Track Non-Shipium Shipments

Register your organization's shipments not in the Shipium platform so you can easily track them.

About shipment tracking with Shipium

If you would like to track shipments not generated via Shipium's Carrier and Method Selection, you can register single shipments or you can register multiple shipments in bulk.

You'll use the Shipment Tracking Registration API to register tracking events for non-Shipium initiated shipments, whether for single or bulk events. To track your events, please refer to Track and Trace and the Shipment Tracking API.


Re-registering Shipium shipments

Trackings created by Shipium are automatically registered. Attempting to register one again within 60 days of shipment generation will return a Shipium Tracking ID (shipiumTrackingId) you can use to search for it. Shipments older than 60 days will be considered new trackings.

Register non-Shipium shipments

Use cases and sample calls are outlined in the Shipment Tracking Registration API documentation:


Your Shipium team member is available to help along the way. However, you might find these resources helpful: