"scheduleBNumber": "6404195500",
"scheduleBQuantity": 3,
"scheduleBUnitOfMeasurement": "pack"
"eccnNumber": "EAR99",
"exportLicenseInformation": {
"licenseType": "C33",
"licenseExemptionCode": "NLR",
"exportLicense": { // Note: not needed if you have provided a licenseExemptionCode
"licenseNumber": "123ABC",
"licenseLineValue": 1000,
"licenseExpiration": "2025-06-13"
Sample response with customs information included in the API call
This is a sample JSON response from the API when customs information was included in the API call.
"carrierSelection": {
"carrierLabel": {
"documents": [
"labelExpiration": "2023-11-19T21:08:54.305Z",
"labelFormat": "zpl",
"labelImage": {
"imageEncoding": "base64"
"labelUrl": "string"
"internationalDocuments": [
"documentType": "commercial_invoice", // "commercial_invoice", "electronic_export_information", "ps_2976", "air_waybill" or "multiple"
"documentExpiration": "2023-11-19T21:08:54.305Z",
"documentFormat": "pdf",
"documentImage": {
"documentEncoding": "base64",
"electronicallySubmitted": false
Minimum fields required for U.S. territory, APO, FPO, DPO
Shipium’s guidance is that as much of the following information be provided as possible for a shipment to a U.S. territory or a military region to ensure that the shipment is not returned. While some fields are marked as not required for one carrier and required for another carrier, it is not known which carrier will be chosen during carrier selection. Therefore, it is best to supply enough information for all carriers.
"labelParameters": {...},
"shipmentParameters": {
"customsInfo": {
"totalCustomsValue": 54.95,
"totalCustomsValueCurrency": "usd",
"reasonForExport": "sale", // not strictly required for USPS
"invoiceDate": "2022-06-13", // required for UPS
"customsItems": [
"customsValue": 18.31,
"customsValueCurrency": "usd",
"commodityDescription": "9 mm steel screws",
"countryOfManufacture": "US", // not strictly required for USPS
"customsWeight": {
"weight": 4,
"weightUnit": "lb"
"quantity": 3,
"quantityUnitOfMeasurement": "box" // required for UPS
This section includes Shipium definitions common to customs and international shipping.
Ship option
Field | Type | Required? | Description |
shipOption | For international shipments, the ship option should be one of the following values:International24Hour InternationalOneToThreeDayEarly InternationalOneToThreeDay InternationalTwoToFiveDay InternationalTwoToTenDay InternationalOneToTwoWeek InternationalOneToFourWeek | Yes | The kind of international shipment performance |
Customs info
Field | Type | Required | Description |
ultimateConsigneeType | String Values: direct_consumer government_entity reseller | No | The type of the ultimate consignee, the person or company receiving the shipment; if no value is sent, it will default to direct_consumer . |
ultimateConsigneeAddress | String | No | The address of the person or company who receives the goods for end use; if no value is sent, we will use the destinationAddress .Note: A phone number is required. |
totalCustomsValueCurrency | String Ex.: usd | Yes | The currency to use for the package value in the totalCustomsValue field; this must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code. |
totalCustomsValue | Float | Yes | The total customs value of the package in total customs value currency units |
reasonForExport | Values:sale gift sample returns personal_effects | Yes | The reason to export an international shipment |
invoiceNumber | String | No | The Commercial Invoice number, if the Commercial Invoice was generated by your organization |
invoiceDate | LocalDate | Yes | Date when the invoice was created; ideally, this is the same as the ship date. |
electronicExportInformation | ElectronicExportInformation (see below) | No | Information for the Electronic Export Information (EEI) customs form, only used when the EEI will be filed directly by the carrier (i.e., not filed by your organization using AESDirect or otherwise) |
customsItems | Array of customsItem objects | Yes | Contains customs information for each item in the shipment |
customsDescription | String Ex.: 9 mm steel screws | Yes | The detailed description of the items being shipped |
aesInternalTransactionNumber | String | No | The number received if the Electronic Export Information (EEI) was filed and has been accepted in the Automated Export System (AES) |
incoterm | String enumeration Values: - ddp (delivery duty paid; the seller delivers the shipment in the foreign country to the named place and assumes all costs, risk, and responsibilities of the shipping process)- ddu (delivery duty unpaid; the seller delivers the shipment in the foreign country to the named place, and the buyer is responsible for import duties, taxes, and customs clearance)- dap (delivered at place; the seller arranges and pays for delivery of goods, and the buyer handles import clearance and unloading and in-country transport)- dpu (delivered at place unloaded; the seller arranges and pays for delivery of goods and is responsible for unloading goods at the destination point)- fca (free carrier; the seller delivers the goods to a named place and is responsible for export clearance, and the buyer is then responsible for the shipment) | Yes | The incoterm, or international commerce term, defines the delivery duty responsibility for buyers and sellers for any mode of transport; the default value is ddp . |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | Yes | The name associated with the address |
phoneNumber | String | Yes | Phone number of the contact |
emailAddress | String | No | Email address of the contact |
company | String | No | The company name for the address |
street1 | String | No | The first address line |
street2 | String | No | The second address line |
city | String | No | The name of the city for the address |
state | String | No | The name of the state for the address |
countryCode | String | Yes | The ISO-3166-1 country code for the address |
postalCode | String | No | A country-appropriate postal code for the address |
addressType | String Allowable values: commercial residential | No | The type of location for this address |
Electronic export information
Field | Type | Required | Description |
exportDate | Date-time | Yes | The date the goods will be leaving the country in ISO-8601 format |
pointOfOrigin | String | Yes | The 2-character state abbreviation from which the goods were shipped |
Customs item data
Field | Type | Required | Description |
customsValue | Float | Yes | The value of each individual item to report to customs in customs value currency |
customsValueCurrency | String | Yes | The ISO-4217 currency code representing the totalCustomsValue . |
commodityDescription | String | Yes | A description of this product to be provided to customs |
countryOfManufacture | String | Yes | The ISO-3166-1 country code for the address |
customsWeight | Weight (see below) | Yes | The weight of an individual item of this product to report to customs |
quantity | Integer | Yes | The number of units of this customs item |
quantityUnitOfMeasurement | String Values: bag barrel box case_of_goods container crate cylinder envelope pallet piece roll tube | Yes | The unit of measurement of the item |
harmonizedTariffNumber | String | Yes | The 6- to 15-digit Harmonized System Tariff classification code |
productId | String | No | A product ID for the customs item |
commodityPartNumber | String | No | The part number or reference number for the product |
marksAndNumbers | String | No | Any special marks, codes, and numbers that may identify the package |
electronicExportCommodity Information | ElectronicExportCommodityInformation (see below) | No | Customs item information that is particular to the Electronic Export Information (EEI), only used when the EEI will be filed directly by the carrier (i.e., not filed by the partner using AES Direct or otherwise) |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
weight | Float | Yes | The weight of the item to report to customs in units of weight unit |
weightUnit | String Values: g kg lb oz | Yes | The weight unit |
Electronic export commodity information
Field | Type | Required | Description |
exportType | String Values: domestic foreign | Yes | The type of the export |
exportInformationCode | String | Yes | The 2-character export information code for the commodity |
scheduleBInformation | ScheduleBInformation (see below) | Yes | The Schedule B information for the commodity |
eccnNumber | String | Yes | The 5-digit product Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) number as issued by the Bureau of Industry and Security; the format is #A### . |
exportLicenseInformation | ExportLicenseInformation (see below) | Yes | The license information for the export |
Schedule B information
Field | Type | Required | Description |
scheduleBNumber | String | Yes | The 10-digit Schedule B classification code for the item being exported |
scheduleBQuantity | Integer | Yes | The count of how many Schedule B units are in the shipment |
scheduleBUnitOfMeasurement | String Values: barrels carat content_kilogram square_centimeter content_ton curie clean_yield_kilogram dozen dozen_pieces dozen_pairs fiber_meter gross_container gram gross hundred kilogram cubic_kilometer kilogram_total_sugars liter meter square_meter cubic_meter millicurie number pieces proof_liter pack pairs running_bales square ton thousand no_quantity_required | Yes | The unit of measure for the Schedule B quantity |
Export license information
Field | Type | Required | Description |
licenseType | String | Yes | The standard license type code as published by the U.S. government |
licenseExemptionCode | String | No | The license exemption code, if the license type does not require a license number |
exportLicense | ExportLicense (see below) | No | The export license, if the license type requires a valid license |
Export license
Field | Type | Required | Description |
licenseNumber | String | Yes | The license number |
licenseLineValue | Integer | Yes | The export monetary amount allowed per license |
licenseExpiration | Date-time | Yes | The license expiration date in ISO-8601 format |
Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful:
Updated 14 days ago